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Everything posted by WhoTom

  1. I hate to put a damper on the celebration, but that Boston team has a way of recovering from a bad performance. Just ask Atlanta.
  2. I understand. When my son was fifteen, we took him to a Phish show. From the moment the music started, he was dancing around, and continued rocking out until the set break. I asked him, "So, what did you think?" He calmly shrugged and replied, "It was okay."
  3. I think that's considered "insider trading," and yes, it's illegal. Martha Stewart did time for it.
  4. We just saved $240/year on our car insurance, and we DIDN'T even switch to Geico! Thanks to the "Car Talk" page for posting this link: http://bestride.com/news/did-you-just-move-a-freshman-to-college-call-your-insurance-agent-immediately-for-your-huge-discount
  5. Rex Ryan will be better in the booth than he ever was on the sideline.
  6. Eventually they'll win it all, which will quench the drought-related thirst. Ask a Cubs fan.
  7. Chan is a very good OC. Unfortunately, he wasn't a very good HC.
  8. Yeah, I saw that list and was disappointed not to see Bodhisattva on it. When I first heard the album Countdown To Ecstasy, that song became an instant favorite. I was happy, however, that I have nine out of the ten they picked. (I don't have their comeback album.)
  9. Position by position, the OP nailed it. But football is a team sport, so it's still a big unknown whether the guys will adapt to the new schemes on both sides of the ball. From that perspective, I think the offense will take a small step backwards or, at best, stay about the same as last year. I anticipate a pretty significant improvement on defense. The Ryan twins were totally inept at designing a scheme that maximizes the strength of the players we have while minimizing their flaws, calling plays, clock management, and general game management. With what appears to be a tougher schedule, 8-8 seems realistic. With another year to build a better roster and get everyone acclimated to the new schemes, we could see the playoffs next season. I wouldn't rule it out for this year, but it's a loooooong shot.
  10. I have nothing against CJ and I take no pleasure in him being cut. My comment was just a joke referring to Chan saying he gets winded easily.
  11. True, and with that many posts I'm guessing they aren't "BBMB refugees." Which goes back to what I implied in my first statement: just because someone has been here for a long time doesn't make them inherently better than someone who joined a few months ago.
  12. What vetting process was used to screen users before the BBMB shut down? Or wasn't it necessary because all the "original" members of 2BD are perfect? One thing that surprised me about 2BD is that there's no minimum post requirement before starting a thread. You could eliminate a lot of bad threads by only allowing threads to be created by members with a certain number of posts.
  13. Star Talk with Neil deGrasse Tyson. https://www.startalkradio.net/
  14. Thanks. As a fellow "refugee," you wrote exactly what I've been thinking.
  15. Money and pride. The order depends on the player.
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