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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Man, I hate the comments when the Bills play like poop...
  2. I really hope the defense is going to be able to get some pressure on Mayfield.
  3. The Brown one could have been, too. A bit too far off to be a should have been. Agree on the Knox one. Baker is going to have a career day... I hope not.
  4. Why? It is good advertising, really. Simpson still has connections. Plus, if Simpson pays, then why not? (Serious question)
  5. Bengals win Dolphins win Titans win Rams win North Korea bombs New England. Oh yeah, Bill's win, too of course.
  6. You see, it is stuff like this that makes me hate the world. I guarantee you she is less deserving of her position than a common flea. Her and her dentures.
  7. And, you are correct. These guys doctored records and lied. Some of this included other testing for these kids, photoshopped images, and fake school records. That said, they should all burn.
  8. Almost another trash call for the Cowboys.
  9. I'm wondering if you watched the same game... Same knowitalls complaining about pounding the ball in at the 2 yard line are the ones complaining about Josh. The same ones who believed Demitrus Bell was a good LT. No, Josh put the points on the board and Singletary helped. Points win games, not stats.
  10. A. The commentors here are pretty delusional when it comes to football. I have accepted the fact. Josh had a few passes which should have been caught, and weren't. He did fumble, which is why it is not an A+. Bottom line, and like it or not, Josh was the best player on the team, today. Deal with it. Also, Foster needs to be cut.
  11. Really, he is looking at a D based upon draft hype and spot. Cannot really tell what he is going to be, as a slow start is not surprising given the school he played for. That said:
  12. Against the wind, just like the other punter who had like a 20 yard punt. Meh.
  13. I think it was a 1st, but marked poorly due to an early whistle. I saw that, too. Plus, the PI and Offside on the same play not being called.
  14. Some of these commercials make me want to commit suicide. Unlike Jeffrey Epstein who was obviously murdered.
  15. These are on the O-line. Josh needs to take notes from Brady on sneaking. Josh is too strong to not at least work with him on his technique.
  16. Instead on an onside kick attempt, the kicking team should be able to elect one midget to fight the other teams midget at the 50 yard line. Twist is, the recieving teams' midget gets a sword while the kicking teams' midget gets a pocket knife, to start off.
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