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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Doesn't matter who the WR is, what his production ends up being or how long he's in Buffalo. They aren't living up to the hype of that trade IMO.
  2. The team that won the last 2 Super Bowls did it with a FedEx driver, plumber and my daughter's gym coach at WR. With a step forward from Kincaid and a step forward from Shakir, the scenario that makes me comfortable is that Joe Brady gets to cook with players he has a plan for. That combined with the running game with Cook and Josh Allen being really good at football make me believe we'll be able to score points and move the football.
  3. Rome would have been the pick there in that situation if a trade back couldn't happen. Most likely would have seen me with Rome and then try and trade up into the backend of 1st or high in round 2 if Penix was there to combine the 2.
  4. Yeah fully agree. Anytime you get a chance to send a feeler to 80085, you gotta take it.
  5. Somewhat surprised that the Saints or Raiders weren't in on this pick. Of course now knowing McCarthy may slip past 11 makes it less urgent to slide up...lol
  6. With the 17 games schedule teams are "losing" 1 home game that already had 9, for the most part. It's really not a huge issue.
  7. There had been a trade. @Alphadawg7and the Arizona Cardinals are on the clock. Will be pick? Does he have another trade in the "Cards"? Stay tuned...
  8. I mean, then it's not really a "home" opener. The home opener would be the 2nd home game on their schedule. Both teams basically road teams in Brazil.
  9. I would have said "I'm going offense". I like McCarthy. I think he's better than most give him credit for. But I'm not crazy about him in the top 10. Seems like he's had a Christian Ponder-esque Draft season. If this played out the way the no trade draft went, Daniels would have been the QB I moved up for. If it's "your guy" it's not too much of a price. Could have sat by and easily seen Nabers and Harrison come off the board. Rome is a great prize still, but the film on Harrison is just shockingly good. I call it "controlled aggressive". Give up some, but not backbreaking and go get your guy
  10. With the 4th pick of the NFL Draft, the New York Giants select: MARVIN HARRISON JR, WR, OHIO ST. Not a QB? Nope. Here's the thing. We need playmakers. We let Saquon walk. We have a few role players at WR. And we have an aging TE that isn't even sure if he's playing next year. This offense isn't a QB away. Our best playmaker was Motor Singletary. We liked all of the "Big 3 WRs" on the board but would much rather give up a little extra to dictate who we take rather than have the choice made for us. Our jobs are on the line. Enter Harrison. Yes, he chose to not workout at the Combine or his Pro Day. But he's been working on being "season ready" in place of the underwear games of an NFL recruits off season. Coming from remarkable NFL WR bloodlines, this explosive WR is ready to hit the ground running (and catching) on Day 1. @TOboyand the Los Angeles Chargers are on the clock.
  11. Ok. I'm deluded by the media and unable to form my own opinions based on what I see with my own eyes. Thank you for letting me know, Mama Diggs.
  12. Strongly disagree with the bolded. Yes the media writes stories, sends tweets ect. But it's Diggs himself that provides them the ammunition. He's not a young kid anymore and he's been through this before. He's still the guy sending the cryptic tweets. Saying open ended things in interviews. Making a scene on the sideline. Skipping out on media after losses. I appreciate what he brought to the field. But he's an immature, attention seeking poor sport. He hasn't changed or matured one bit from his time in Monne. Heck of a WR. But the majority of what he gets he brings on himself.
  13. Oh, there are some fans for sure that became fans because of a specific player. A number of fans followed Josh Allen from his time at Wyoming, absolutely. And there are some players I'll follow after they leave the Bills. Bruce Smith was one of them. It's not an either or situation. Both can be true.
  14. Here's a good place for that. They keep a lot of info and update it accordingly. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.syracuse.com/buffalo-bills/2024/03/nfl-draft-2024-buffalo-bills-top-30-visitors-zoom-meetings-and-private-workout-tracker.html%3foutputType=amp
  15. The Poyer family as well. Here's the thing with athletes. As long as a fan base is worshipping then it's the best and smartest fan base in the world. The nanosecond that a portion of the fan base starts saying "Player is getting older and less productive" it's a different story, even if it's the truth. I think many players get locked into the thought that people are fans of a team because of them, when in reality it's the opposite. I'm a fan of the player because they play on my team. When they're done in Buffalo I don't follow them to another city.
  16. 🚨BREAKING NEWS: The New York Giants are listening to calls about the #6 pick.
  17. Keon Coleman. I think his Combine sunk his stock a bit with the draft community. But watching the tale he plays very fluid and smooth I see some Mike Williams in him and he's going to EAT in the red zone. That said, he's not a match for what I feel Buffalo should draft.
  18. Giants Commanders Bears Please. And thanks again for hosting the draft!
  19. I think he'll still be a day 2 pick. Some teams don't care character concerns if they can find a deal. As you pointed out, Philly showed last year they're cool with it. Kansas City and Cleveland come to mind as well. If he goes to a team with solid leadership and not much on the party scene he may overcome. Miami or Las Vegas...he may be out of the league in 3 years if he can't get past the demons
  20. He's also been a 150-160 target guy in Buffalo. I don't think he sniffs that in Houston. With Dell, Collins and Shultz also in the pass game, decline or not his target share will likely drop. If healthy I see more of a 75-80 catch, 750-850 yard season.
  21. He is a player in decline. How much remains to be seen. Last year we saw some things out of him we really haven't seen before. The drops. Not just against KC but he had a lot by his standards during the year. Lack of concentration? Declining skills? We will see. He also took himself out in some key spots last year. He didn't take himself out as much as some make it out to be. However some of the places he did (such as some key 3rd downs) was surprising for a guy that "wants to win" more than anyone ever in the human race (as his supporters make it out to be). IMO, he was either hurt or had checked out. And though he had some injuries I believe it was more the former than the latter. We'll see how he does this year. I'm betting he doesn't crack 1,000 yards
  22. I've never had the opportunity to sit in an interview with the kid. I've never hired anyone to look into his past. I've never had dinner with him. That said, being he's a complete stranger I cannot with factual information say if this is a one time mistake or a pattern of behavior behind the curtain. What I can say is that lack of restraint leading up to one of his most important days of his life shows poor judgement. It makes one wonder if this is how he's behaving with the Draft just ahead of him...how does he act when he's here and has "made it"? Would obviously be a situation to dig into his background....but it's a horrible look for him.
  23. I've wanted this guy the whole draft process. This COULD be what gets him to slide to pick 69. This could also be a reason Beane takes him off the Bills board completely.
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