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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. Maybe when we play GB in the SB THAT REF will call illegal hands to the face and holding on him..
  2. No but you were comparing him to this season... that's not fair in the means of thinking Josh will be the next Rodgers witch Sherman was referring to. I'm not sensitive on this topic I'm stating facts.. that if you wish to compare the 2 QB single stat to this year is far from fair to finding out If Josh is on his way being the next Aaron. I think you and I are on the same page... We stand by our QB and we compare to another QB on a fair basis to the topic. IF we were talking about MVP I would of replied and said I 100% agree. As I normally do with most of your content as you do with mine lol. LOL I see where your going with this lol
  3. your statement isn't true Aaron didn't start till year 4.. had 3 years to sit down so ill compare Josh Allen to Rodgers year 4 and year 5 so hairs are not split yes? Josh Allen 4544 yards, 7.9 Avg, 37 TD , 10 INT, 107.2 Rate Rodgers year 4 4038 Yards, 7.5 Avg, 28 TD, 13 INT, 93.8 Rate Rodgers year 5 4434 Yards, 8.2 Avg, 30 TD, 7 INT, 103.2 Rate At this point in Rodgers career one would think Rodgers would get better. Same with Josh.. and we wont even dig into rushing stats.. we know how that ends. To not think for ONE SECOND lol that Josh cant be just is good as Rodgers is crazy.. screw it lets add rushing to all of this.. Rodgers year 4 207 yards and 4TD Rodgers year 5 316 yards and 5TD Josh Allen 421 yards 8 TD Of course he's not Rodgers right NOW! Experience! But will he? Can he? my simple answer is YES Does Josh remind me of where Aaron was ? YES Edited I understand you said yet to.. but you don't compare this season with this season on both players.. not a fair comparison
  4. mmhm This is one of my offseason grabs. 2nd CB or Safety would do him well.
  5. I can do that If you can help me find them. Its funny how remember the bad calls against us more then the bad calls against them
  6. "Int that was not an INT" its there but I will edit and be more specific on the game
  7. stop flaming. get over it. I am. I already removed it from the original post to please repliers. I did home work on this topic and felt other wise.. but people feel its close enough where its disputable witch isn't the point of this post. I'm done arguing over it...
  8. OKOK ... damn OK.. Just to fulfill you guys needs I am removing that one lol
  9. Put the time in and compare then contact me.. Lets not start getting silly over this.. ok? oh my yea not as fun as the personal foul call on Josh this year lol!
  10. I disagree but we can disagree lol this year has been,,, bad,, lol
  11. got that **** right Na I will forward it to the "flamers department" we have had a couple calls go our way I admit. but nothing that makes up for the screw ups done against us.
  12. I have compared to other delay of game calls
  13. oh there was more then an extra second lol. watched it a bunch of times.. I got to two oneHIKEthousand defiantly more then a second lol
  14. I am making a list of Horrible bad calls on us this year.. its adding up John Brown no TD OPI that should of been called on Kupp clear push off Rams game Against Titans 2nd Quarter phantom holding call. There was a holding call made on 2 different O'Linemen and neither was holding. 2 FG Attempts that should of been a FG Int that was not close to being an INT Rams Game At least 2 PI calls... our defender didn't lay a flinger on the WR past the 5 and was still called. both cases. The fumble that wasn't a fumble when it was a fumble. These plays are undisputable. Have we ever had a year worse then this? and if I missed any let me know. remember I am just looking for undisputable calls... not questionable wrong #'s calls
  15. Gosh the refs tried finding a lot of ways to screw us this year lol... a Fumble a int 2 kicks.. phantom PI lol
  16. Survivability in this league is key. aka longevity
  17. where is that topic of "no excuses for Bass" ? it didn't age well.. congrats Bass!
  18. Again why did we decide to allow them to go for interview. IF I am an OC in the playoffs, I would want to spend every second I could studying film, at practices, doing what I can from home... instead of having my head in the clouds thinking about my next Job... I mean if you guys were McD. Wouldn't that be what you expect out of your OC and DC? I have seen so many times in the past teams refused till the run is over then go do your thing... The players are professionals but this is a distraction WE DON'T NEED! IF someone can explain it then I would appreciate it cause this topic is driving me nuts.
  19. Yes there was a play called only if Josh was the one that caught the off sides free play. they were not all running streaks.. something they would do if no play was called
  20. Your in the playoffs. as a HC why would you allow these interviews to happen... The last thing you want is this team to be thinking about something else and not an eye on the prize.
  21. Yea he will.. he won a SB. Just stop.. OC assistant HC.
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