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Everything posted by ROCBillsBeliever

  1. This just makes so much sense. I also love the fact that the Allen's have trained and worked together. Hoping it's a low-cost, 2-year deal.
  2. We're all pulling for you and your fam, @YoloinOhio! Thanks for the update, @SDS
  3. Yeah, and did he choose blue cheese or ranch? Inquiring minds want to know 🕵️‍♂️
  4. It's simple: If you are the Buffalo Bills, subtract 25 from whatever number you should get, if the NFL followed its own rules, and that's how many we end up with. It's a system built in the TB12 lab, and baptized with certain fluids from a Jupiter, Florida establishment of ill repute...
  5. Whelp, now he's guaranteed to drop to the Chiefs or Bengals, and they'll continue to stomp us... Womp womp womp. 🙄
  6. Sadly, I agree on all, except Phillips. I can see him returning.
  7. I didn't dig into his injury history, so thank you for pointing this out. I'm all for spending less, so if we could get him at that price, I'd be all in.
  8. @HappyDays Parris Campbell stands out, in terms of both separation (top 5!) and contract value, as an UFA... Spotrac calculates an AAV of $2.5 million, and he's only 25... I mean, we can get that done; I give him 3 yrs, 7 million, 5 guaranteed... Git 'er done, Beane.
  9. I thought Zay fought for Jesus, NOT for Chad Hall 🤔
  10. I feel like with his athletic profile, sheer height advantage, and being a former TE, he would be a beast!
  11. Let's not forget that we do still have Tommy Doyle, under contract. He's coming off an ACL, from the hot Phin debacle, so he should be ready to go for the season opener. We had started using him in the "eligible OL" / blocking TE role, a bit, prior to his injury. Cheap, in the system, athletic freak, has hands... Just an under-the-radar guy that should be noted, in the conversation.
  12. I am prepared to demolish the pitcher of beer in front of me, walk home, and put on a Smiths record... Eff this toilet water play...
  13. Whelp, we all know why K.C. won: Collinsworth has a "No Cry Clause" in his contract. If Patty Cakes isn't available for his weekly personal ball washing, Collinsworth will refuse to announce his scheduled game. Plain and simple.
  14. Patty Cakes is in trouble? No worries... Just call out the Zebras 🙄🙄🙄
  15. How's that feel, Kermit? Get ready to sit at home next weekend.
  16. There needs to be a "Heartbreak Ratio" for INT's, though, because I guarantee that his percentage of red zone INT's has been drastically higher this year than last.
  17. TUNAAAAAA! I could kiss ya! Thanks for being rotten.
  18. Oh. oh. Oh... I'm sorry... I meant "time outs". NOT "slime pouts". Too bad. So sad.
  19. NerDaniel: Why did your metrics fail on that onsides kick? Where are your slime pouts? Do you need a microfiber cloth to clean your glasses?
  20. Oh Noooooo, Tuna... It's the 4th down... Too bad... So sad.
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