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Everything posted by CNYfan

  1. The *Patriots reserve linebackers looked better than our Frontline guys, last night
  2. I think Garrett Wilson is a stud. Didn't the Packers score 0 points after their first drive against SF in their Playoff loss. Rogers led them to 0 points, iirc, after a run heavy first drive? CJ Mosely lives to play the Bills. Our team will have to find some excitement and fury somewhere and play better than they have since the first half of the last Green Bay Game (when things for some reason stalled out) if they are going to grab a W in NJ.
  3. Lat Murray was excellent in protection as well.
  4. Bernard was a healthy scratch, even from Teams, for the playoff game last year against the Bengals. He has shown absolutely nothing. I hope you are correct.
  5. Elam was bad last night and that looks like it is going to be a disappointment. Dion is not in good shape and is in decline. The Epinesa/Basham draft was not properly themed or executed (IMO). The Bernard 3rd Rounder also appears to be a failure. Kincaid and Torrence look good and C. McGovern performed well last night.
  6. It could not have gone any worse. Penalties on offense and terrible defense.
  7. Is Miami looking really good or are the Texans that horrid?
  8. I drafted Kincaid above Johnson while LA Chargers in Virgil's mock draft, so I sort of qualify.
  9. Bad break. Jet skis are fun. I am hoping it doesn't turn out that the other operator was a Bills' player.
  10. Is there UBER in London? I was looking at hotels and the Google maps said "6.1 miles to Tottenham Hotspur stadium 34 minutes by car and 42 minutes by Public Transit"? What is up with that?
  11. I wasn't paying attention as the queue was during my morning coffee and newsletter time. But I waited about 38 minutes and ended up in Section 117
  12. I got tickets. 119 lbs
  13. This is the season where we hope no one gets arrested in the next 6 weeks.
  14. I did not like the route/pattern designs. I am no expert, but to me it seemed that often there would be 2, and sometimes 3, Bills receivers downfield within a few yards of each other. Very poor "spacing". This resulted in a party of defenders also being in the area and that made for incompletions. There were other things wrong, terrible o-line play e.g., but that is one area in which I was quite disappointed and felt was the OC's fault.
  15. Could you give me that Hotel info again?   I procrastinated.  Have flight and Hotel in Edinburgh but want to lock down London this week.

    Thank you

  16. I saw him make the QB rush his throw once. that led to an interception. More than I can remember about Mr. Edmunds doing
  17. This has a bit of a Chris Kelsay feel to it. Not a great player, but we will ride him for 4 more.
  18. I think "reading between the lines (maybe)" to "interpret" what is being said is that the Coach doesn't believe the player is playing as smart as he wishes based on his physical talent. That whether the player needs to study and prepare better, or that the player is not smart enough to grasp what must be accomplished.
  19. I am doing the opposite. Starting in Edinburg and arriving in London. Have to put some Hotel details together as well.
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