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Everything posted by gomper

  1. yes i know brother bbb....it still makes me chuckle
  2. Please Donte....Go away!!!...you're as overrated as they come. Nix would be insane to offer this career underachiever anything over minimum wage.
  3. oh Chef, I beg to differ. I travesred all of North Beach in October when I was in town for the NLCS(up and Columbus and such) and the slices I ate, while being passable, were no where near the taste of the pizza in WNY. I did have a blast at the North Star though...i'm sure you know where that place is Chef
  4. As far as today's songs? Jesse J's "Pricetag" always gets bumped up
  5. Bocce's on Bailey no question....always ask for pep and banana peppers, x-tra sauce, lightly well done and it's perfect every time. That's not to say that they're are the only ones who make a great pie...there are plenty of places who make a very respectable pizza all over the area...we're lucky, try getting a decent slice in N.California some time...it's impossible
  6. How Millen has the balls to show his face in public after the disaster on his watch in Detroit is astounding.
  7. Great show. I like Zig and Edgar the best. You'd have to be insane to do that job. I wish they would show the strategy is catching crab a little more (%'s of the area they choose over the last five years, etc...) Also, maybe I'm sick, but I would love to see a full blown mutiny on one of the ships....maybe where a slave driving captain gets put in a pot and thrown over board..lol....talk about must see TV!!! The closest freak-out was a few years back when they hired a guy named "Gil" out of a bar and he just lost it.
  8. That boy is going to hurting when he hits 50
  9. I may just plain strange but it seems to me like people have zero spatial respect when it comes to others. Let me explain....why is it when i'm eating lunch in my car in an empty parking lot someone has to pick the space next to me to do the same when 1/2 an acre is available. Or, at the BAC I go to their are four stairmasters and some d-bag has to climb on the one next to me when the other two are empty. Am I too sensitive or are people oblivious?
  10. I'm sure every one of his co-workers knew he was a Packers fan because I'm certain the game came up for discussion once or twice. I'm just surprised they didn't kick his ass in the parking lot. No need to rub it in.
  11. I'll bet anyone on this board a million $ that the following happens on Sunday.... In the 4th, with the Pats up 10-13 points, Brady torches Cromartie with a TD pass that puts the game out of reach. I'm sure Brady will have a gesture or two for the Jet bench again. Sometimes, when you want the bull...you get the horns.
  12. I guess the question needs to be asked again : why are you still listening to that train wreck of a show?
  13. I know, I know...we all hate the Patriots but let's take a step back and look at things with a logical eye. Brady is playing at a level of absolute perfection (29 TD's 4 INT's) to the point where he is transending the position into an artform. Not since Montana have I seen a QB perform at such a level. As for Belichick, just look at how he has flipped the age of the roster yet at the same time remaining highly competitive. The Pats D is very young but now they are starting to execute. They are night and day compared to earlier in the year. I mean, my God, they just picked up a player from the UFL and all he does is force a fumble against the Bears that results in a TD. I thought Belichick's masterpiece was the '08 season when he got his team to 11-5 with Cassell. This season rivals that. So, hate on the Pats all you want but realize that they are the model of the team/organization concept in the NFL. As for dealing with Brady, the one who said pressure up the middle was right on. You have to get pressure with 4. I know Brady has said that Kyle Williams a player he hates playing against. Pressure is key.
  14. I agree with every poster that said the best way to combat these two hacks is not to listen. I know it can be hard when you're dying for Bills talk but the bottom line is all Entercom understands. When the ratings drop, they can't charge as much to advertisers. When that ripples through their quarterly profits, then you might see some changes. Sadly, WECK is not much of an alternative. Brad (who stated that he and Bulldog are essentially the same guy....Brad you're right for once!) is just a GR type that ran aground against management. I like the WFAN recommendation. It's a great station. I'll suggest trying the FAN590 out of TO 3-7. Bob Mckowan does a first-rate show that covers the NFL (and can be quite Bills intensive since they carry the games) and has hockey talk that's off the charts. Give it a try.
  15. Please...Whitner is ALWAYS a step late when getting to the receiver. The angles he takes are almost always wrong. The FO is insane if they give him anything over 8% of what he's making now. I'm sure they can find plenty of S"s in the off-season that come cheaper and play better. Also, he loves to take stupid penalties at the worst times. The sooner they cast him off the better.
  16. gotta respect a fellow gentleman who is into the ladies for this reason good sir, i give you the sultry (voice and looks) of one Cat Power
  17. i'm just stunned that anyone worth their football salt still listens to GR. i take it that nothing has changed and Bulldog is still taking up precious air on this planet.the more things change.....
  18. Everyone says Lee is totally unhittable (which he sure looks like) but if the Giants do the unthinkable and somehow get to him tonight it would be a sweet start. It'll also be cool for us Giants fans in WNY to catch their radio PBP guy, the great Jon Miller, on local radio. Giants in 6!!!!
  19. http://www.buffalocomedy.com/2010/10/the-psychological-breakdown-of-the-bills-fan/
  20. The News is a joke....Disesare might be the worst writer at a paper that's had their share....this site is light years beyond whatever the News manages to spit out...props to all who post here...you guys and girls make this place the envy of every fan site in the country.....keep up the good work...
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