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Everything posted by ROCBillsBeliever

  1. Dear Leslie Frazier: 1) Watch this Fish v.s Bolts game tape. 2) Do the same thing to Tuna Tug-on-my-own-viola. 3) Thanks, in advance.
  2. More than seeing Miami struggle, I enjoy watching Chris Tua'sBallWashingworth try and figure out how to make Tuna seem like the best QB in history... Dude is literally a cheerleader for Tuna...
  3. Somebody page @Sammy Watkins' Rib!!! Mike White needs a transplant!
  4. SHAQ ATTACK! Mike White is sucking wind. Go Bills!
  5. Stupid if it fails. Brilliant if it succeeds. Sometimes, you gotta listen to your all-pro CB, and give it a try.
  6. Well, I would say last Sunday was a HUGE break for us, given all the wins that went out way. I feel like, in all my 41 years of fandom, I've never seen a Sunday landslide like that: Chiefs, Fish, Jets, Tennessee, all falling... That's a huge break!
  7. You seriously want MY reaction when Allen fumbled in his own EZ against SKOL? Me: "This is the NFL narrative, playing out as big money wants it to... The Buffalo Bills MUST be stopped at ALL COSTS..." Sorry if I blinded you with the glare off my tin-foil hat... I've only worn it through all four SB losses...
  8. The NFL's brain-scrambled little darling just barfed all over himself. Thanks for the top seed, TUNA!
  9. This, precisely! We all know this regime values competition, and tries to make every role a battle to win. If Saffold is down to take a hometown discount, and we bring in a lower-round draft pick to learn and battle for a spot, that's optimal.
  10. Someone needs to give Al Michaels a pile of The Devil's Dandruff... Dude was about to slump out of his chair, the whole game!
  11. NINE and THREE, BABY! Up next? Revenge Fest: AFCE Version. We're coming for ya, Tuna and Cougar-Chaser!
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