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Everything posted by RiotAct

  1. this is a LOT worse. Conference opponent, national TV, bunch of idiots who were barely even able to practice for us
  2. “That’s really close” ..... as he’s two yards past the LoS.... hahaha
  3. A mere bit of turbulence in our quest for the crown tonight. Still a 1.5 game lead.
  4. I agree with you... takes a FG completely off the table on the next drive now
  5. for some reason I didn’t think it was 1st and 10 at the end of the 3rd quarter. That’s weird
  6. he’d probably bolster our LB corps until Milano gets back
  7. not only did we get CBS’ 5th-string announcing team, we also got their 5th-string production team.
  8. been doing a great job against Henry so far. It’s Tannehill and these scrub receivers that are giving us fits
  9. i love how Wegmans advertises 20 wings for $20 like it’s a good deal.
  10. do our DBs not know that the QB is not allowed to throw the ball once he’s past the LoS? Why were they not trying to stop Tannehill he crossed the 10?
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