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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. yep sit baker sit Ben. IF if were Alex Van Pelt I would want to know quickly if they are just going through the motions. If they are put your second team in. Cleveland can't afford another Injury. IF it were a Steeler coach.. I would sit Ben... See what you have in your backup. rebuild
  2. Everyone has the right to post what they will feel will happen each game. I think if Indy went against Baltimore that Indy wins.. they were the most complete team of the wild card teams in the AFC. IF you remember when we played Baltimore last we taught teams how to beat them. Now I feel we have a Elite Offense and strongly feel that if we score 30+ that we will win. The better question is who are you to tell us how we feel about a team or a game? We feared teams for 25 years.. Now only I fear KC and GB. stop confusing trash talk with confidence.
  3. If JUJU kept his trap shut, learned how to catch a ball and stopped dancing on team logo's on the field he wouldn't be a half bad WR
  4. We figured out how to play then last year right? We taught a teams how to beat them? And now we have a strong Josh Allen and a guy named Diggs
  5. I agree everything you said accept it being the final box... Getting the the AFCC game is a box. Getting the the SB is a box. Winning a SB is a box. all 3 unchecked..
  6. Busted .. ive looked at this play again 10 times.. busted play Tre should of stayed on his man
  7. I think our LBS didn't play great football yet they were solid with a mistake or 2. our line needs sacks... When does the Dline shred blocks for tackles and sacks? at some point the Buck stops on the Line..
  8. I recorded the game.. The CB had a decision to follow or turn inside. He made the wrong decision.. Ive replayed it 10 times with same result.. That was on our CB not Milano he expected deep help and it wasnt there
  9. That was a Busted play the CB was supposed to have him on the back end. Milano even turned to him and said something... any other plays?
  10. we must be watching different games I saw Milano making plays all over.. This defense has turned Vanilla.. 0 sacks.. Line struggled.. scripted
  11. I wont credit him cause it should never of gotten to that point.. our defense was a joke at times.
  12. cant be lucky enough for a washington win can we? lol
  13. called QB run plays.. to many of them stick out to me.. I will give ya that much but not his worst game called
  14. that being said.. as it was happening... I was sure we were going to loose because of that history
  15. The problem wasn't the play calling.. The problem was Indi kept us deep on our end of the field.. Field possession was horrid The D struggled to stop the run.. There is so much you can do at your own 10 yard line when you can't run yards. They only punted the ball what 2 times? Our defense and on one play special teams put us in bad possession
  16. there should be 0 argument on this.. it was a fumble.. Was it close yes? but i saw his knee come up clear as day before he was touched.. Trash call
  17. Just pass every down... I mean seriously.. lol... Williams. Lets find out what the kid has.
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