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Richard Noggin

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Everything posted by Richard Noggin

  1. So how will you process things if the Bills come out and execute like they did against Miami? What does that look like? You seem convinced of future futility based on selectively highlighted past failures...but what about their past successes? To be fair, the Bengals essentially ended the Bills 2022 season twice last year. No doubt. And their offense still seems uniquely capable of abusing our off-zone cushions through the air, and our nickel and dime personnel groupings on the ground. But this is 2023 now. The teams are not the same. It's a new matchup. McD and Dorsey are not clowns, despite how fans feel after losses.
  2. Wouldn't that be something. Cheers to that image of a healthy Tre, Rasul, Christian, and Taron locking it DOWN. I don't think White makes it back as a CB before 2025 tbh. If at all. A move to safety is intriguing, and would be welcome given our impending/expected losses at that position (can't see Poyer or Hyde still in Buffalo after 2023/2024). (Wow, Micah Hyde was SUCH a good signing. Such a steady cornerstone, that we often discount what an impact athlete he's been, too.)
  3. That would be more like poking one's head into the clouds?
  4. At what point in 2024 do you anticipate Tre White being ready to START games at CB? You do remember how long it took him to return from an ACL, right? I guess he can go to Rodgers' surgeon for the alternative procedure and get back sooner to be an absolute HUSK of his former athleticism. Still don't think that gets him ahead of Benford before 2025, if at all. Achilles injuries rob athletes of explosion. Maybe Tre eventually kicks back to safety (if he's even on the roster next season)? (Usually hate such suggestions, but he has the brain and flexible skillset for it.)
  5. Completely agree with the first half here. The Bengals were like a reckoning for the Bills last year. They were unavoidable. Inevitable. But, there is an entire SPECTRUM of fan emotions/expectations that exist in the space between "confident" and that dependable, fallback brand of smug fatalism that a certain percentage of Bills fans use to protect themselves from getting hurt again.
  6. Now, now...we mustn't blame the victims. Of course, I also kind of agree. The knee-jerk fatalism is a tiresome defense mechanism. But maybe I'm allowed to victim-shame here, being a survivor myself? (I was 12 when Jim Kelly kept playing into Belichick's bendable (but unbreakable) defensive trap, and none of our mere mortals on defense could actually bring down OJ effing Anderson. Norwood's kick faded right in ACTUAL slow motion as my adolescent heart broke for real for the first time. We all know it never got any better from there.) That being said, we're mostly adults here, now, and it's just corporate sports entertainment, after all; it's been extensively re-designed and refined as a machine that transfers wealth from the working class to the ownership class (like just about EVERYthing around us). At least a (very) small percentage of athletes actually get to earn a very good living, post-college, for a couple years, and an even smaller pool of luckier and better athletes are able to extract life-changing and even generational wealth from the machine. (Some guys now can even get rich in college and could conceivably avoid the punishment of the NFL.) It's okay to call out immature fan tropes, in my eyes. But I also get how one could fall into that hole.
  7. The Bengals have shown each of the last two seasons that they are very dangerous, and they have proven to be an especially difficult matchup for the Bills. That's not really hype. That's just results. And now Burrow is apparently healthy, and they are clicking. It's a really tough matchup for sure. No shame in admitting as much.
  8. Maybe Chicago is salty about Tremaine Edmunds and taxes us extra for that frustration?
  9. See, THIS is actually compelling as a counterpoint. It represents a dramatically different philosophy on roster and cap management than what Beane has shown (and especially talked about), but the $20M in savings alone from cutting Poyer, White, and Morse, is at least intriguing. That $42M in convertible base salary for Diggs and Allen is like a no-brainer for such integral offensive cornerstones (guys who should retire as Bills no matter what), except that it won't net that much in annual cap savings, right? You have to divide it by number of years remaining on each deal to calculate the amortized 2024 savings for each deal, don'tcha?
  10. Feel free to share a salient clip or two. My recollection is that he was able to drop weight (lol) and be the most productive RB they had as the 2022 season went on. His pass blocking and catching are underrated and often underutilized strengths of his game.
  11. No doubt the contract COULD be reworked to fit under the cap. It almost always CAN be done. But wisdom is knowing when it should NOT be done innit? What kind of negative salary cap and on-field impacts could be wrought by tying up BIG money for another 2 and 3 years to TWO WRs over 30? Not to mention the asset cost of acquisition which can then limit the team's ability to add future cost-controlled understudies to the big ticket guys. Both lines need some attention/investment soon. I'd argue one well-chosen Day 1 or 2 WR pick in the next draft (HUGE value/depth there) puts the Bills in better position in 2024 and onward than spending assets and money on a 30+ year old Adams to pair with Diggs. So the move would be about 2023, when it would take Adams some time to get assimilated into this complicated offense. I wouldn't be upset about it. But I'm not hoping for it unless the player is willing to take a major discount to WIN.
  12. Same for most "reply guys" on any platform/medium. The process one undergoes in search of objective truths is anathema to the impulse to quickly reply online or call-in on the radio. People confident enough to share are most often the least qualified to do so.
  13. Agree almost 100%. I know Schoop is a bad fit for the Gen-X-and-above crowd in WNY, as he is obsessed with fantasy, gambling, analytics, and everything new and "interesting." Seems like the ideal pundit to capture millennials and gen-z listeners...except that younger audience just does NOT listen to local sports radio talk lol. But I think he's smart and sometimes funny. He's best when trying to make Bulldog laugh/react by being hyperbolically nontraditional with his takes. (He's worst when pedantically harping on some take that's anti-momentum, anti-emotion, or otherwise opposed to anything that can't be measured in numbers. Also, was a big Tyrod supporter towards the end, which is so inconsistent with so many of his stated offensive football perspectives since.) Jeremy White, though: I think he's really clever for a sports talk host. Great radio voice, reasonable takes, and enough quick wit and sarcasm to be refreshing in that loud and monotonous sports infotainment ecosystem. Sal is useful as a guest, and super open-minded and reasonable when fielding calls, but he's vanilla as it gets. Falls into repetitive ruts and has never made me laugh once. Just so painfully sincere.
  14. How fast is he at 265 lol? I'm kidding of course. I like the addition. I was only suggesting that a specific personnel grouping was likely not on Beane's radar in signing this player.
  15. Are many actually holding out hope at this point in his career that Davis becomes something more than he's been over the past 3+ seasons? Or, are many hoping KINCAID, an initially underutilized talent (on whom the Bills DID "spend resources"), continues to turn into the weapon he was hopefully drafted to be? He should be featured extensively moving forward. He's a natural. I'd rather see the Bills hold tight this year, then draft a 1st or 2nd day WR in the 2024 draft (VERY deep WR pool, reportedly). Davis could net us a compensatory 3rd if he gets signed away. Gotta keep stacking drafted talent and loading the position group pipelines in cost-effective ways, unless some absolutely obvious moonshot falls into their laps to justify over-spending. But who currently qualifies as that moonshot (and can be fit under the cap)?
  16. Agree with the value of a pass-blocking RB, but not with the specific 11-personnel grouping in mind. That's a bit too narrow and contemporaneous. Big, experienced, physical (and kinda slow) RBs like Fournette have appealed to this regime since McD's arrival. Maybe even Fournette himself has been on our radar previously?
  17. Agree that he was a top-3 off-ball LB in the NFL this season (possibly THE top), but I think a healthy DaQuan Jones was actually more important to the entire unit's success. Jones' play had such cascading downstream impacts on the entire D, including "keeping the LBs clean" as they say.
  18. Our seats are pretty much at the same depth in the endzone, Bills side, as where Godwin ended up. That ball looked like it was going to land in his lap. Luckily someone was bothering him enough that he didn't get his head around in time to track it. Heck of a throw. These last-play games are exhausting.
  19. Log in on phone and attach to post. Or email to self so you can download onto computer and attach from that device instead.
  20. Offense, when played at a high level (which we've seen a lot around here in recent years), can control a football game. It can dictate the game script, the scoreboard, field position, etc., which then disrupts the opponent's gameplan. Defense, for sure, can control a game as well, but it doesn't typically do so by racking up points and skewing an opponent's available options due to the math of possessions remaining and points needed. It's like holding serve in tennis: the server ostensibly has an advantage over the returner (albeit less reliably than 10 and 20 years ago--which is inverted from the NFL where defenses (returners) have become much LESS dominant). So once you get ahead of your opponent, the main goal is holding serve. Translation: keep scoring. Keep dictating. Control what you can control, and you should win. There will always be exceptions to this thinking. And there will continue to be evolutions and YoY trends. But hypothetically, a great offense can just outscore the other team's offense, and help its own defense to stop an increasingly one-dimensional opponent. When you have Josh Allen, it shouldn't come down to defensive stops unless you're playing another elite team. The Bills offense failed to hold serve last week.
  21. I'm speaking specifically about this last game, mind you. That left shoulder is really whipping open early when he looks to drive the ball. That pass 37 feet over Gabe Davis' head (that Davis somehow actually could have caught) is just one example. There were at least 3 or 4 others that really took away potential TDs.
  22. Are Allen's mechanics being mentioned much? I can't work through 18 pages right now, unfortunately. I saw his front shoulder flying open on so many throws; many of which sailed. He has a general tendency to throw from an open stance, especially when running the hurry-up and spread. But that's different than what seemed to inform most of his throws that were high and hot. A breakdown in fundamentals. You see it with pitchers all the time. Which Bills QB was it who talked about focusing on "taking a bite out of the hamburger" (in his left hand)? You know, keeping that left shoulder closed as long as possible, and keeping that left hand up around the face. Was it a younger Allen? Or someone from the drought? Potentially over-rotating/over-throwing to overcompensate for an ailing shoulder?
  23. Is there a highlight reel for how he's doing when initial contact occurs behind the LOS? Or when the OL just kind of gets stacked up at the LOS? You know, just so I can imagine him HERE.
  24. Why would you NOT share that with an interested crowd of fellow fans?
  25. I'm seeing lots of Bills fans heading for the exits.
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