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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Lmao... Calling those who risk their lives for societies benefit pigs because a few are bad, pushing propaganda of a mass murderer, disrespecting our country and its flag, insulting your bosses, AND THE BIGGEST PART ALL HIS APOLOGISTS CONVENIENTLY FORGET... all after being benched because he sucked, is the personification of a sellout. REMEMBER THIS GUY ONLY "KNEELED FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE" ONCE HE GOT BENCHED FOR BLAINE GABBERT. THAT IS YOUR HERO. Antonio Brown was just trying to stop a gold digger from taking his monies... Maybe, he should have threatened her for "equality" purposes... The biggest difference between the two is Brown actually was and is talented enough to play in the NFL, and will in the future. But, continue short bus circlejerk. He got his, after he was benched for a better player... Man, sometimes I hate this world.
  2. Antonio Brown has a better case against the league than this guy...
  3. Unless, you want the officials to see what trash they are... Seriously, I like the idea of using a failing challenge at the right times.
  4. Dang, with how Buffalo likes to play every game close, that is quite a spread. I mean, Miami almost tied, today. Not sure they are serious about that #1 overall.
  5. I was more saying it as a matter of fact. But, take it as you will.
  6. The Jets' defense is pretty legit, with CJ in. Dirty and ugly, but legit. Can they make the playoffs, still?
  7. I love how the phins were not about to let a tie ruin their #1 overall pick.
  8. Dolphins taking the tank a bit more seriously than Washington. Fitz almost put a stop to it. No matter what Fitz is a baller.
  9. Every year this stupid question gets asked. Could the Tide beat (insert weakest team here)? Every year the answer is the same about OP.
  10. After how the defense has played, we can only hope things just get better for these young guys.
  11. I agree... The only issue is that all the other wrs passed him on the depth chart, and cutting loose is really all that is left. I wish him the best with Richie and co.
  12. Well, now I dont feel as bad thinking this was hilarious. The guy was okay for the same reason drunk drivers are okay.
  13. There were like 4 calls against Buffalo in a row that the announcer even said were bad calls. That is how bad the refs were.
  14. Yeah, when running the clock out, make sure to run the ball... Science!
  15. You really are not suppose to move a guy with a neck injury. Stabilize head and flip him over, is about all they should so. Anyways, that was hilarious.
  16. More people who "know better." They want to run the ball more, until they want the Bills to pass the ball more. 4-1 with a strong, stout defense. These opinion threads should be kept in the post-game thread.
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