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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. this has been discussed and I and others thought a red vinyl wrap could solve the issue as college does it now. but NFL is now likely relaxing the one helmet rule per reports. This opens the door for multiple color helmets and Eagles owner lead the push as they want to wear kelly green helmets as throwbacks. https://www.forbes.com/sites/demetriusbell/2020/03/25/the-nfl-is-considering-a-potential-change-to-its-one-helmet-rule-for-2021-season/#6f79068256ff Ironically it would also open the door for Pats to wear white Pat logo helmet. This will seqway nicely into the crappy way they use to play in those nice old helmets ushering in the new post Brady suck they are about to embark on.
  2. what?? blue on blue has never been old school. Meanwhile two color contrasting top and bottoms uniforms have been a thing forever. the leotard blue on blue or red on red belongs on a Broadway stage. JMO
  3. NFLPA has hired lawyers for a reason. They should have noticed this immediately and had it corrected. They failed at their job. That Reid had to be the one to call it out is a joke. Reid needs to direct his anger also to the idiots they hired to read this stuff. We all know language on contracts is like braille to most of us.
  4. that has since been determined it was not in the spirit of the rule to be called and will not be called in the future supposedly. And hopefully. agreed. McDermot has come a long way from first year kinda rookie cluelessness at times.
  5. Chad lived in a glass ceiling house? Chad had multiple arm/shoulder/muscle injuries and lost even more power so lead to this benching......
  6. maybe NFL Nike genius's can figure out how to put a blond/gold mustache on the helmet kit and that would pull AB back in......lol
  7. right. they cut virtually every player from previous regime while at same time saying that was not a factor. yeah sure.....
  8. it looks a little better than that first hat but not enough to move the needle back to Rams from a Chargers look. they list the colors as Rams Royal and Sol(kinda cool)......but no mention of the orange i clearly see?
  9. it has changed to a bridge to protect their investment pending an upcoming expected trade.
  10. are we 100% sure that is not the Chargers new logo? I man it is a C for ***** sake.
  11. They had a Super Bowl bound team in 2017. It was derailed by an officials whistle that took away what would have been a game sealing fumble return for TD vs Pats.
  12. Sammy quote: “But I think that revived my whole career. At that point in my life I didn’t want to be there and somehow, miraculously, I get traded like the next week and go to another team that’s pretty good and go to the playoffs in my first year with the Rams and now to be in this situation, fighting in the third round last year, one game away from the Super Bowl and to be in the Super Bowl this year… blessings.” ahh........... hey Sammy. Bills went to playoffs the year they traded you. Don't let those facts get in the way of a good story though.
  13. well........I think anyone who has any observational powers of the most rudimentary skill level can figure out AB is mentally unstable and needs help before worse things happen. I hope he gets help. The cause can be debated and unknown until the end of time. But his current state is documented, well known, and the reality of his current state.
  14. no it would take you a lot more time as you would have to burrow horizontally. I think. these flat-earthers don't always think through all the different ramifications their theory implies. lol
  15. this whole thread and topic proves to my beyond a doubt we have way too many sports reporters(especially with advent of sports news on internet) trying to ek out a living resulting in this minutia non-story stuff seeing the light of day. I mean, really, he was down? he slouched!! For ***** sake they were losing 24 - 0 barley into the 2nd quarter. Cut the guy a little slack. Emotion is human.
  16. Peters was beat by the Allen perfect throw which is a TD with a normal toe drag WR.
  17. arbitrary? that's what Microsoft thought with Windows ME, XP, and Vista, before coming to their senses. numbers matter.
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