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Everything posted by Yav

  1. Its funny how the landscape has changed in the AFC East. Back in the day Miami was the hated team, now it's New England, seriously how many fans really dislike Miami like they did back in the 90s?
  2. The Bills and Raiders have the best uniforms in the NFL. Simple but perfect. With the Bills I do prefer the standing buffalo helmet but either way they are just classic and very well done. Not a fan of the Titans old or new uniforms.
  3. This is just disgusting. The man is dead, let him Rest In Peace, it’s time to leave the past where it belongs.
  4. I’m torn. Do, don’t do it, I don’t even care anymore just do something to win.
  5. Oh I agree, but I think it's more likely that neither QB works out. IMO the percentage is against you.
  6. What happens if you fade away all those picks and AJ beats out the rookie and is the franchise QB with the rookie being another pretender? Everyone will complain and want blood.
  7. Personally, I hope the Browns can put something together this year. I'm sick of seeing the same teams in the playoffs.
  8. [Breaking News] I just got off the phone with my source and he told me he's 100% sure that the Bills will be making a selection in the first round of the draft. I trust him 110% so you can bank on this information as being legit.
  9. this new front office seems to really have a tight lip on what they are doing, that being said, I believe nothing until someone with the Bills says it or until its done.
  10. I still can't figure out why some people are all in for any of these kids. What have any of them done in the NFL that AJ hasn't done? Oh that's right nothing because they have no NFL experience. AJ is older and has been on an NFL roster and has seen some playing time. Either way your going with an unknown at QB, mine as well be one that didn't cost us an entire draft.
  11. Or... perhaps AJ told them to piss off and chose Buffalo over NE and now they are trying to save face... And now I realize that I don’t care.
  12. I’m not sure who pics what but I do agree that the Bills have to get to #2 to get the QB they want.
  13. We all better hope and pray the Browns take Barkley with the first pick. If that happens then the Giants are in play at 2 because they need a RB and if Barkley is gone they are open for business. The Colts are there for the edge rusher and if he's gone then they are open for business. If the Browns go QB with the first pick the Giants aren't moving and they will take Barkley, then the Colts will take the edge rusher and the Browns at 4 are going to take BPA, and here is where the problems start for the Bills, because if they can't move up from 12 there are 6 possible QB needy teams ahead of them.
  14. Man, how will they replace his production?
  15. I've been told they Bills are offering the 3rd round pick they got from Cleveland for him.
  16. I'm not following...they need a WR to take the top off and you want a 30 year old guy who's just MEH.
  17. He's a fantastic player but due to his size he gets hurt a lot.
  18. I haven't been following a lot of the FA crap. Makes my head hurt.
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