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Rock-A-Bye Beasley

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Everything posted by Rock-A-Bye Beasley

  1. My cousin and I have a running joke that Dareus was traded because during team prayer he was worshipping Satan.
  2. So they should go on a massive spending spree to surround Allen with players in free agency and they can afford to do this. THEN WHY NOT SAMMY WATKINS!! Who else are they gonna pay, 29 year old Randall Cobb? Give me an example of a player not just some idea. You said it yourself "...free agents always getting overpaid as a force of the market." So why is it ok to overpay these nameless Allen saviors? This is all without mentioning that the franchise tag for a WR is about 16mil. So we could have Sammy for this year and next then let him walk and pick up a comp pick. AND the fact that the Jets have more cap space next year, a better team, and a better market. Can't wait to overpay for their scraps.
  3. What edge rusher? We have Star and Murphy. Who cares if he's overpaid if we are still under the cap because we have a QB on a rookie deal. We can't even properly evaluate our rookie QB because "he doesn't have the weapons that Mahomes does" or really any weapons at all or much time to throw. The chiefs don't mind paying him because they know when Mahomes/Hunt/Hill are ready for new contracts Sammy's will be ending.
  4. This is just completely fabricated to fit your narrative.
  5. Sammy is only 25. We could’ve signed him to a 4-5 year deal that expired right when our rookie QB hopefully needs a new deal. Even if he was overpaid at least we would be a step closer to evaluate our QB without making excuses. Im not too broken up about Ragland but we moved Lorenzo so maybe we shouldn’t have given up on a 2nd round pick after one year. Zay is still around for some reason
  6. Darby and Ragland. Sammy would have a new contract by now but he was also on a rookie deal.
  7. Not just the expensive players. Young talented players on rookie contracts as well
  8. I’ve been wondering this also but in the opposite direction. Do some people accept things in their life that are this bad consistently. Are the people who are still positive at this point in relationships they should have bailed on years ago? I disagree that we can’t start over. I know that we won’t, but years from now we will look back and wish McBeane were fired today. I’ve never seen so many terrible trades, signings, roster moves, lack of roster moves, and missed draft picks by any professional team in such a short span of time.
  9. Haha first I saw the “hear” instead of “here” so my eyes skipped immediately to the second paragraph where I was sacked by “offense of line”
  10. So many are acting like petulant children because it’s unacceptable to be THIS bad. I knew they would be bad, but every decision they have made has been a complete disaster. Kelvin Benjamin's fat, mike Tolbert is fat, dareus was fat but star swap costs 25mil, starting peterman, keeping peterman, starting peterman again, keeping peterman again, zay Jones is a psychopath but he has a shout out to Jesus so he can stay. there is no winning culture without strategy to win first. Imagine how many fullbacks we can sign with all that money
  11. Everyone’s so excited about the playoffs last year they forget the goal is a super bowl. We haven’t been a contender in over 20 years. That’s all I care about. I’d miss the playoffs for 50 years if it meant one super bowl. But think about this, there is a team out there right now that is the most poorly run. Are you sure it is not the Bills ?
  12. I’d rather have a guy not play than drop as many balls as Zay. Maybin didn’t release a naked blood video either. Jones has had a negative impact, Maybin had no impact.
  13. Funny how McDermott got credit for the trade down and tre white pick until Mahomrs showed everyone it was a mistake. The same people saying Whaley was a lame duck are now saying he’s to blame.
  14. It’s not called hindsight when you get criticized for trading out of taking a QB when you don’t have one. Because at the time many people thought “ok, as long as Watson and Mahomes aren’t great this makes sense, we will see” But according to your logic the Bills can never be held accountable for any mistakes because it’s only hindsight.
  15. Could this have something to do with our lack of a passing game over the past 15 years? Just admit you're jealous. Also admit that you were excited when Allen was on pace for over 300 yards last week at halftime.
  16. yes. who said anything about which GM? All I read was "we should have kept them they weren't the problem.
  17. Not that far in the past. If you can't criticize how do you ever evaluate personnel moves?
  18. I took the Rams -7 for a paltry 1/100th of $5,000. Didn't tell my wife. Don't have a wife. Should I start a thread about all of this?
  19. I get your point but the Mahomes success is different because they basically traded him to the Chiefs when they had no long-term answer at quarterback.
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