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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. Right, but the Lions have been effective at keeping running qbs at bay all season. Even if that was the way to beat Allen ( which it wasn’t) I doubt the Patriots D would even be able to pull it off.
  2. Even if that blueprint is the exact way to beat Allen. Good luck keeping him in the pocket.
  3. So you misread my post and I should be ignored? Oh wow... my condolences to people that know you in real life. Put down the beer, you’ve clearly had enough.
  4. You need to read what I said, I said the exact opposite. You drunk, bro? Even after your edit, it makes no sense. Aren’t you like in your 50’s? Act your age, also, learn to read.
  5. Are you talking about the Dolphins? You think the Dolphins have crushed the Bills the past decade? Do you watch games?
  6. Nah... I grew up with the fierce rage of the Kelly vs. Marino rivalry. Their players and fans would bash our city, or fans would in turn bash their fans in our house AND theirs! And our team would more often than not bash theirs. See: Brian Cox, that piece of %^€+*€€**>€£££*^><~~|}^**¥£+¥£*!!! Fu%*!~\{#<!£+•%}~€*+£!!!! There was true rage and vitriol back then. Now the Pats just look at us like little brothers. Nothing of substance there. Jets? Meh...
  7. What?! No! Ill never understand people that think we’re rivals with the Pats. We have NEVER had a rivalry with the Patriots. When we were good, they were a joke, the entire time they’ve been good we’ve been a joke. Thinking we’re rivals with them is funny to Pats fans. We mean nothing to them but two easy wins a year. The Dolphins on the other hand have always been a fierce rival. I will NEVER root for them, EVER!
  8. Dumb. Who would wear that shirt or hat or whatever? Sounds like a slogan for a religious cult or something.
  9. I’m glad this thread was made. I was worried the OP didn’t think defense mattered anymore. I wish I still thought defense mattered in football. Recently someone asked me and I was all like “nope!”
  10. I’m interested. Wouldn’t say I’m nervous, or overly excited. Almost December and three wins will do that to you.
  11. I love how guys always pick on their girlfriends and wives about watching lifetime movies and reality garbage/drama tv but then turn around and make their sports into that exact thing. Nothing to see here boys, move along...
  12. Let’s not forget the oline is actually putting together a really nice game. That makes a lot of positions look a lot better.
  13. True, but then you get one guy calling and saying he won’t get there til halftime. Another one saying he has to leave at halftime to pick something up for the wife, two of the guys aren’t eating because they have a big family dinner afterward. Not to mention they all fly out of the door the moment the game reaches zeroes. Its never the same as dedicating a full day to stadium.
  14. You’re in your 50’s and you’re asking a message board if it’s ok that you decline going to a live game because you don’t enjoy the experience like you once did? Sounds like you’re being peer pressured. Put on your man pants and tell your friend no. It’s ok. I still kinda like going, but I’ve declined invites multiple times. I imagine when I’m in my 50’s and the teams not doing so hot I’ll have even less a problem declining. Tradition with your buds tho, come on man. How many of those do you still have? Sure you want to toss it? Guy hangs are like pto, you don’t use ‘em you lose ‘em!
  15. Yeah, because the coordinator refuses to let the offense do anything until we are behind. Now we’ve got them right where we want them!
  16. I can’t watch so this thread is all I’ve got to go on. Based on the posts it doesn’t seem like I’m missing much so keep the commentary going!
  17. Who ever said that? Do you make everything you say up on the spot?
  18. I mean, you are on the Buffalo Bills message board. Expecting to see anything else than a spattering of homerism is like the “expert” fans being mad the team isn’t very good when literally everyone should have known we’d take a bit of a step back this season.
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