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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. And that is what I agree with. While I wouldn't mind a slight jump (6-10) if one of the "top" guys slips I'd say any of them have a chance to both succeed or fail at the NFL level. No sense moving a ton of picks in a draft that has good players at positions we need. If that means AJ McCarron is the starter next year...so be it. It's still an improvement over Taylor IMO.
  2. Desperate teams do desperate things. Like pay Sam "Glass" Bradford $20 million dollars for a season. Or way over pay for the 3rd overall pick in a draft. It feels really nice to see the Bills willing to move, but putting a priority on value. AJ McCarron may not amount to much, but he may just be a guy that comes in and does extremely well. If we have to roll with him for a season, I'm good with that. Best case he has a fantastic year. Worst case he has a horrible year and we are a "Lock" for a high pick.
  3. I would not trade anything in next year's draft. I would wait to see how the draft played out. See who falls where and jump up only if there is a player I feel like is worth the extra picks. Find the best value. That's where the Jets failed. They gave up the equivalent of the number 1 and number 10 pick to move 3 spots if what I read was correct. No player will live up to that hype. Its like the Mario Williams contact. They have set whoever they draft up to fail.
  4. If you go by those statements you really could bend it for any of the top guys.
  5. A Jet swap with Indy means Mayfield may slip. Mayfield. Fields sometimes have flowers. Mayfield=Flowers Mayflower. Mayflower moved the Colts to Indy. IF WE SELECT MAYFIELD THE BILLS WILL BE MOVING!!! CONNECT THE DOTS!!!!
  6. This would be a really nice haul, especially if Billy Price's injury drops him to our 2nd and we can snatch him up.
  7. The mistake that year wasn't in not moving up to get Ben. It was in trading up to get JP. Had they sat tight we could very well have had Aaron Rodgers throwing to Lee Evans the following year. The draft moves a million miles an hour in a million different directions. If you can't get the player you want the ABSOLUTE worst thing you can do is compound that mistake by making a panicked decision.
  8. Does it still feel that way if the Bills don't move to 2, keep most of what they would have spent and end up with Baker Mayfield if he slides? Point is no one knows how draft night will play out. We could move to 2, 5, 6, 7 or whatever and get the guy we like. We could stay put and get several guys we like. "Same old Bills" would have been stuck with no opportunity to move. This year the options are there if the value is right.
  9. RE: Allen sucking. If he is the way he is now IMO he will bust out pretty quick. But man oh man, if the light comes on for him he really could be the best out of this draft. He has room to grow, just a matter of his development.
  10. I mean, they played different positions. In different eras. With the dollar being a different value. And league revenue being different. But yea, other than that...
  11. Him and Ryan Nassib. Shows how much fans/mock drafters know, huh?
  12. If they go all in with AJ this year to see what they have I can find a way to be "ok" about it. I remember seeing that the idea was forwhoever they signed in FA to start for a year or 2 anyways. Not what I believe the best idea is...but I'd hate to reach for a Rudolph even more. This is provided we can't move up further ourselves. It's a long way to the draft still.
  13. Yup, just got Solder. They needed 5 upgrades... especially after letting Pugh walk. Grabbing guards later in the draft is wonderful. But this kid at the top is elite. If you have a need and he's there he's a must get for them.
  14. Same. I'll put even more money that they take White/Falk/Lauletta at some point.
  15. I honestly think it could go either way with Denver. But with Keenum there now, it honestly wouldn't be that much of a shock to see them go with White, Falk or Lauletta. Giants will take a QB as well I believe...but it won't be from top guys. Same as Denver. If they feel Eli can play 2 more years you HAVE to protect him. You HAVE to have a running game to support him.
  16. Again, unless the Colts know they can slide to 6, pick up 3 2nds and then slide back to 12 and get a bunch more good picks from the Bills. Jets had high 2nd round picks.Ours were later. Colts can still flip that 6 to us and pick up the same 12 & 22 they would have had, plus what the Jets gave them PLUS whatever else they can get from Beane. They get more bang for their buck.
  17. This. It's like people forget that teams do draft other positions. 2 of the Giants biggest needs (RB and OL) are starting them right in the face at 2. If they don't trade out that's what they will pick. Remember the Giants also have more than 1 pick.They can take a Mike White in RD 2. They also have that Webb kid.
  18. We should have...bit if the Colts feel they can gather more picks by trading with the Jets and then flipping 6 to us...their haul goes WAYYYYYY up. Takes 2 to deal and I'm certain the Colts have a plan as well.
  19. More picks. They have no defense. No offensive line. 1WR. Ok, they have Luck returning...and that's all.
  20. While I admit it's scary that the Jets jumped up, it may work in our favor. I can EASILY see the draft playing out like this: 1 Cle-Darnold 2 Giants-Barkley/Nelson 3 Jets-Rosen 4 Cle-Fitzpatrick/Barkley 5 Den-Barkey/Nelson/Fitzpatrick As the draft sits today, with the Colts at 6 I would say there is the best value for a trade up. Mayfield would potentially still be on the board. The Giants need a RB and they need OLine help badly. I don't see them going QB in round 1. Mike White, Lauletta Falk...that I can see. Same with Denver. Just lost Talib. Need OLine help. Would like to upgrade at RB. I see them more in play with White/Lauletta/Falk or a trade up for Rudolph late 1st round. At 12 the Colts still can likely get some defense (Smith, Vea). Would cost far less to get to 6 than 2. If I'm Beane I don't panic. I keep that scenario in mind and wait til draft night. See how the draft falls and make moves accordingly.
  21. I'm anxious to see how this all plays out. Many ways it could go. It will come down to if the Giants want to move back to 12 and if so, how much Gettleman is wanting to gouge Buffalo to do it. I think there is a price to pay that is fair to both team. If the Giants want to go bigger...I have no issue walking away and seeing how the draft plays out.
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