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Everything posted by Maynard

  1. I think you’re most likely correct there. It was a long time ago, but still don’t remember Elway having that same pop. I’ll have to go back and watch some old highlights now lol.
  2. I’ve been pumped since the day we drafted him. I don’t think in 30 years of watching football that I’ve seen an arm like his. I remember watching Moon and George for example ( two known for their arm strength), but the way the ball leaves his hand is not something I’ve seen.
  3. He’s not ready. Not sure I’ve seen a better arm though. Thought that TD to Ray Ray was intercepted. Just a damn bullet there....
  4. Agreed. Pointless discussion really. Just a lot of opinions with nothing to really back it up either way. There is absolutely no way in knowing.
  5. I’m not a huge believer in ruining a QB. I mean we can show success\failure either way, but if you got IT you got IT. There’s a lot that goes into that IT though.
  6. Prove it. I think we should all post topless pictures of ourselves. I know half you wing eating, pizza pie flipping, and Labatt sucking junkies got gynecomastia and a keg for a belly LOL.
  7. Lived in Florida for 7 years. I don’t know of this Fort Pierce, only of a Fort Piss.
  8. I think the D will be very good, but the point was already made that it largely depends on our O. What have you seen from Stanford that makes you think he will ball out?
  9. STFU, .........Buffalomeat? Wow, that is truly awesome!
  10. I thought Pegula was worth more around $6 billion, but whatever. Still pretty cool that we have an owner with very deep pockets. Bills/Sabres ain’t going anywhere for a long long time.
  11. Good thing Russ wasn’t on there, he would have been trying to pull Kim into the bathroom with him.
  12. Well, let’s look at the bright side with the 2nd overall pick in the 2019 draft. Oliver or Bosa here we come......
  13. He’s mentally handicapped with lots and lots of money. I cannot fault someone like him. Life is a bigger challenge for the challenged.
  14. Hate to say it, but The Pats throw backs are pretty slick. Next I gotta go with The Bucs. I miss that helmet and orange. Tampa should go back, I hate their newer uniforms in both color and design.
  15. Yup, I truly believe he could have been special and he threw it all away!
  16. So did I! I was super excited when we drafted him and thought he would be unstoppable.
  17. Oh absolutely! My dad was a diehard and passed away a few months ago. We always always discussed the Bills. He had season tickets for the large majority of his life going back to the rock pile
  18. Yeah, I’m not sure I understand the hype around him. Very little production in college. I will admit that I only saw him play a few times, so my opinion doesn’t matter much. What is it that people see in Foster??
  19. Indeed. In my case, it’s very infrequent though, I would need cable to watch the game.
  20. I don’t think we’ll go crazy. I do expect them to make some moves in FA to protect and give Allen some weapons. How splashy we get though I’m not fully certain.
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