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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. Yes, taking time out of your day to make an already spectacular crapfest even crappier means you are carefree and fun. Must be hard being a gentleman missing the man part. Maybe you should change the name to captain cave?
  2. Nah... just take the loss gracefully like a gentleman. I can see that’s a very hard concept for most people though so congrats being part of the majority.
  3. Is that something that would make you happy? I should have known a guy asking for that isn’t capable of photoshopping for himself. Computers hard!
  4. Last week. Did you forget? This is football. You win some and you lose some. How do so so many people not know that?
  5. Allen’s coming off a week where he was a god in wny. He’s a rook, he’ll settle down. Maybe not this game, but he’ll settle down. He’s playing against two icon type guys he grew up watching in Rodgers and Matthews, that’s gotta be a bit jarring.
  6. Yeah, can we please just sit here and think about this when there’s a game on? Ugh... bills fans.
  7. Insult? I called you a genius. You took everything I wrote in the first post literally, why change it up now? Oh... probably because you knew exactly what I meant in my original post but had to take the opportunity to agitate instead of have a grown up discussion. Speaks to your character.
  8. Kelly played really well in the USFL as well, he and Steve Young played what anyone who ever watched it claims to be the best game of football ever played. The best game never seen, I think they called it. Kelly eeked our the win in the end. EDIT: “greatest game no one saw.”
  9. Yes, that’s it, Gentry. And yes again, he’s not lightning fast. God I’m so sick of people thinking football is a combine. The field is full of guys that aren’t “fast” in nfl terms. That’s probably more than 70% of the guys out there. Obviously he dropped passes genius, it was an exaggeration to add a slice of humor. Are you always this dull or do you just try extra hard when you’re on football message boards?
  10. He should never have gone anywhere to begin with. Of all the guys we let go, he’s the one I want back the most. He wasnt asking for a kings ransom. Second, Darby. I feel like that move was only done to soften the blow of losing Watkins. I was fine with Watkins departure. Will never understand the Darby move.
  11. Honestly, there probably is something to the fact that Allen throws too hard. That’s not a bad thing. It’s a good thing if you have recievers that can catch it because it get to them faster and can fit in smaller windows. I just think the coaches have to be to be aware of this when bringing in recievers. Some guys can catch, but can they catch the heat? It really is a skill on top of a skill. Its why I’d really like us to try and trade for that guy on the Bears (if he’s still there) that caught almost all of Allen’s passes in college.
  12. I wanted Rosen too. I’m not willing to say I was wrong about that just yet, but I am extremely encouraged by Allen’s progression. Kid looks like the real deal, and is focused on the right things. Better than I could’ve imagined. At this point. I’ve been fooled before, Trent Edwards, Fitzmagic, EJ for a game or two... Please let this QB seeking part of my life be over. As other Bills fans understand, It’s exhausting.
  13. A Sean post with the word “dentist” in it. Maybe my lasik is on the fritz. Know any good eye-on-tologists?
  14. Right, which I found interesting because we could have had him for any pick essentially. The point being that any team interested must have thought they could get him for a lot cheaper than his current deal. For a team like the Bills who are in desperate need and will most likely not be high on a newly released players list I would think we might be more inclined to guarantee his services with a late pick.
  15. Yeah, obviously. They said they tried trading him and no one was interested. Now anyone interested in signing him will have to battle about 5 other teams. Which i what the point of my post was.
  16. You would think we’d at least throw a late conditional like we received from Newhouse at him. Unless teams think they’ll be able to pick him up cheaper than his current deal.
  17. Yup. He can play and go up and get contested catches. Allen needs that.
  18. Just saw that Allen’s two rushing tds in a game is the most since Edwards. I find that interesting in a few ways. The biggest way is that Edwards rushed for more tds in a single game than our ex-super-athletic-all-star qb Tuh-rod. So glad no one will have to suffer watching that guy as a starter again.
  19. It’s the 5k Sully gave him to cram his interview down our throats. Bad bet bet by the way. Even if you somehow win, 17 points. That’s a suckers bet all day. Not to mention youll be actively cheering against you own team. Not cool.
  20. I mean, I had an idea it wasn’t going to be good. But am I upset, kinda, considering it wasnt fun to watch. I watch for entertainment and it wasnt entertaining. I’m also pretty upset they said they were going to bring our qb around the right way. Throwing him him out there with that line is damn near negligence.
  21. Honestly, nothing against you but this has all been explained ad nauseum and I really don’t feel like making the same points I made over ten pages or whatever it is now. I genuinely couldn’t care any less about Sullivan, I took a look in the thread, noticed a guy singing his praises and decided to tell him why I thought he was wrong. Responded to quotes/reactions (like now) after that. Like Sully, it had a time and place. It’s passed. Its also a bit ironic that you call me out for basically doing what you are praising Sully for. Offering a different, non-rainbow take on a topic. Can’t take an opinion that differs from yours? Much like Sully, you’re taking a bit of a hypocritical stance here. Of course I’d expect that. Which is again why I won’t give the interview the time of day. I know exactly what to expect from tired ol’ Jer. On the other hand, debating a fellow Bills fan, why not?
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