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Everything posted by ROCBillsBeliever

  1. This, precisely! We all know this regime values competition, and tries to make every role a battle to win. If Saffold is down to take a hometown discount, and we bring in a lower-round draft pick to learn and battle for a spot, that's optimal.
  2. Someone needs to give Al Michaels a pile of The Devil's Dandruff... Dude was about to slump out of his chair, the whole game!
  3. NINE and THREE, BABY! Up next? Revenge Fest: AFCE Version. We're coming for ya, Tuna and Cougar-Chaser!
  4. I feel like it's all been in his head... As in: Turn your head around, Dane! He's been in position, but just not very aware of the ball.
  5. How many receipts are we going to see for all the Dane Jackson hate, earlier? Glad to see that he's been solid, thus far.
  6. We absolutely required a tuddy, there. I know the D is rested, and playing well, but I never count out NE. This is the kind of team you need to grind into oblivion, to beat. They won't give up.
  7. I've heard the phrase "Happy Feet," but I've not seen it, until we drafted Cook.
  8. I swear I thought that flag was going to take the TD away. Guarantee that would have been a penalty on us, in the Brady era.
  9. I don't get it... The Cheats are racking up penalties like a 3rd grader collects Pokemon (or whatever kids do, these days... Sue me: I'm old!). It's like watching the Bills of the 2000's... This is some reality reversal $#!+.
  10. I need another emoji for this! For real, though: there needs to be a "Hey, I'm a Bills fan who not only dealt for 40 years of bad luck from our team, but also was dealt a really $#!++Y Hand, in life" club. At least we could all put a few back, tell some tales, root for the Bills, and commiserate together, if nothing else.
  11. I'm F'ing Irish. I nearly died 4x due to cancer (Which had ZERO familial history). I've literally never won a single bet I've placed... These are #FACTS When people tell me I wear a tinfoil hat, I show them my scars. Thankful to see some math behind the inanity... I know what I've lived through...
  12. And Zay Jones--who could do nothing for the Bills, while on the team--decides to assist us, with a 2-pt conversion. Thanks, Zay Zay!
  13. As much as I despise tinfoil hats, I do feel that the NFL has narratives it supports, and others it attempts to squelch out. Josh Allen is literally Harrison Bergeron (Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison_Bergeron), and the NFL Handicapper Generals play dirty, burden him with non-calls that Tommy Boy was always blessed with, and generally do everything in their power to keep the man (and our team) down. I know... Too much turkey and wine, but I have yet to locate The Cigarette Smoking Man's grave:
  14. Also, I am convinced that the Vikings are literally the luckiest good team in the NFL. They're not as good as their record; they are more lucky than any team I've ever seen. (Shoot me... I normally only watch the Bills, and we have probably the worst luck in history).
  15. If he's any good, I'm sure he will have no problem finding redemption... On the Andy Reid Circus Show of Morality 🙄
  16. Same, sub-par (if not downright dangerous) Deeeee-troit turf... I say keep Tre in bubble wrap.
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