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Everything posted by Watkins90

  1. Care to refute that Tyrod is as much to blame for a poor defensive performance as the actual defense. I think it is.
  2. I honestly don't think the defense is that big of an issue. We have had success on defense in the first half, we have been getting blown out in the second half. You know why we get blown out in the second half? It is because our offense can't sustain drives to give our defense a rest, nor is it putting points on the board. When your down 30-3 midway through the third guys tend to just give up and want to stay healthy for another week. Had our offense done things against the Jets, Saints, and Chargers, I don't think you see our defense get gashed like it did. That's why I hate it when I hear people say, 'Well, Tyrod didn't give up 47 points, he didn't give up 6 rushing touchdowns.' Well, yeah he may not have been on the field, but his play was a big contributing factor. His inability to move the offense and go 3-and-out so much led to those things.
  3. The media is taking the wrong approach. It is solely looking at cause-and-effect to drive its narrative. The Bills' run defense got worse when they traded Dareus and Jacksonville's got better. Cause-and-effect says trading Dareus was the wrong decision. What they fail to look at is what we were getting for the money we were paying him. While our poor run defense might be a cause of Dareus's trade, do we really want to pay someone $100 million to be in on less than 50 percent of snaps? Is that good economics. Like I said, if he goes on to be a HOF, it was still the right move for both us and him. He would never have done that while here based off of passing performance the last couple of years. I feel like he never wanted to be here, but we made him an offer he couldn't refuse, which is why he phoned it in once he got the contract.
  4. Is that what Beane and McDermott are doing isn't a new concept. Hell Carolina did it recently. While Gettleman may not have traded away high-priced talent, he didn't resign old veterans. Getting rid of Steve Smith Sr. was a very unpopular decision in Carolina, but Gettleman knew what he was doing. Now, it was a little easier for him because he didn't have to go out and find a franchise QB, because he already had one. But, I don't think you can really disagree with whatever moves Beane has made. Trading Watkins was unpopular, but if that second-round pick nets us a good player, no one is going to gripe. It is hard to look to the future because that is what we have been doing for so long, but we just gotta keep the faith. I know trading Dareus doesn't look like a smart decision, especially to the media. If Dareus ends up a HOF with Jacksonville, it was still the right call. The guy wasn't giving effort here and for the amount we were paying him, he needed to go. I know, I know, we are sick of "Trust the Process." But, that is all we can really do. Firing Beane and McDermott would do more harm at this point, than good. You think we would get the cream of the crop GM or Coach. Who would want to come here if they knew they could be fired if things don't look good 10 weeks into their stay here in Buffalo. "Trust the Process" it is all we have for the next couple of years. One thing is for sure though, this is going to be an interesting couple of years.
  5. Cheap backup QB, especially when you think your team is going to be trash.
  6. Nice to see a fellow Bonnie, Shannon Shepherd, having a successful career.
  7. You get the QB and then you place talent around him. You also do whatever you can to get that talent around him. Green Bay is a shining example of how you don't build a team around a QB. Ted Thompson is an awful GM because he really only builds his roster through the draft, he refuses to really sign free agents or make a big free agent signing splash. Hoem grown talent is great, but that needs to be complemented with good free agent signings, which Green Bay hasn't done.
  8. Sweet. My wife and I will definitely be there. We will bring some Doritos are something to chip in, and can also provide money for the food to whoever, as well!!!
  9. He wouldn't have three picks. He'd have more than three sacks and it''d be 10-0. At least with Peterman, we have the threat of a passing game.
  10. Maybe they are worried Peterman will win them some games and ruin the draft position.
  11. No, it isn't. It would be stupid to dump and run. You have to give these two guys a chance to build a team. Let's give them two drafts to see what hey can build. We overachieved early in the season.
  12. Look at that, two step drop out of shotgun and then released and threw. Guy wasn't wide open, but threw it only where our guy could get it.
  13. He'll come in and hand the ball off to Tolbert. Won't throw a single pass, you watch.
  14. Why do we have a coach that is unwilling to put our backup QB in. I know people will be calling for Peterman to start if he scores two TDs in garbage time, but ****, let the kid get some game experience. It's clear Tyrod isn't the answer moving forward. He isn't willing to take chance, especially when we need too, to come back.
  15. A meet up at Als to caravan over?
  16. Not if you took away Thursday night games in the process. It would make Monday night more meaningful.
  17. Right, it is pure economics. The NFL was only going to get so popular, and then start to decline at that point. The game isn't dying, just some people are losing interest.
  18. LOL. I mean he does have a winning record. At least for now.
  19. Actually, the answer is actually a little more than half the time.
  20. I thought Al's party was going to be on Saturday night. Or at least they will be doing the same thing on Saturday night, according to a message I received back from them through Facebook. I will also be attending the game. Just need to book our hotel, I got tickets the day they went on sale in KC. Hopefully, there will be a couple good tailgate parties to hit. Let us know what everyone is doing.
  21. You know, a couple things go our way against the Jets and we come away with the victory. Leonard's dropped interception could have really turned the tide early. Matthews fumbling before halftime kept us from going in tied at 10. O'Leary's fumble kept us from tying the game at 17 or at least attempting to. We were driving at that point. those things don't go wrong and we have a different ball game with a potentially different result.
  22. Kyle Williams literally got tackled on that play, even if it isn't OPI, that is holding all day.
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