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Richard Noggin

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Everything posted by Richard Noggin

  1. Really gotta start with the division. Bills are a game-and-a-half back, but I think the Dolphins lose twice before our week 18 showdown (and the Bills lose maybe once). That means the final game decides the AFCE. I don't know what tiebreakers will do to the loser of that game. So the focus is on winning out (or losing only once more, more likely...just not to the Dolphins) and being a top-4 AFC division winner. Winning out obviously puts the Bills in great position to enter the postseason tournament as a top-3 or 4 seed. Losing only one (this week being that one loss) still trends towards a playoff berth. Losing twice probably shuts that door completely.
  2. Davonte Adams was right about this guy. Out of control. Irresponsible. Dangerous.
  3. Heard 2nd hand (fairly trusted friend heard it 1st hand) that one of the docs contracted to evaluate all medical imaging for prospect physicals got drunk and went on and on about how SHOT Vonn's knees were upon signing. Was uncharacteristically noisy about Miller being a walking knee injury waiting to happen (thought it was a failing physical). Pretty sure I've shared this before (not that my sharing carries weight with people who don't know me or my sourcing).
  4. Allen is not going to trash McDermott publicly during the 2023 season. Even though I have finally come to my senses about the HC, I'm glad the QB is avoiding the issue publicly. It's the classy, correct move. He might be stuck with the guy, at the very least through the rest of this season. They do still have a chance to do something special and get to 7-6, then 8-6, and so on. So no one should read into his lack of public commentary, yet. I think most Bills fans are similarly interpreting Diggs' stuff from last year's playoff game and from this year's start of TC, and now understanding Allen's silence to be a different way of handling the same concerns. And I commend Allen if that is in fact the case. Gotta leave the door open for this season to be salvaged one week at a time. Not even addressing the McD smoke is his best way to do that off the field, for now.
  5. I haven't heard anything, frankly, from credentialed members of the NFL media machine. But that could very well be because I'm not looking. I mostly think of Dunne the way I think of the NY Post's sports coverage. His entrance into the independent, online, subscription-based space was so reliant on the flawed and limited contributions of two recently fired front office employees (who would not find positions with any other NFL orgs since - although one unfortunately died soon after and the other is a big shot in the XFL, for what it's worth). He (Dunne) specializes in one-sided, salacious polemics derived from anonymous sources. Which doesn't make him wrong, for sure, but it does make him a tabloid peddler. Not a lot of football content to be found. Also worth noting: I hope Pegula fires McDermott immediately following their next loss. He won't, because the ridiculous org structure is lacking a layer of expertise and insight between the horizontal GM and Head Coach combo and their immediate supervisor, him (the owner - Pegula). Great for stability, that streamlined org chart, but terrible for accountability.
  6. I have finally turned on McDermott after being fairly resolute in my support of him. And therefore, many of the more general, personal criticisms contained in the portion I could read ring true to me now. Lacks accountability and tightens up in the biggest moments, being most notable to me. BUT...Dunne is suspect, at best, with respect to journalistic integrity. He started this whole independent venture by leaning exclusively on disgruntled former employees who had obvious agendas (whether they were right or wrong). He gets a salacious scoop or two and really runs with it. Not much effort to cross-examine or challenge. So it becomes a polemic, selective and one-sided. Doesn't mean it's all wrong, but it does mean it's subjective and still hearsay. Like I said, I've come to my own harsh conclusions about the head coach, and would love to see him fired ASAP. But I take Tyler Dunne's work with a giant grain of salt.
  7. not sure how to utilize this potentially wonderful resource. any guidance? appreciate ya
  8. Johnson is a legendarily bad owner. That guy is brutal. Such a clown.
  9. Won my survivor pool based on Colts (my week 13 pick) pulling it out in OT and Cardinals (my last opponent's pick - we started with 25 entrants) winning a weird one. Was agonizing having my game go deep into OT and my opponent's game taking forever based on two very prolonged weather delays. Got the juices flowing, to be honest. (I'm not a gambler otherwise.)
  10. Couldn't happen to a more whiny, wimpy, weasel. Love to see it. He's had enough bizarre occurrences on the field that look like attempts to injure the opposition, and enough laughable still shots of his wildly dramatic, panicked expressions to know this dude doesn't belong out there. He's a danger to himself and others. I'm glad he's miserable, because hopefully that accelerates his retirement.
  11. I have tossed Ben Johnson's name out there a BUNCH this season. To be honest, right now, I'd be absolutely fine just canning McD and elevating Brady. Hopefully he'd be able to keep Washington and/or Babich (or find someone else from outside the org) on the defensive side moving forward. Gotta make a move to empower the offense/Allen and let someone other than McD run the defense. It projects that Allen has another 4-6 solid seasons left, and we need a young offensive coach to maximize those years. McD ain't it. Edit: I NEED a head coach who can openly admit that Josh Allen is the best QB in the league (when effectively unleashed). McD's systematic, years-long campaign of shackling Allen (sideline tapping his temple after like every run that resulted in contact, or every public statement about "being smarter" or god knows what all behind the scenes) then sudden 2023 declaration that he longs to see "the old Josh Allen" again is simply TOO FUGGING HYPOCRITICAL to go unhated and unfired.
  12. 100% agree. Gotta draft WR1. The value and need line up perfectly. Need to beef up the pipeline and the depth chart big time.
  13. Team cream cheese here. I like Brady as full-time OC (at minimum). Leaves room to promote him to Assistant Head Coach after next year to squeeze out one more year before he moves on (in best case scenario). Not sure if there is precedent for AHCs on BOTH sides of the ball (if I'm remembering correctly that Washington already got promoted into the AHC void after Frazier's departure)?
  14. Funny how children of OTHER rich people's kids are automatically accepted as qualified to run NFL franchises, but for some reason you are so skeptical of Pegula's children. Also, with respect to the hints of chauvinism in your posts @HIT BY SPIKES, how has Terry's passion project/hockey org done after 10+ years? compared to Kim's Bills (air quotes) after less time?
  15. Was hoping this was a poll. Hypothetically, the Bills should be good enough to go on a late-season run. They've done it before, and coincidently, immediately following an overtime loss in which they were very competitive against a strong NFC team. But this year feels a little different innit? The team has NOT shown any capacity for consistent winning football. Those injuries in London still loom large. And with McDerp not giving them late-half and OT advantages, I just don't see some kind of 5-game run in the works.
  16. Some posters reacting emotionally and irrationally to this developing story with only crumbs to go on. Of course domestic violence against a pregnant partner would be absolutely heinous. But maybe none of us knows $#!& about what really happened, or what happens next.
  17. Couldn't even finish the fairly short lowlights video. He was such a "looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane" player in years 2-4. And that's with sincere apologies to players named Jane (and women in general). He had some flashes early, and a few physical plays in his fifth season...but what a waste of a specimen overall. Inexcusable the way he saw blockers as a genuine problem. Like he intentionally stopped his momentum to engage with them. Consistently stood up and pushed back. So bizarre when much smaller guys like Milano and now Bernard can look beyond the blockers and continue to attack the play, going right through obstacles at times. It's more about what's between the ears.
  18. I noticed several "business decisions" made by this 2nd year player who has apparently already been crowned as an all-pro.
  19. You include Siran Neal lol And zero o-linemen or DTs With no mention of very real cap constraints that will REQUIRE cuts and restructures just to be able to play ball.
  20. There is a lurking downside to the Bills OC job that counters your bolded claim (that this OC job is as appealing as it's ever been): the Head Coach.
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