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Everything posted by Motorin'

  1. He had over 500 total yards and got his team in scoring position 8 times. Harbough was arrogant and greedy. It should have been much closer.
  2. I think they can, but I think Mahomes and Kelce is the new Brady / Gronk. So hard to stop.
  3. The only way they win is if they pull out Parcells' Super Bowl XXV game plan and keep the Chiefs off the field. But I still don't see them shutting down Mahomes and Kelce.
  4. Idk, they aren't going to be able to score as many points as KC.
  5. The fumble on the kick off recovered at the 10.
  6. You have to expect KC is going to get their points. Here comes the momentum.
  7. This game is Watson's to lose at this point. The only way KC completed a comeback is if Watson folds.
  8. I think getting knocked out of fg range as many times as they did all season may have been even worse.
  9. Wow, between KC today and Minnesota yesterday, there's something to be said for having sure handed punt catchers. Roberts was never a libaility.
  10. This drive could be a dagger if it ends in a TD.
  11. Yeah, that's one team where you're not necessarily at an advantage if their QB throws it 50 times.
  12. I don't think there's anyway that Mahomes doesn't bring them back and make this a much closer game than the Ravens.
  13. This is going to be one hell of a game.
  14. Oh man, that was a nice fake wr screen.
  15. I think Michael Pittman Jr. Would be a good pick at 22. 6' 4", 220 lbs. Good hands, fast, tough in the red zone.
  16. Wrong team playing the Chiefs, damn it!
  17. He threw for 365 yards and ran for 143 yards, a combined 508 yards. The Ravens were in scoring position on 8 drives and only walked away with 13 points. That's on Harbaugh.
  18. This is exactly right, DE's are the size of LB's now, and LB's are the size that used to be considered "tweeners." Defenses are setup to optimize speed to defend against passing attacks. There's no wonder why Baltimore had the most rushing yards ever in NFL history, and why San Fran's power running game is so successful. Here's to the Bills getting another solid RB and reducing Josh's # of passes per game next year.
  19. I think there is a chance the Bills take a step backwards next season due to strength of schedule. Eli Manning had a big jump his 2nd year, stayed flat his 3rd year, and a huge regression in his 4th year, and then won the Super Bowl in his 5th year. The Bills are in it for the long haul. Everyone wants to see Josh improve next year. But it's 5th and 6th year Josh that the league has to worry about.
  20. The Ravens got out coached plain and simple.
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