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Everything posted by Watkins90

  1. Why the !@#$ did you kick that short. Jesus Christ, just like that Ravens right back in it.
  2. I’d have taken the unemployment. At least i wouldn’t have looked like a fool.
  3. How Wade Phillips let Ralph Wilson convince him to start Rob Johnson in that playoff game against Tennessee? Like come on Wade, Doug played the entire season and you let the owner see one good, but meaningless game control your coaching decisions?
  4. I will be headed to Lambeau next year!! My wife and her entire family are Packer fans, so I can’t wait until we rock them in there own house.
  5. What really pissed me off was the ref didn’t even say when the pass was incomplete on the Benjamin overturn. He just said, it’s incomplete. NFL needs to crack down and make these guys explain why they are making certain calls. You call DPI, then you need to say defensive pass interference number whatever, he face guard the receiver and never turned for the ball, spot foul automatic first down. If the official can’t tell you why it was DPI then the flag should be picked up, whether it really was a foul or not. That’s how it worked in the Cowboy game against the Packers.
  6. I swear, we have the worst returner in football. Tate is no threat to break one.
  7. Sweet no block in the back call, when it was blatantly obvious.
  8. I'm shocked the refs didn't call offensive PI on that play by Benjamin. Can't let the Bills get any momentum.
  9. Why would we want that. How about we control our own destiny by winning our. Let’s see if Sean McDermott can be the coach we have been looking for. He has the chance to go out and win two games to get us in, with a little help. Beat Carolina!! I mean we definitely could have controlled our own destiny. I for one won’t blame missing the playoffs on the Chargers game like the national narrative will be if we don’t.
  10. That after they called a borderline PI on Ravens game winning TD drive what a load of bull ****.
  11. From what I am seeing, as long as the Chargers, Ravens or Titans lose one game over the next two weeks we are in. As long as we beat Miami in week 17.
  12. I don't think that is correct. If the Chargers and Ravens both win out and the Titans lose out, and we don't win out, the Chargers would get in over us, assuming they don't win the division.
  13. I don’t know why the annocuers got all over him. That wasn’t a drop, the defender knocked it out of his hands after he caught it. Also, you just don’t drop a second round wide receiver. He is on a cheap rookie contract. You may not resign in, but you let his contract play out.
  14. Why are we snapping the ball with 15 seconds left on the playclock? Can someone please explain that to me.
  15. Alonso is a little B word. Tried to take a cheap shot at Shady after he made him look stupid.
  16. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000892841/article/josey-jewell-the-outlaw-from-iowa-with-a-heart-of-gold I thought I would share this article from NFL.com on Iowa's starting middle linebacker Josey Jewell. The guy grew up 35 minutes from where I live and is marrying the daughter of my mother-in-law's friend, and as a side note will be hosting his wedding reception in the town I live in. It's an excellent article, and Jewell is exactly the type of player that McDermott would want on his team. I think, and I hope, if the Bills draft him, he'll be the next great linebacker for the Bills. Either way, its cool to see a small town Iowa kid make such a big impact.
  17. I think what he has done with this team has been pretty damn impressive. I mean, we have very little talent and are still in the Wild Card Hunt.
  18. Really hard to compare the two considering it was a blizzard today and just cold when Rex made that call.
  19. I didn’t like the call, but I’m not going to kill the guy for it since it worked out.
  20. Except the receiver was on the goalline and they put the ball at the two-yard line.
  21. Why isn't the play clock running. Why are they just letting Indy clear snow. That's stupid.
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