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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. When you say, "I prefer a particular gender doing a certain job over the other gender" that is, by definition, sexism. You're entitled to your opinion, but don't be surprised when someone calls you a sexist after you make a sexist comment.
  2. Other than Pat Summerall, I don't know of any play-by-play announcers who played or coached. That's what the "analyst" is for - Rex, in this case. Could she be worse than Joe Buck? Agreed on both counts. Al Michaels is the best in the business, and Madden provided a great comedy relief, even though he wasn't shooting for comedy.
  3. How could I forget this? Especially since we're on a Bills' forum...
  4. The song at the end of WKRP in Cincinnati.
  5. We have a "no frills" Toyota Corolla for daily local driving. (It's American-made, by the way, with mostly US parts. That's important to me.) We're happy with it, even after 8 years and about 90k miles. I have a friend who has the same model - he just rolled his over to 400k miles. (He has a long commute to work.)
  6. I got into Bloody Marys when a group of my old college buddies used to get together every year for a camping trip. One friend always brought two coolers: one with food and beer, and the other with Bloody Mary ingredients. She made the best Bloody Marys I've ever had. So it became a morning tradition on that trip: coffee until we're awake, and then one or two Bloody Marys with a late breakfast. That group only gets together every few years now, so I started missing the crimson concoction. Last fall, I decided to make it my game-day drink, since I don't like drinking beer at noon. I could never get it quite as good as my friend's, but after some tweaking, I finally came up with the recipe I posted above. It goes great with a brunch burrito. And yes, it's a hearty beverage. That's good - I don't munch so much during a game, and it's a healthy alternative to beer.
  7. Olives! I need to add that to my recipe. Thanks!
  8. I have a friend who uses Clamato. I'm not crazy about it, myself, but the rest looks good. Celery salt and pepper around the glass sounds interesting - I might try that. What's Ai sauce?
  9. So the breakfast thread made me think of Bloody Marys. Share your favorite recipe - preferably with basic ingredients, not pre-made mixes. Tom's soon-to-be-famous Bloody Mary recipe: (In this order) - Ice - Vodka - Tomato juice - A dash of Worcestershire sauce - A splash (or two or three or four) of Frank's RedHot - A stalk of celery (or a sprinkle of celery seed, crushed or whole) - A slice of lemon or lime is optional Stir and enjoy! Some people use horseradish and Tabasco, and I like it that way too, but I like Frank's better for both flavor and spiciness.
  10. You mean the best way to ruin a Virgin Mary. Without the vodka, it's not a Bloody Mary. And yeah, I think you're crazy.
  11. Scrambled eggs with red/yellow peppers, mushrooms, onions, and cheese, with a splash Frank's Red Hot on top. Home fries on the side. Bloody Mary is optional.
  12. Good point. Stripes was the best Murray/Ramis collaboration - even better than Ghostbusters, in my opinion.
  13. I wouldn't worry about Cutler unless he was in a Bills uniform.
  14. Tasteful, huh? <deletes photo I was about to post>
  15. Kaep is a mid-level backup. Without the controversy he'd be in the NFL. If he were a better QB, he'd be in the NFL, regardless of the controversy. (See M. Vick)
  16. You win. Yeah, I had that on my wall in the 70s.
  17. It's all subjective, but among the Python films, I'd rank "Holy Grail" over "Life of Brian", and "O Brother, Where Art Thou" is, in my opinion, the best Coen Brothers film - slightly better than (or at least tied with) "The Big Lebowski" and a lot better than "Raising Arizona." How does "O Brother" not make the list at all? What about "Fargo"?
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