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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Realized how it could be taken and edited right after submitting. No reason for name calling. Speaks to your character. Not mine.
  2. https://twitter.com/RapSheet/status/973886706809233408?s=20 Good signing by the Browns. Carlos Hyde is a solid back for that team.
  3. Being familiar with E-P helps, but if that's the only qualifier we want then I guess we draft Lamar Jackson as well as that's the offense he ran in college. There's bigger fish still out there than Hoyer, but he's as good as a last resort guy as any. I just don't like his play on the field.
  4. So, they likely cut Hoyer. Please no Hoyer here.
  5. As the future backup he has the responsibility of being the most popular guy on the team to fans after a loss. He has completed more passes to Chargers than Cardale Jones.
  6. Yea, again sorry about that. I should have stated with better clarity. The urine wasn't for the website. Just needed something not traceable back to me to huck at my ex wife. Again, my apologies.
  7. Tom would feel too threatened. He'd force Kraft to force Belichick to trade him before the ink dries on the contract.
  8. EXCELLENT signing by the Titans. Mix him with Henry. AFC South is going to be fun to watch next year. Jacksonville much improved, Luck (likely) back and Watson back.
  9. That right there could really describe about 65% of the guys in the NFL these days.
  10. Definitely a new philosophy in Green Bay this year when it comes to FA.
  11. Don't worry. All these "high dollar big name" free agents will be available next season when they are cap casualty victims.
  12. Could have sworn Anderson was his back up that year. True story about Anderson though. Once saw him tackle Gale Sayers in the open field. I'm so old now I wouldn't even know what to do with that.
  13. Last 2 seasons he played 3-16 as a starter. 177 yards passing per game over his career. Career 59.8% completion percentage. I can cherry pick stats too... I don't give a damn about his political stance. Believe it or not, though I don't personally agree with the display I fully support his freedom to of speech to make it. I don't come here for politics. Could care less. My opinion is based off football. And I hope we do get Rosen. Again, couldn't care less about his statements...I think he is the best QB this year.
  14. How is Gabbert still only 28. I could swear I've seen him get sacked by Mean Joe Green.
  15. Ah you know how it is. Those that don't learn from history are often doomed to repeat it.
  16. Yea, that's true they did have Kolb. Not sure how much he was around after the injury though. Don't believe that Jackson isn't pro ready in the right situation though. While he does still have room to grow he did run a pro style offense in college. He's still not my pick, but I think he will surprise if he goes to the right situation.
  17. Remember what happened when we went into a season with Manual and Tuel? Pretty much the same. You really should have an NFL vet in the QB room. Help the young guys out breaking down film, transition to the NFL. We have a QB coach that has primarily coached WRs. We need someone that is experienced in that QB room.
  18. He's been really quiet guys. Getting worried about good ol' KC. Shall we check on his well being? Maybe form a search party? Honestly if you read this in a Broken Matt Hardy voice it's pretty amazing.
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