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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Allen, so far, has been a very likable guy. I suppose you can take his likability as an extension of your personality... But, as far as I am concerned, I hate myself. So, no. The answer is no, from me.
  2. The whole town hall with the Democrat frontrunner tells a story...
  3. I think the jury's decision derives from the doctor who is a money grubbing *****. But, currently fictionalized science which manifested from the softest of sciences, perverted by money and fame, has been normalized by the Democrats. Personally, I dont understand how not one Democrat spits on these types of things.
  4. Chemically sterilizing children before they can even reason is abhorrent. I can tell you have yet to spawn, which is a good thing. Seriously, kids can be indoctrinated to believe just about anything and these horrid parents are doing just that. Not to mention destruction of perfectly working genitals for cosmetic reasons. And, the fact suicide risks increase with these practices. Abhorrent. Just the indoctrination part...
  5. I see this as child abuse. One of the most abhorrent forms of such, considering the way the medical community and certain politicians are capitalizing, monetizing, and normalizing it. How the flip is this not a source of retaliatory violence is beyond me. Kids not even to the age of reason are corrupted into thinking fictionalized science. Yeah, maybe it is just me, but this is so beyond wrong. https://nypost.com/2019/10/23/texas-jury-rules-against-divorced-dad-trying-to-stop-7-year-old-sons-gender-transition/ Also...WTF?! They hav normalized this form of abuse within the Democratic Party? Do any Democrats here speak to this?
  6. It is pretty disgusting how they do anything to promote the Pats.
  7. Dang, Darnold has faced 3 defenses this season. Two of them are top of the league defenses. Though I agree with OP, I am amazed at how disregard the skill of the Pats' defense is here. It must mean the opposing QB sucks and deserves an "F" grade. BB's defense is making 2d year QBs look bad... So surprising.
  8. Why to shorten the game? 20 game seasons with 12 minute quarters? I wouldn't mind that... That actually would make me happy.
  9. As long as you stay that way, the more we will keep winning. Never change, Smalls.
  10. No, the Bills did get gashed, if you watched the game. Just because a couple TFL pulled the average down, doesn't change a thing. Look at the forest, man.
  11. No, it is more concerning when the team's strength (defense) gets exposed, than when the teams weakness doesn't all of a sudden ball out. Almost lost to the worst offense in the NFL. Our team's strength did. Blaming Josh is so asinine... https://www.pff.com/news/nfl-offense-rankings-week-6-2019 Some of y'all cant see past your nose, let alone the forest beyond the trees...
  12. Are you missing the fact that the Bills' defense gave up more points to the phins than any defense has all year? Are we blaming that on the offense as well? Where is the phins' offense ranked, again? If anything the way the phins ran all over the Bills is the most concerning thing that came out of today. Other teams will take note. Not to mention, the fact the phins exposed Wallace and our defense didn't ever adapt to it.
  13. If he doesn't score a TD on every drive the MMQBs get salty. He made some bad plays, his WRs/TEs made some bad drops, the playcalling made some bad calls, the defense gave up more points to the phins than any other defense has this year, but they did enough to win.
  14. 9th, in adjusted accuracy, actually literally.
  15. This is going to be a good game. The offense is going to have to put up at least 25 to win, IMO.
  16. Knox has dropped an awful lot of balls this season. Suprising to see less fan trolls complaining about it.
  17. This game... I really hope we dont wreck the Dolphins 1st pick. They tried really hard to tank.
  18. "He was a great patriot, a humanitarian, a loyal friend; provided, of course, he really is dead."
  19. The league figured him out and he began to get exposed bad. He failed to adapt. He was benched for Blaine Gabbert. Then he decided to kneel in order to capitalize on racism. Nike helped him realize the dream of race-baiting monetization, as they took advantage as well. Really, the sequence of events is the only real illustration of why someone should kneel and disrespect the flag. Perhaps Kaep had a point.
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