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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Where are the knowitall fans claiming Daboll was cute... 3 failed runs up the gut, all fails, guys. These comments are the pits.
  2. Man, these gameday threads get annoying when you read the comments.
  3. I really wonder how many players/coaches do... I know I would, just out of curiosity. Plus, there are the people who really care what other think and will defend themselves anonymously or attack rivals anonymously.
  4. Which ones of you are they? If posted already, my bad. https://www-newyorkupstate-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.newyorkupstate.com/buffalo-bills/2019/10/how-a-woman-ended-up-in-wrong-group-chat-and-became-a-buffalo-bills-fan-for-life.html?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&outputType=amp&usqp=mq331AQCKAE%3D#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newyorkupstate.com%2Fbuffalo-bills%2F2019%2F10%2Fhow-a-woman-ended-up-in-wrong-group-chat-and-became-a-buffalo-bills-fan-for-life.html
  5. No, no, no... You gotta blame Josh Allen... @BringBackOrton
  6. Haha... Cody Ford, huh... when I saw that I decided I wasted the 3 minutes of my life I dedicated to this thread.
  7. I try my best to heckle them when the crowd lulls. Also, yell neutral zone when you catch it, and the ref is sleeping...
  8. Haha... The coaches getting worried Fitz may ruin the #1 overall. This is trash. I am close to tuning out of the NFL for a while. May stick around the PPP sub-basement until I return.
  9. Lol, so when the defense is on the field the whole time, keeping the ball from the offense, the two are not tied... I really am afraid you believe your malarkey. Member when I said Wallace and our run defense looked like a liability and were exploited by the dolphins, and you disagreed? Member when I said other teams would take note? I member.... Keep blaming Allen, tho.
  10. You mean how our offense stalled because the defense gave up a 100 yard td run? Because that is your logic.
  11. You mean, the defense that got ran over and saw Wallace exploited for the second game in a row? Senile denial.
  12. New DL on the Eagles... Refuse to run and wear them out, even when we see success on the runs. Oh well, see y'all next week. Our defense needs to figure out how to stop the run, as well.
  13. With the weather conditions and the depleted Eagles DL the way they are, running made sense... bad playcalling and a bad defense.
  14. I said this exact same thing when they played the fins. "Other teams will take note..." looks like they have.
  15. Lmao... the defense getting run all over for the second straight week is something we just ignore? @BringBackOrton
  16. And, here is my thing. There is a middle ground on "transgenderism." Once you're 18, feel free to pain Olympics yourself and call yourself whatever. Leave kids out of it. Kids in the legal sense. We drew the line a long time ago, and it should be used here. Now, do I believe in the mental science behind "transgenderism?" Hell, no. But, I do believe in your right to cut your penis off, with a doctors help once you attain adulthood. I do not believe it is anything more than an elective procedure and ther eis no way insurance companies should be forced to cover it, outside of few exceptions (those born both sexes, catastrophic instances). Also, adults parading children in drag around for money is blood curdling horrid. They have a TV show with this on A&E I believe. Folks dont seem to care, much.
  17. I get that, to an extent. But, this is inarguably unnatural and against the very fiber of what defines a human being. Allowing one to reach an age, where they themselves are aware of the indoctrination, is far more appropriate. At that age they can age to then decide whether or not they, themselves, want to "kill their animal rider." Not some ***** parent or doctor telling them what to think for person gain.
  18. I really have thought about trying my hand at college professing, just to bang coeds... You know me too well. Seriously, the whole metoo thing scared me off a bit.
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