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Everything posted by billsbackto81

  1. I don't know whether to get upset over that prediction or laugh uncontrollably about the Chargers going 9-7 led by Tyrod Taylor😆
  2. Not really but we would have 3 backs that are viable starters on the NFL level. A bruiser, a "make you miss" type and one that does both.
  3. I love stats that back up player situations. Fournette is and has always been a very good back. Jax very well would have won our game 2 seasons ago if Fournette didn't get ejected because he was abusing our D (18 car. 95 yds. 2 TDs)that game up until then. We won by 3 and needed a 10 point 4th quarter to do it. He is and has been a very good back. He's just not a process guy and he's a problem in the locker room. A one year deal wouldn't be the end of the world and it would give us the deepest RB stable in the league.
  4. Brings up a very good point that Josh is still a baby and ahead of players such as Manning and other prolific players. Taking 2020 Josh over 2015 Cam all day. We pretty much know what we can expect from Josh this season. Cam? Not so much. Also, love the Black Panther shirt Kyle is sporting.
  5. And this is why he'll always have a job in the NFL. Ol' Reliable.
  6. Good Grief! Do they dare call Lee Smith or has he signed elsewhere? I don't even know if he's still on the team or not?
  7. I don't think Sweeney is going anywhere now the Kroft has made his annual appointment with Dr. Scholl.
  8. Big Whoop! Bills were making it regardless. Time to cut bait with this guy. Front office has shown a ton of faith with this guy and he's repaid them with absolutely nothing. It's that misplaced faith that has made the Bills FO pause on a reliable TE acquisition. We need a reliable vet TE opposite Knox and Kroft has proven not to be it.
  9. I like Milano but 14M seems kinda high for a player who is lacking in LOS impact and tackling technique. Yes, he is exceptional in coverage and suits this team very well, but 14M? Nah... It's just not an amount a team can absorb with your franchise CB, MLB and QB coming up. Maybe he may be worth that much to another team running a similar D, but that's a big maybe.
  10. Just make sure Sam's up to date on his vaccinations. I must admit I'm a little concerned about your backups instead of your starters. It looks like they actually play with heart and actually want to win.
  11. Thanks Hausch!! At least you didn't let us down in the playoffs. Good luck That is a very good point and most likely factored in the final decision.
  12. I actually enjoyed it somewhat, but they should've introduced Darkseid instead of using Steppenwolf. Possible prelude if there's a sequel.
  13. Something is wrong in the DC Universe.
  14. Darius Slay and Byron Jones make more than that and though they are high caliber corners they are nowhere near as good and consistent as Tre (or Gilmore for that matter). Look for Tre to reset the market at 18 per and look for Gilmore to renegotiate as well as he's only making 13 mil and is the current DPOY.
  15. Maybe take a chance on Nigel Bradham? I hear he's available.
  16. Never said he was 1st round material Gunner, just an interesting prospect. I'm sure you're aware many analysts and draft gurus had him as a late 1st, early 2nd. I agree with you though, he wouldn't have been my 1st pick and neither would Shaq. Obviously in hindsight Chris Jones or Myles Jack would've been nice.
  17. Any given Sunday, right? But seriously, if we lose to this Jets team in our house on opening day. Oh Lord!!!! I can hear the sharpening of the pitchforks now.
  18. Many of us including myself considered him an interesting prospect back in 2016. He was pretty much supposed to be what Milano is for us now. Smallish LB that excels in speed and coverage skills who's not much of a thumper. He went #20 right after we picked Lawson @ #19. He never panned out so far but may excel in this particular defense.
  19. You're right Gunner, just saw that. I don't follow WC teams that closely. Thanks?
  20. Melvin Ingram is an OLB or at least he was. AJ is a D- Lineman. I'd stick with youth and potential over age.
  21. Too bad Wallace couldn't do the same to Landry. ? He will be the highest paid when it's done. Probably somewhere around 18 per.
  22. Ngakoue? Clowney? Unfortunately there's a list of reasons why they're available. Not always. He seems healthy between the months of February and August.
  23. I'm also in that camp thinking Norman would start opposite Tre, but also wary of his age. I like Levi as depth but never considered him "starter" material. Dane Jackson hopefully comes on strong and Norman makes a full recovery. If not I guess I can live with Wallace and Jackson.
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