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Everything posted by aceman_16

  1. I was telling my wife Allen was setting it up for Bass to kick from that side. May not be true but made me look smart (to her) lol.
  2. Soooo close to 450k. I donated when it was at 15k. I just may make another to get there lol EDIT: 40 minutes later and it was at 477k lol dang
  3. The possibility is there. Worst case scenario....they lose a time out and 1 challenge. Best case scenario they toss on more points on their lead.
  4. Great numbers - thank you! So as I said previously 6 out of 18 OR 33% of the quarterbacks would have made more than the $20 million (relatively speaking in today's dollars) number.....so this $20 million number is crap. Moreover, as YOU pointed out the 66% of the time MAY have had players over that relative $20 million Mark which makes that argument even weaker.
  5. It would be better to use cap % vs actual dollar amounts (ie perhaps 20 million in cap today is less of a cap hit than 10 million 10 years ago).....otherwise it can be misleading.
  6. Outstanding...even if I had to watch it on my phone!
  7. I am driving back from Tennessee. IF anyone knows a good link to watch the game on my phone please DM me. Thanks!
  8. 34 to 31 Buffalo...Josh's legs earn him MVP of the game.
  9. He is a big dude for sure. IF I remember correctly he has an odd laugh though.
  10. You sir are a true fan. My uncle (has since passed) was a HUGE Pat's fan and lived long enough to see them succeed. Good luck.
  11. You REALLY want this to be one of the posts you're known for? I would suggest not opening threads until sobriety occurs.
  12. 27-17 Buffalo. Cam Newton finds kryptonite in his jock and asks Stidham to give him a hand.
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