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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. Whether the Bills will suck this year remains to be seen. That's why they play the games on the field (as opposed to on a message board), and that's why fans watch. Therefore, I'll be watching the Bills, like I do every year.
  2. Young and fast are both overrated. I prefer an experienced woman who's built for comfort, not for speed. ;-)
  3. With all the picks they're stockpiling, they'll be able to trade up if they see a QB they want. that doesn't guarantee that someone will trade or that the pick will become a franchise QB, but the ammo is there.
  4. After the shock wore off, I started to think logically about why they'd do this. Given that Sammy has missed roughly one out of every three games and he's just getting off of surgery, I'm guessing the medical staff saw something they didn't like. That, combined with the fact that Sammy is in a contract year and may want out of Buffalo (regardless of what he says to the press), I can see why they took a calculated risk and got something for him (other than a compensatory pick). Will this be a good decision? Time will tell. But I don't see this as a "tank the season" move.
  5. Looking forward to the weekly Review, Shaw. Happy anniversary! (My neighbor used to say, "We're going out to dinner. It's my wife's anniversary.")
  6. An American legend. I'm glad he was able to do one farewell tour before the disease took over completely.
  7. Agreed. The last part, however, was heartbreaking. Obviously we know how it ends, but I wasn't aware of just how trapped Jerry felt by the enterprise that he built. All he wanted to do was play music, but he ended up leading a movement that he never intended to start, but which he felt obligated to continue. At the end, I reflected on this line from Ripple: "You who choose to lead must follow, but if you fall, you fall alone." Who knew how prophetic that would turn out to be. If you get a chance to see Grateful Dawg, a documentary about Jerry's friendship with David Grisman, check it out.
  8. You gave up a shot at a good looking woman who was grinding on you so you could watch Bills preseason highlights. You "win" the sacrifice contest.
  9. I seem to get "allergies" whenever we're visiting the in-laws.
  10. I'm surprised he's not already there. Get it done, OBD.
  11. Ah - you're the reason the Cubs won the World Series. Your sacrifice was effective, but your aim is a little off.
  12. Putting Anquan Boldin on the other side of the line might clear some space for Sammy.
  13. We saw him do a solo show last fall. Just him with an acoustic guitar in a small venue. Outstanding!
  14. Susan is easy on the eyes, no doubt. But she's got a killer voice and even though she doesn't take a lot of solos, she's an excellent lead guitarist too. Just saw TTB a few weeks ago - it was our first time and we loved it. I'd go see them again ... and again and again...
  15. When passing into the end zone from the 2 yard line, it's likely that PI occurred in the end zone. So yes, the ball is placed at the 1. It's a coincidence that that's also half the distance, but you're right - PI isn't a "half the distance" penalty.
  16. This makes me happy. They're wasting a big chunk of money on a QB who's mediocre at best.
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