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Everything posted by Rc2catch

  1. He totally ruined that woman’s day. Bad enough to see her team lose but hearing that guy yell the whole time really got her. She did not have a good game experience
  2. Don’t flame me too bad but Phillys roster is just as talented if not more than buffalo. Their O line is amazing when Lane Johnson and Kelce are healthy. 3 shifty quick running backs. Solid duo of receivers and goeddert at tight end. And they do have the best corner tandem in the league. Slay has to be cb1 in the league so far. They would be the one team I would not want to face right now. Allen and Buffalo can definitely beat them, hurts still has question marks and I’m not a fan of that coach or their playcalling. Reminds me of McDermott’s first couple years when he didn’t trust the offense to execute anything consistently and coached really conservative. I think Buffalo finishes better than them but I’m just basing that off health. I don’t see anyway Philly stays healthy enough to win 13+ games. If pieces start dropping hurts probably isn’t carrying them the way Allen can.
  3. Shaq was pretty good when he left. I get the feeling he just needs constant motivation or to be held accountable by people he respects or trusts. Cause he was quite bad in Miami and houston. Seemed ok with the Jets. Maybe it’s the rotation or even that crazy culture thing but he’s a good player here. Not his fault he wasn’t a 10 sack a year guy his draft slot said he should be.
  4. Have you watched sauce play? I hate to hype the Jets but that kid has been phenomenal. And just for Iron Maiden breece looks like a possible leader for oroy so far. Lot of season left and it’s not like Elam has no shot at it.
  5. Of course the former Buffalo Bill wins the game.. 😜
  6. Big difference in Herbert without Keenan Allen, and with Keenan Allen. Just my 2 cents on it.
  7. Denver can never get another prime time game. I think even Denver fans would agree at this point.
  8. Not sure there’s a best case scenario for buffalo here. Me personally I would prefer Denver remains a hilarious mess all year.
  9. Holy screens Batman!!! Non stop for both teams
  10. They have to be the worst coached team in the league with Rhule gone now. Take away the hilarious clock management issues and just on penalties alone they’d be the worst.
  11. They set the first 4-5 weeks was it before they can start flexing games???They didn’t have to go this Denver heavy in a window that can’t be flexed
  12. The league is sooooooo reviewing their policies on prime time games to start the season after this disaster called the Denver broncos. I enjoyed Chicago vs Washington.. That’s how bad Denver has been
  13. Looking forward to sauce vs Diggs. I hate to cheer for any Jets players but I am pretty impressed with sauce and breece so far.
  14. I don’t see a reason why everything has to be ranked. You either have an elite quarterback or you need one. It’s a constant online battle weekly as ranks come out for different position groups.
  15. I’m always going to stick to Daboll is an offensive genius. He did an extremely good job of slowly feeding Allen more and more without putting too much on him. I don’t think he was a very good in game play caller though. Kafka has to get some credit for that giants offense as well as Daboll. I’m not sure Allen gets to this high of a level this fast or maybe at all without Daboll.
  16. Pacheco and McKinnon was my biggest worry for that game. I thought their speed to get to the outside and catch check downs would be a big emphasis in KC’s gameplan. I expect if we see them again they will be more involved.
  17. I would like to agree. I’m not sure though. They don’t invest big or have stars on defense but they always seem to play well against buffalo. They scheme against this offense quite well. They make up the talent gap. On paper and trends Buffalo should have been able to torch them yesterday. The best sign I took from the entire game was Buffalos pass rush. Rousseau I’m guessing went in the dog house for not following the game plan but they were actually getting to Mahomes and that has not been the case in the past. He’s gonna dance and scramble and make his plays. But they got home a lot too and that was the big difference for me anyways.
  18. My nephew is a Panthers fan so we chat this stuff a bunch. He posted his top 5 coaching candidates he wanted them to hire and I floated the idea of them hiring Greg Roman and possibly luring Lamar with him for a couple 1st rounders. I think they could have great success in the NFC especially that division. For as much as he runs he’s been pretty durable. I think we have seen his peak rushing but there has been improvement in his passing ability. He’s had a rough couple weeks since Bateman went down. I would expect even Allen would have some struggles if his only two weapons were Devin Duvernay and mark andrews. Baltimore has done him no favors in that regard. I still hold Lamar in the top 5-10 range of quarterbacks. We’re seeing a lot of guys start to come back to earth who were expected to take that elite step this year. He’s not the only guy with question marks who is gonna want that fully guaranteed money coming up.
  19. Go look at Philly.. They showed during the game last night they’re like 16-18 on 3rd and 1 or something doing those sneaks. Same thing they line up quick with receivers stacked in the backfield to push. They quickly no huddle it and know to get in formation almost immediately. It’s almost unstoppable. Cowboys were getting as low as humanly possible and jumping over the top and still weren’t even close to stopping it.
  20. That was a big test yesterday for the kids… I think we could do an appreciation post for mostly everyone. Andy Reid and Mahomes is about as tough a test as they’ll see in the regular season and we probably did miss Tre and Hyde but KC fans didn’t even notice because the defense played so well. Elam and Benford and Hamlin covered quite well. Big plays like the illegal pick weren’t really on them. They kept the ball in front of them. Let’s not forget Siran Neal who despite his many debatable penalties played some meaningful snaps. Cam Lewis I believe came in for a short spell as well. They had a plan and I would think it was pretty successful
  21. With all the debate on how terrible run blocking is. How terrible the 3 backs are. Turns out as many said they just needed to commit a little bit more and get everyone into a rhythm. Good film for the team to look at over the bye.
  22. I think across the league the trend is teams not having a run game. You have Aaron Jones and AJ Dillon and you can’t establish any kind of run game? Aaron Jones has always been kinda hit and miss but he’s only a miss this year. They knew they had to break in these rookies and probably should have focused on getting their run game going. Same for the Rams, for all the Kupp and Stafford love, the whole key to their offense has always been running the ball to set everything up. They miss Robert Woods more than Odell imo. Woods did all the dirty work and ran reverses and screens etc etc.. They got none of that this year.
  23. It’s a fair prediction. Lot of season left. I wouldn’t 🤮 for that comment. As much as I’d love to run the table it’s a really big ask in todays league.
  24. I like the Jets build better than Miami especially in the long term. I don’t think New England is on either teams level. But it’ll all come down to quarterback health and development more than likely.
  25. It’s pretty over the top disrespectful, I don’t see any reason to shade a player so badly on a team you are a fan of. He’s been a great kid who has busted his butt and stepped up in the past when called upon. That said he was very effective as a change of pace gadget player and the team would probably be better suited if he returned to a reduced role. Shakir has earned more snaps
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