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Everything posted by Rochesterfan

  1. Yep - Romo was running a pretty dumb narrative until somebody got in his ear to tell him it was incomplete. Just absolutely butchered the call - at one point saying he got both feet down. The Bills stadium is also one of the better to see both live and on the booths - just a really bad day by Romo.
  2. Well our resident Einstein is all over that with us needing a new Back-up. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  3. Ahh - look who had a thought - must be time for a thread. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  4. Agreed, but that is not on the UNC - that is on the team doctor. We also do not know what was said. Did he say like a stinger that it flared and stopped or was that a Dolphins code for getting out of concussion protocol. I think you can easily lay blame at the team doctor, but I do not think they can lay blame at the one person the NFLPA could blame - the UNC. The biggest piece though is if the player stated he had any symptoms, headache, light sensitivity, woozy feeling, etc. The UNC holds him out. If the player is hell bent on getting back in and lies about all of that and gamed the baseline testing and many former players have stated they do - for the express reason of getting out of protocol and getting back - isn’t that the primary issue the NFLPA should be addressing. Players - including Tretter could be part of the solution to the issue rather than being a part of the problem and then blaming others for the problem.
  5. Just in general. Several former players have talked for years about how the majority of players all “game the system”. It is well known amongst the players and the NFLPA - so if the NFLPA truly cared - that would be the first place to fix the system. They even point to rookies and younger players that did not know failing concussion protocols because of it. It is not victim blaming - the player is the most important piece of the equation and they have to be honest for the protocol to work and if they lie about symptoms and purposely game the baseline testing then they made everyone else’s job nearly impossible. I do not know if Tua “gamed” the system, but if he didn’t and he did not have any concussion symptoms and he passed the mental testing repeatedly - then we are all speculating on a concussion based solely on the GMI. Do I think he had a concussion and should have been held out - yep, but I also understand based upon the previous protocol- if everything checked out - why you allow him back in. He passed the testing he needed to, gave a ready made excuse, and cleared through.
  6. Everyone here is overlooking one major thing. There is one person to blame for this issue and one person only - Tua - the player. Look the NFL and NFLPA agree the protocol was followed - then the idiot Tretter - who “SUCKS” as a leader comes out with his weak response that the NFL and the UNC are at fault, but they can not tell you anything they did wrong other than the team doctor did not examine his back - Bullcrap. The 1st issue here is a player (and it has been stated many times by other players) had a baseline testing that he did poorly enough on that he could pass it in game even with a head injury. Therefore the UNC in doing his work is already at a disadvantage because he has a baseline that is false. The 2nd issue is if the player lies about the injury or any symptoms- so in this case as they are asking about the injury while watching the film and Tua states that Nope - it was not my head it was my lower back - the players know the loop hole and he passed the mental part because his baseline was low - then the 2 best ways to diagnose a concussion on site and quickly have been gamed by the player and it is not the first time it has happened. The UNC and team doctor have a responsibility to protect the player, but the player has a direct responsibility to themselves to be honest and helpful in an exam and the doctors can only do so much. If “Tretter” and the NFLPA really and truly want to fix the concussion issue they can, but it requires the Players to be honest and do he baseline and in game testing honestly. Idiots like Tretter are looking for blame and they found their scapegoat in the UNC they fired for no cause. If the NFLPA truly “found” something done wrong and outside of protocol - they would be shouting it from the rooftops - instead they fired the man because he was belligerent to them during the interview process. There was a loophole and now that loophole will be closed and players will begin looking for the next way around the loophole. As has been stated - staying down longer to prevent GMI issues - limping or adding some other action if they think they are a bit wobbly to make it appear to be something else. The only facts we have are Tua got knocked on his Butt and smacked his head - he told the team and the UNC he had no symptoms and he could pass the mental testing at the facility. He got through the rest of the game and then the weekly practice with according to Tua - no signs or symptoms and passes any additional testing that was part of the NFL follow in case of delayed symptoms. Therefore he was cleared for Thursday Night. The person at fault and the person to blame - Tua - he could have stopped it at any point by being honest.
  7. The difficulty is people automatically blame coaching. In the Miami game - coaching was blamed for time running out, but McK said he was told either get down or they had to get OOB. He knew that, but in the heat of the moment - he thought he could get OOB when he couldn’t and ended up in no man’s land that is on the player. The end of the first half was also set up beautifully by the coaches and a bad snap/bobble caused the issue. Even the 13 seconds against KC - Poyer and Hyde said they made an adjustment and Levi admitted he was not in the correct spot for the adjustment. There are always more the coaching could do, but the Bills seem to be one of the best prepared, best coached and most notably one of the best teams at in game adjustments in the league.
  8. Because it most likely is not costing 6.6 million. If as has been stated - OBJ will be signing in Mid-December - you are looking at having to pay him for 4 games coming off injury. They may split a signing bonus between this year and next and give him a bit over minimum per game - keeping him closer to the 1.7 we have left. Then he can chase a ring again and be free for next year to pursue another hefty contract.
  9. Nope - on IR and not ready yet according to I believe it was Sal that said that.
  10. I think the others nailed it and it is very common now. Almost every team uses the RG in that way. He taps, waves a hand, does other motion and the center knows Josh is ready.
  11. At least be a man about it and do it after the first quarter of the next game. Give Brady and the Bucs a Vontae Davis action. Or He could strip down and leave like AB, but don’t actually announce it. Come On Man!
  12. No It was better when we lose - this is a good thing. 😂
  13. Personally - I think when Jackson was pressured on the pass rush - he thought he was going to break through with an easy pass to the end zone. Hamlin read the play and was super aggressive in attacking the LOS and I think that caught Jackson by surprise. I think Jackson then looked to bust to his right away from Hamlin and saw Poyer coming to that side. He then stutter steps and looks to cut back - hoping Hamlin over pursues, but catches a toe and sort of stumbles down. I mostly think he was not expecting the speed and athleticism of the 2 safeties to come up and be in position to stop him and that got his feet out moving his head in a crucial spot and down he goes. I also believe his previous run - which got them to the 10 - he outflanked Edmunds and did that little stop to let Edmunds over pursue and cut off that and he got drilled by Milano flying in as Edmunds stayed in position. I think he had that in his mind as he saw Hamlin coming and Poyer to the right side and again his brain got ahead of his feet and he tripped himself up.
  14. Because the NFLPA can not do anything to the team doctor - only the Dolphins can reprimand him. On the other hand - the NFLPA has the right to fire the UNC - although the NFLPA could not provide examples of mistakes and stated he was confrontational as the reason he was fired. Sounds to me like they just scapegoated him.
  15. Agreed - wonder if it has to do with him already being called up twice and knowing Jordan is going to be out again. They can only call him up 3 times - maybe it is stick close - we are going to sign Zimmer an activate him and then resign you if we get any more injuries. They have had to call up a bunch of PS DL to cover for Phillips, Oliver, and Settle already this year and may be thinking ahead to ensure they can cover the rest of the year if something else happen.
  16. Except Weeks 1 and 2 - Elam and Benford were switching off every 2 series to give each guy time throughout the game. It was not mop up snaps in the 4th - he was out there at different points throughout the game. Sal - said the plan was to rotate them giving them both time to get acquainted and help switch things up so they could not get easily targeted. I would hold off a bit because the Rams and Titans do not have great WRs, but the Miami game both he and Benford held up well against true WRs and a questionable QB. The Baltimore game I thought he held up well - Andrews (a lot of Taron), Duverny, Bateman, and Robinson are all legitimate receiving threats and they had in previous games attacked a lot down field getting guys open and He and Dane held up well. KC will be a different kind of test, but at this point I am very happy with the games Elam has shown.
  17. Excellent - saw this after I posted - it shows it perfectly.
  18. I had not either, but Brate was pulled several series later and the doctor stated it happens in the background and almost never changes, but interesting that right after Tua - something similar happens to Brate.
  19. I am not exactly sure what they are required to do. For example on NFL radio today - they were talking about Cameron Brate’s concussion last night. He got hit and they tested him - he was cleared of the protocol and went back in to play. The guys stated that the UNC and the team doctor are required to perform the testing again every couple of series because some times the delayed effects. Brate on retesting was deemed to have a concussion and was pulled out at that point. So even though Tua cleared it is possible that the expectations are that he would get tested in case of delayed effects. I had never heard of the multiple testing, but the UNC the NFL guys were talking with said it is standard and done - just rarely talked about.
  20. I expect Diggs, Davis, McKenzie, and Shakir to be ready to go. We have Hodgins and Austin on the PS. Stevenson also just completed his 4 game IR stint if we want to activate him to fill Crowders spot on the roster. I think we are fine.
  21. Except that is not true. If a lead blocker is coming through a potential hole - it is Edmunds job to go hit that blocker in the hole. The idea is to fill the hole and ensure the blocker is removed and there should be a free defender to attack the hole and make the tackle. That defender is usually Milano or Taron Johnson. That was what happened at the goal line TFL by Milano. Edmunds met Ricard in the hole closing the inside lane and forced the outside path. The DL took out the the pulling Raven - allowing a free Milano to attack the play and make the tackle. To man people think LBs should always avoid the blockers, but in this defense - each player has a role and when done properly - there should be 1 free defender the majority of the time to make a play - the difficulty is against a running QB like Jackson (or Allen) the QB is no longer a non entity and it potentially takes away the free player advantage.
  22. That is correct. I believe Singletary went down because he felt the Raven coming and wanted to protect the ball and ensure he did not get pushed-dragged into the end zone. At that point the Bills still needed a 1st down to ensure they could run the clock out.
  23. To me it is the major problem with analytics. The math said go, but the math does not always take every probable scenario into account and make factors - along with things like the weather. I don’t blame him going for it, but the scenario of him throwing a pick there did not really seem to be something that occurred to Harbaugh. Basically after the game he was like either we score or we give them the ball inside the 2 and I trust my defense in that spot to stop them. The Int destroyed that possibility.
  24. Where they needed to let him score was the quick screen to Singletary. They had already given up nearly 20 yards and another 1st down - once he broke free - the Ravens should of been grabbing him and trying to escort him into the end zone - do not let him go down, but they had multiple players from behind and the side finally come in and make a play to get him down. That was with 1:50 left and they had to use a timeout. I would like to think Devin knew because I totally agree on his 8 yard run - he was not scoring and Josh was not scoring unless either player was physically grabbed and pulled into the end zone. It worked out in the worst possible way for Baltimore as he went down outside the 10 allowing the Bills to get another 1st down and use the rest of the clock.
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