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Everything posted by CNYfan

  1. Rapp is scary bad. Then he tries to overcompensate for being scary bad by engaging in late hits and unnecessary roughness events.
  2. I think 17 could have pulled it out and easily gone around left end for a TD.
  3. I am two thumbs down on this performance. The shotgun run call at the goal line was painfully and predicably doomed from conception. From the last play of the 3rd Qtr, which was glaringly low IQ, on to the end it was terrible. The playmakers of the previous 3 Qtrs, minus one play, were ignored for a series of super conservative, short of the line of gain futile concepts. Jordan Phillips? My disappointment in what transpired is infinitely vast.
  4. But two big plays by AI tonight would be more than Knox, Harty and Sherfield typically bring.
  5. I was an Isabella doubter, but I saw some juice in pre-season and with Harty being a dud (so far) I am ready for this and have been a proponent thereof. Go Bills, must win. Better get pumped.
  6. I heard this song the past three weeks. I still can't quite catch the tune.
  7. I would like to see Isabella get a shot. He seems to have more spark than Harty
  8. Our sails have no wind at the moment. Mafia may be subdued unless the Bills can come out and fire things up a bit.
  9. It was a total team loss. Drops, missed kicks, missed throws, missed tackles ... two weeks in a row I have come to the conclusion that our Bills are not a great football team.
  10. The new RB is active. And Kaiir and Ingram are active
  11. I guess I should correct that to say I, at least, will not be at all surprised if the Bills took an L in Foxboro today.
  12. No one will be surprised, based on the past two (2) weeks, if the Bills take an L in Foxboro today. The Offense has to find itself and score points early. That first drive 3 and out cannot happen if our Buffalo Bills are going to sneak out of New England at 5-2
  13. I am glad everyone here was patient with AJ57, as that patience is now rewarded.
  14. I believe Harty has been uninspiring. But my answer would not be Beasley but Isabella. We need a spark, definitely need a spark. I would like it if Andy received a chance
  15. The Bills are not that good. Not a real good football team. It seems like it may be rough haul this year
  16. The Colts lost their mojo with Taylor back. they were doing great just feeding Moss 30 x a game.
  17. The main storylines, for me, are : 1. How will the reconstituted defense look? Ingram over Elam? 2. Can Ken Dorsey recuperate from the abysmal disaster in London? Any room for Jimbo Cook to run? Go Bills!!
  18. I think he may have taken less money for a chance at a ring. Not sure we can afford him if we don't present that opportunity
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