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Everything posted by Motorin'

  1. EJ had 6 wins and 20 TD's in 5 years. Josh surpassed EJ's entire career's stats this season. By eye test do you mean make up whatever similarity in your own head that you want to make without any justification whatsoever?
  2. That was a call straight out of Army's 1949 playbook.
  3. They should have run the option to the right. Would have scored a TD.
  4. It seems like Tennessee hasn't had the ball for an hour.
  5. It turns out a forward lateral can never be recovered once it hits the ground. Though the NFL rule book never uses the word lateral. Forward laterals are called illegal forward passes, and like legal forward passes, are incomplete once the passed ball hits the ground.
  6. The Bills didn't intercept it. An illegal forward pass is always a dead ball when it hits the ground. No incomplete pass, legal or illegal, can be recovered. It's a dead ball as soon as it hits the ground.
  7. You really think Smith on Mercelous is ever a good idea? A TE on the best edge rusher when your LT has know one to block is exactly what happened with the Juddon strip sack against the Ravens. Football isn't coding. Situational awareness should rule.
  8. I guess i dont understand a blocking scheme where your TE is responsible for OLB blitzing and your RB setup to the right of the QB is responsible for the Left most edge rusher.
  9. Recognizing when he absolutely can not take a sack has to be a top priority of his this off season.
  10. Yes, I think worse than settling for field goals this year was getting knocked out of fg range on big sacks for loss. We easily lost 3 pts per game, and the difference between 17 and 20 is huge with this defense.
  11. If the Browns do hire McDaniels, how does that effect Brady's decision to look for a new team?
  12. Well, it wasn't a fumble. He intentionally threw the ball forward, which is by rule an illegal forward pass. There's never a play in the NFL where someone can recover a forward pass that hits the ground. By the letter of the rules, it should have been a safety.
  13. Zay was supposed to be the physical #1 wr that can be the go to guy. Can't fault the Bills for Zay's mental breakdowns. He didn't do much to support the Raiders, so not much evidence that he would have contributed more here... Wish they would have taken JuJu.
  14. So his job is to block the air and not even look at the LB that could have tapped him on the ass as he rushes past?
  15. Oh man, maybe Jimbo needs to teach Josh the virtues of the draw play? I can't remember one draw to Singletary this season? I think Dawkins is the worst offender. He doesn't even see the OLB rushing past him. That's his man. Because he whiffs, Lee Smith is caught between two blocks, and is late getting to the CB rushing around the end. Singletary is put in the same bind. If Dawkins blocks his man, Singletary can double the CB, which is where he was heading before needing to try and block the LB. Ford gets beat around the outside, but that's only bad because Josh runs backwards. If the two blocks are sustained on the left side, Josh can move left. Singletary probably chips the CB and moves into the flat for a big gain.
  16. There's no world where the refs don't blow the play dead if he actually completes that pass. But even more important to the reason why the rule is put in place, it's to protect a QB from injury. Two men have him wrapped up and pushed back 8 feet. A third player launches himself at him and knocks him back another 4 feet. Allen is falling and vertical to the ground with 3 men wrapping him up before he even gets a pass off, after being driven backwards 4 yards by three men. The point of in the grasp is for the refs to blow the whistle to protect a QB from being injured after he's clearly wrapped up and his forward progress is stopped.
  17. 16 feet. That's how far he was driven back while in the grasp of 3 defenders. And sure, he needs to make better decisions, which might be easier if his LT actually attempted to block the edge rusher on all plays.
  18. In the bizarro world that was that game, that's actually true.
  19. They both looked like that 4th down play in NE when 3 rushers came screaming in free and clear. How does that happen? So if he completes the pass to Singletary and not Feleciano, it's a completion?
  20. Yeah, taking a "lateral move" makes more sense now.
  21. This actually seems like an upgrade. Now what about Carolina's OC, Norv Turner?
  22. That's my take exactly. It was Lee Smith though, not Knox getting beat around the edge. All 5 lineman try to block Watt at on point or another on the play, allowing 3 rushers a free lane to the QB.
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