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Everything posted by aceman_16

  1. Is this what your thoughts are immediately after beating a 11-1 team?!?
  2. Hello Mrs. Hauschka! Ps I think someone has an agenda
  3. The real travesty is how the artist rendered Ralph's hands....looks like he is offering someone a salami.
  4. Well... maybe they should have a percentage versus raw numbers. If a qb throws 40 passes a game and has 2 ints vs a qb who throws 20 balls and gets 2 picks....they both have 2 turnovers but common sense would lead one to say the 2nd QB had a worse day.
  5. And he was September's AFC's offensive player of the month.
  6. I have known Dabs for over 40 years (I am not a personal friend of his so relax ... we just have the same circle). He doesn't want to go anywhere. He loves being back in Buffalo around family and friends. Obviously, IF an amazing chance comes up (aka Andy Reid retires and Mahomes is still in his prime) then I would think it would be different.
  7. Saint Doug has been on his knees lately (praying).
  8. I cant say I'm sorry Patricia lost his job. In addition to him being a terrible coach.....he was super hypercrititical. My disdain for him really overflowed when he was mocking that reporter a couple of years ago to "sit up and look professional" as HE is giving a press conference in a sweat shirt, a pencil behind his ear, a baseball hat, unkempt beard and looking like he has a back up offensive lineman hugging his gut!! It took some real gumption to pull that crap off.
  9. The kids call it a "dad bod" I resemble that term.
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