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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. Drafting Rosen is the equivalent of going to a restaurant, ordering a garbage plate and literally having the server drop garbage on your table.
  2. Haha... I bet these conversations really bother you. It’s ok, you backed the wrong guy. I did it too. Its ok to admit you’re no qb evaluator. Not many people are. At at least it’s not your job. Not sure why you take it personally but we all have our things. I bet you’re fun when people aren’t talking about how wrong you are.
  3. I was a big Rosen guy. I know it’s way too early to tell and they both need a lot of help but at this point I’m actually feeling Allen a bit more. Allen just seems sturdier. Rosen looks weak and I feel his arm strength will be an issue. His passes just seem to take forever to get to his recievers. The DB’s were just feeding off him last night.
  4. Nah... that’s the Cardinals now. Medias crushing them.
  5. Oh... you’re “expecting” to win? That’s your first problem. This year isn’t about winning to a logical person.
  6. Is it “faith” or just the smartest, most logical thing to do in a bad situation?
  7. Exactly. If anything, the harm was already done by not having an Anderson or the like since day one.
  8. I don’t remember the last time I was this unsatisfied with a thread.
  9. I had fun. If you didn’t you’re doing it wrong.
  10. That’s right, you’re just a fan with the benefit or hindsight and zero accountability. While you’re at it why not just say we should have Odell, or Mack instead of Watkins. Hey, why stop there why didn’t we take Tom Brady?!?! This Mahomes schtick is old. You’re probably the same guy that wanted Nassib and every other hot topic qb that became NOTHING in this league. If it was your your call or others like you we’d have a bust top ten qb every year. Grow up.
  11. It’s concerning but you’re watching the same team we are. The talent and the play calls are lacking. Most teams live or die with QB play, we’ll do it with Defense again. That’s what happens when you only spend money and draft picks on one side of the ball.
  12. Gotta be honest, I’m impressed by Allen. No, he doesn’t look perfect. But with the unimaginative play calling (running on first downs, zero screens, etc...), busted line, and a well below average receiving stable I think the way he keeps coming with that fire in his belly is super impressive. Cant wait to see the kid develop with actual talent around him. Hope he does it with the Bills.
  13. Imagine we kept Darby. Sorry ? hate to be that guy but I still get really bummed about that move. Tre and Darbs... ugh...
  14. Not douchey at all. I got some of the best seats I’ve ever had (4 seats from the field, 50 yard line) $30 for 2 because I showed up at the game and the guy couldnt find anyone to buy them. I asked him as we we were walking in. He tried playing hardball and I was like it’s either $30 or nothing. Supply and demand. You’d better believe the people that sold you those tickets early are happy. They’re not giving you money off because the prices dropped.
  15. Right? I had a dude next to me in the home opener that wouldn’t stop whining about the team. We called him out and he kept saying we were bad fans because we accept it. There was so much wrong with that statement being that he also bought a ticket, we have no choice but to accept it, but mostly I just asked him if he’s such a fan and student of the game how did he not expect that we would take a step down this year? He didnt really have an answer just kept belly moaning and whining about things because drunk grown men having temper tantrums about things they can’t change are fun.
  16. Yesterday was my first exposure to Mahomes. He seems ok. He didn’t blow me away like many here talk about him. His team is ridiculous. Sammy Watkins whom many here act like he’d be our true #1 gem of an all time wide reciever isn’t even the third, maybe even fourth guy they look to in that offense. Am I a little jealous of that team, sure. But grow up. You guys are acting like the kid at the park that cries every time he sees another kids toy he wants. I think Allen will be just fine. We need the playmakers and oline around him now.
  17. I’m surprised they’d even let this stat get out. This is the kind of thing that completely ruins your credibility. This is garbage data and anyone watching Allen behind that line knows they need to look at what they’re actually collecting. Next gen, hope not?
  18. I’m so lost. What exactly are you trying to accomplish? If it’s an attempt at humor, it wasn’t done very well.
  19. And there were passes Allen makes like that laser sharp td pass in preseason that Rosen couldn’t make in 1,900 years on this planet. So what? We can all cherry pick. In fact, how many amazing upsets with two rushing tds and 1 passing against a super bowl contender does Rosen have? Be honest.
  20. This is such an old topic. Nothing has changed. Some players won’t want to come to Buffalo. True. Do you have a plan to change that or are you just starting the thread to somehow appease your unhealthy football anxiety?
  21. Allen’s fine. When we finally get off our bums and give the kid some lineman and reciever help he’ll be just what the doctor ordered. Can take a hit and plays with a serious fire in his belly. I like what I see from the rook.
  22. Josh still plays with fire in his belly. I like it. He’ll learn from this and when we finally help him out with reciever and o line help he’ll be a-ok!
  23. Hard to quantify, it’s better than many really good qb’s in the Nfls best plays. So it might be but thats not necessarily a bad thing. Better than any of Trubisky’s best plays.
  24. Yes. That’s how communication works. What do you think capitalized letters and exclamation points are? Why not just use periods for everything then?
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