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Everything posted by BigDingus

  1. I'm sure the next time we do something good it'll be called back by a penalty. Or if we're within inches of a 1st down, we'll get a false start, making a relatively easy 3rd down opportunity go to 3rd and 6....probably leading to a 5th interception.
  2. What do you mean? Our great WR corps is amazing! We have Jones, Holmes and... I forget...but I'm sure they're great too. Zay & Holmes alone are top tier WR's! Taylor won't throw to them and Peterman has as many completions to the Chargers as he does for the Bills. Our team is on fire!
  3. And it's not like the game would be any different with Tyrod in. Instead of picks we'd just have punts (and likely a pick or 2 anyway with the way the line is blocking). Top 2 WR's out, Taylor doesn't see WR's anyway, so game would still be a loss. Peterman is going to have double digit interceptions by the end of the game if they leave him in. He has lost all confidence.
  4. And the game is over. Totally on Peterman. He's not right in the head now. This team let him down early, and no way he's coming back. Mariotta threw 4 picks today too, but at least we know who he is. Nate doesn't have that resume built up yet, so he's screwed for the day.
  5. Yep, totally Peterman's fault. He had a guy with a step on his man down the field but got nailed as he threw. Nothing to do with our horrendous line. And Dimarco not catching an easy dump pass, totally on Peterman. Only the second pick I'd consider on him, and that's 50/50 as he also got hit. Tyrod at least had Benjamin, Clay and Matthews out there to pass to. Who the hell does Peterman have? And with our LT out, our line is a mess.
  6. Brissett is playing much better in recent weeks, so the Colts definitely aren't guaranteed wins, and the Chargers always beat us away. I could see us sweeping the Dolphins or getting swept, it's a toss up, so may as well say split there. The Pats will annihilate this team, no doubt about that. The WORST thing I can possibly think of for the rest of this season is what Kareem Hunt will do to this defense. I could see 200+ yards on us EASY. If it's not a blowout by the 4th quarter, this guy could be the first RB to rush for over 300 yards in a single game.
  7. It really feels like the reason behind "more of the same bullsh*t being cycled onto the field," is because every time a new staff comes in, they gut the talent on the roster because they're not "their guys" and "they don't fit the scheme." We get rid of young talent the other staff added, then use a couple years worth of draft picks replacing those holes. We never "build" anything. We're perpetually stuck in neutral.
  8. Do the playoffs start Sunday? If not, it's really not ours or anyone else's. You think playing the Patriots twice, the Chiefs away, the Dolphins twice & the Chargers away (who we haven't beaten since '81 outside of Buffalo) is going to yield desired results?
  9. The one fallacy that has been perpetuated over the time of Taylor's reign at the helm is this: "He doesn't get many passing attempts because we're a run-first team by design, and the coaches don't call many passing plays for him! He's efficient with his limited opportunities!" (Then they mention his completion percentage) 1) He doesn't get many passing attempts because of his 3 & outs! When you don't move the ball, when you don't extend drives, when you dump off to the RB on 3rd & long every single time, you aren't on the field for long! Your drive dies before it even begins! You have low passing attempts because YOU'RE ON THE BENCH! If he didn't go 3 & out all the time, he'd have more passing attempts by simply being on the field more often! You'd have a new set of downs, a new set of plays in which you'll get the chance to pass the ball, and inevitably your attempts per game will increase! 2) His completion percentage is inflated by the number of checkdown passes he completes! If we didn't have Shady & Clay, capable of making YAC, his 160 yards per game would sink even further & look more similar to the Saints game. Reception Leaders for the year are: 1. LeSean McCoy - 41 2(T). Charles Clay - 22 (And he's been out for what, 3 games?) 3. Jordan Matthews - 22 4. Zay Jones - 16 5. Nick O'Leary - 15 So, we have McCoy alone with more receptions than our top 2 WR's COMBINED, and an injured TE & his backup with nearly the same receptions as 2 starting WRs. Throw in an additional 12 receptions for Mike Tolbert, a limited use backup, and we have 53 receptions going to the RBs.
  10. Two things on this: 1) You're right, he's not a freelancer. He doesn't call audibles, even when the defense is literally telling him what they're about to do, he's afraid to change the play. If the Bills are about to pitch to Tolbert to the weak side, the defense could tell him to his face 20 seconds left on the play clock "hey, we know you're going to pitch it to Tolbert. Don't do it," and Taylor would just stare like a deer in the headlights, snap the ball and pitch it to him anyway getting him blown up behind the LoS and losing 5 yards. 2) On every play you have several options. "The Script" could be to look for a post route 15 yards down field as option 1, or a crossing pattern as option 2, maybe look for the TE option 3, all depending on the coverage the defense gives you...but you always will have the outlet pass as a LAST option with your RB hanging back for a quick dump off if absolutely necessary. Problem is Taylor's approach is "Stare down option 1 for about 1.5 seconds, if he isn't 6 yards open on all sides of the ball, RB becomes option 1. Dump pass!" On occasion he'll lob a pass to someone who has a couple steps on their defender, but 90% of the time it sails way over their head. On the rare chance he hits them, they have to stop their route, and come back for the catch, eliminating any possible YAC. He is incapable of hitting anyone in stride anymore, and has actually regressed as a passer since his first game starting 3 seasons ago. I was harping on this weeks & weeks ago when we were winning, but people kept trying to tell me "3 & outs don't matter! Irrelevant stat!" Not only do they matter, but they're possibly the most important stat that effects all facets of the game. Everything from field position to time of possession to helping your defense to simply getting your offense in rhythm is ruined by consistent 3 & outs.
  11. In regards to the OP, yes, the defense has been getting blame too. The thing is they're the reason we even have 5 wins to begin with, so piling on when we see the offense helped them NONE whatsoever feels disingenuous. When a defense isn't doing well, giving them time to regroup and take a breather after so many long, sustained drives tends to help. With our offense, they get about a minute before they're thrown right back out there. If our offense didn't respond by going 3 & out (and in the most pathetic fashion) immediately, maybe the defense would've had a chance. But when the defense is on the field for a whopping 42 minutes of the game, it's kind of hard to ignore the offense's role in that. For kicks, say the defense stopped the Saints on a few of these drives... Do you think giving our offense 3 more chances would've suddenly done something? In all the Drives Tyrod had, he threw for 56 freaking yards, 1 completion to a WR, and the rest were dump offs! Do you think a handful of extra 3 & outs on offense would've given us the chance we need? You could DOUBLE Tyrod's stats & still not come with range of a mediocre QB's performance!
  12. "Since halftime of the JETS game." Yeah, it's a weird sentence, but pretty much he's starting at the previous game's halftime.
  13. If the Bills hadn't lost in such pathetic fashion the past 2 weeks, I'd say we have a chance against the Chargers. But when the Chargers watch the game tape, they're going to be fired up on both sides of the ball. Their defense will just do what everyone is going to do, continue to stack the box and dare Tyrod to beat them (spoiler: he won't even try), while their offense will just run all over us the entire day. The Colts will probably beat us, as they've been playing hard in recent weeks. Jacoby Brissett, although not great, at least plays hard and takes the risks needed to win. They were competitive with the Steelers & barely lost this week 17-20, beat the Texans and lost 23-24 to Jacksonville in their last 3 games. Brissett has multiple 300+ yard passing games, and each of the last 3 weeks he's thrown for 2 TDs (more than Tyrod can say). And the Dolphins usually play us hard, but there's always a chance we get the turnover machine Jay Cutler. Luckily they traded away Ajayi before we played them, so we're safe from repeats of last year. We may split with them. We're definitely losing to the Pats twice, there's no point in even explaining that further. Playing the Chiefs in Arrowhead? Nothing good can come from that...It's scary to think what Kareem Hunt will do to us after today, he could break the first RB ever to break 300 yards rushing in a single game. Yeah...I can see 1 win, MAYBE 2. This will be the 3rd time in recent memory the Bills started 5-2 to collapse from there. So predictably sad.
  14. He may as well be equally responsible for the defensive showing, because his terrible play consistently forced them back on the field moments after they just got off! After suffering for 5+ minutes of getting pounded, they immediately get thrown right back in without even a breather because Tyrod can't complete anything but a dump pass to a RB on 3rd & long (or really any other time). After using all of 1:30, the defense goes right back out there, yet again, to get bludgeoned by the Saints for long, extended drives. If Tyrod could you know, throw for more than 56 yards all game, maybe, just maybe, the defense wouldn't have been out there so damn much. But the Saints offense was given so many opportunities to get right back on the field and continue imposing their will because the Bills offense never stayed on the field. The second the Saints scored, they knew just moments later they were going to get to do it all over again, as it's too much to ask for Tyrod to even TRY to throw the ball to the first down marker.
  15. it's crazy to think that the team Rex inherited was so damn talented, but he ran it into the gutter with McBeane finishing it off by getting rid of all the young talent. It's going to be fun wasting all these draft picks just to replace all those same positions... Doesn't really feel like we're "building" anything, just standing in place. We were a QB away from being really good...but since then we've gotten much OLDER and regressed far too much.
  16. When you as a defender just were just on the field for 5+ mins getting the ball rammed down your throat, start walking to the bench to regroup and get some water, then before you even can sit down, the offense is already returning after using 1 minute of clock and suffering yet ANOTHER 3 & out, yeah, it gets demoralizing. As a defender, you know you're gassed and have to immediately return to the field to face another extended drive....time & time & time again. The offense probably never even broke a sweat. Taylor's whopping 56 yards and 1 completion to a WR all game really inspires confidence. The defense knew that they were on the ropes, and needed a breather, but Tyrod said "Nope! I'm resting today boys, get back out there!" as he returned to the bench following another dump pass on 3rd & long. Even if the defense managed to make some stops, what the hell would we have done with them? You could literally double Taylor's stat line (pretending he actually converted some 3rd downs) and he'd still only have 112 yards passing on 18 completions, with 2 being to WRs... The defense would still be gassed, still be screwed, and still take a pounding...
  17. Oh shut it. He threw for 56 yards in the game. And for the 9th straight game, failed to lead even a single TD drive in the 1st quarter. The defense sucked, but that doesn't excuse the offense from sucking. The only games we've won this season can be attributed to the defense gifting so many turnovers to the offense, especially all those starting in great field position. Our offense was on the field for 18 minutes as opposed to the Saints who were on the field for 42 minutes. If you NEVER even attempt to throw the ball to the 1st down marker, always dumping it off on 3rd & long to the RBs, you NEVER will win. Taylor didn't even try to keep us in the game. Had he ever lead any drives, and converted on 3rd downs, the Saints offense wouldn't have had so, so, sooooo many drives to begin with! Tyrod & Co. would trot out, use about 1:30, then punt, putting the defense IMMEDIATELY back on the field for the Saints to roll all over.
  18. Let me know when Tyrod doesn't check down on 3rd & long. It goes both ways. They only gave up 2 sacks. Opponents are stacking the box because they KNOW Taylor won't even throw to open receivers, much less hit them. He's got 1 on 1 coverage, with guys like 6'3 Jordan Matthews, 6'5 Kelvin Benjamin, 6'3 Charles Clay who are all much bigger than the DB's covering them the majority of the time. They're also athletic guys with very good hands. But throwing the ball in their general vicinity is nearly an impossible task for Taylor. Clay is just lucky he's also an outlet pass who Taylor can dump off to, otherwise he'd be ignored like the rest of the group. Even guys like Thompson get open and get seperation on the defender pretty often...Problem is Taylor hangs the ball too long or outright overthrows the pass instead. It is so, so, sooooo rare to see Tyrod hit anyone in stride that has beaten their man. Unless the DB has fallen over (and even then it's 50/50), Taylor isn't going to give these guys a fair opportunity to ever make plays for us. And one thing is absolutely certain - you cannot win a game, EVER, by throwing 5-8 yards short of the 1st down marker on 3rd and long. No matter what you want to say about anyone else, THAT is unacceptable and happens repeatedly throughout every game. If you won't even try to get a 1st down, it's impossible to win. That cannot be debated.
  19. Even with all these picks, I'm still scared these guys don't know how to evaluate talent. If they think Tyrod is a good QB while passing on guys like Watson, it makes you wonder what will be different next year.... And remember the previous draft, how everyone said Goff & Wentz were taken too high because it was a terrible QB class? "Wait until next draft!" was repeated over & over. Then this year, same thing "Bad QB class, wait until next year!" Now, the consensus has changed once more, as people are saying the QB's in this draft are "overrated" and to wait until next year AGAIN. Fans (which includes me), seem to always dismiss each draft's QB's year in and year out. Guys like Russell Wilson & Prescott get drafted later, and even Derek Carr get skipped over by "professionals."
  20. I've never "hated" Tyrod. I wish him nothing but the best. I hope week in and week out he'll recognize his mistakes and at least TRY to make some plays. But time & time again he shows who he cannot change. No matter how far we fall behind, he won't even attempt to throw beyond the 1st down marker on 3rd and long. How many times can he walk to the sideline after going 3 & out and not think "man, I should've at least tried to get a 1st down"? I rather risk turnovers than see the offense trotted out for 3 plays, go nowhere, and punt... He's a nice guy, I hope he's successful in every aspect of his life, and would thank him for simply being a Bill. Outside of that, he's not a good NFL QB, and we need to move on. I have no fantasies that Peterman is suddenly going to lead us to victory, but we're not going to win many more games, if any (unless it's against the Dolphins) for the remainder of the year, so better to see what we have now going into the draft.
  21. Bingo! And most of the time in great field position. People also seem to forget that even with those turnovers, we often did next to nothing with them. We'd fail to get a first down even once, but be in FG range. When the defense gave us a turnover in our own territory, we punted. If the defense didn't score themselves on a return, the offense rarely scored a TD off of it. Teams now realize our offense won't ever move the ball, so simply avoid turnovers and they'll cruise to an easy win.
  22. I know! He wasn't allowed to pad out his stats making his box results look far more accurate in comparison to his actual play. Tyrod has officially taken the mantle of Colonel Checkdown. He easily outranks Captain Checkdown Trent at this point.
  23. LOL in just a few minutes of game time, Peterman had nearly as many completions, more yards, and a TD. 7/10 passing for 79 yards compared to 9/18 passing for 56 yards. Garbage time or not, that's miserable that a starting QB in the NFL is THAT awful.
  24. Hell, look at someone like Russell Wilson, who has 24 career game winning drives, and in the last 3 years (since Tyrod has been playing) has 9. We're talking being behind, but having only 1 more chance to win the game. All the pressure in the world, and Wilson has 9 of those alone, while Tyrod has only won 3 games total out of 21 where we even fell behind by a single point PERIOD in the 4th quarter. Forget game-winning drives, just having the ABILITY to POTENTIALLY/MAYBE win a game with some adversity late in the game would be a massive improvement. But that's not how he's wired. Prescott, only drafted last year, has 6 game-winning drives. Even Trent Edwards managed 5 game-winning drives in his illustrious career. Out of 273 NFL QBs, Taylor is tied for DEAD LAST with a whopping 3 4th-quarter comebacks. He shares the honor with greats such as Kelly Holcomb, JP Losman, JaMarcus Russell, Heath Shuler, Blaine Gabbert and Todd Collins. QBs who haven't played nearly as long or had nearly the amount of opportunities Taylor has had yet still have more include Jameis Winston, Brock Osweiler, RG 3, Teddy Bridgewater, Dak Prescott, Marcus Mariota, Blake Bortles, etc. These guys aren't exactly world-beaters, and have piloted some pretty awful teams. But just sheer luck & odds, along with volume of opportunities should allow Tyrod more than freaking 3! Want to know some others who put him to shame, may with even less chances than him? Brian Hoyer (6), Sam Bradford (7), Kirk Cousins (8), Ryan Fitzpatrick (9), Mark Sanchez (10), Matt Schaub (11), Ryan Tannehill (12), Derek Carr (13), Andy Dalton (15), Joe Flacco (19), Jay Cutler (23).... And man, the names in between those are some pretty uninspiring players like Rex Grossman (7), Jason Campbell (7), Tim Tebow (6), Ty Detmer (5), Josh McCown (5), Billy Joe Tolliver (5), Kyle Orton (8), Josh Freeman (9), Tim Couch (10), John Skelton (6).... I mean, this shows you that even mediocre QBs, on crap teams, some with even less opportunities than Tyrod or are career journeymen/backups at least have proven more reliable in the 4th quarter than Taylor, who is an all-time historically bad QB when it matters.
  25. How many drives for negative yards, via dump passes, sacks & penalties do we need to see before people realize Tyrod does not have the confidence of this team. "Receivers aren't getting open!" They were open, and often, for the first half of this game. Saints were stacking the box, which left guys 1 on 1. We have big guys with good hands that could catch even semi-decent throws if they were within arm's reach. But that's too much to ask of Tyrod. If I was a WR, and I knew the best I could hope for was an overthrown pass or 2 and a bunch of run blocking, followed by sitting on the bench 90% of each game...yeah, I'd stop going all out every play too. At best you add 1 reception over a 3 hour game to your stats, at worst you get seriously injured. And we all know Tyrod doesn't audible and can't read defenses, so even if the opposing linemen said "Hey, we know you're going to dump off to Tolbert on 3rd & long," he'd still stare down Tolbert, and try to throw directly to him...either leading to a batted down ball, a tackle for a loss, or short gain. He's got no field awareness. "Clutch" is the exact opposite of Taylor.
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