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Doc Brown

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Everything posted by Doc Brown

  1. It was more not having our two starting LB's (Milano and Bernard) specifically against KC that really hurt us. Reid/Mahomes just kept attacking the middle of the field as Klein and Dodson are poor coverage linebackers. I doubt Dodson was even at 100%. Seeing Klein getting burned over and over again by Kelce was maddening. Especially frustrating because we finally caught them in the playoffs without Tyreek or any legitimate WR weapon outside of Kelce.
  2. Very smooth runner that's fun to watch. He's better between the tackles than I thought he'd be when we drafted him. Seems to have really good vision but I like that he doesn't have much hesitation when hitting the hole. He's a home run threat every time he touches the ball which we haven't had at RB since Shady. He's a decent route runner who is a mismatch for most LB's. I thought he'd have better hands as those missed TD drops are inexcusable. Fumble worry me but are fixable. Will always be limited as a blocker so I don't think he'll ever be a true every down back.
  3. I figured they would be the best interview. I thought the logical follow up to the Shakir throw question was to ask if he regrets not checking it down to an open Diggs but I guess he already answered that. Simms talks about the Bills not having enough offensive weapons surrounding him all the time so I wish they asked him his thoughts on that but I understand they can only push so far.
  4. I stopped paying attention to him when he said it was more realistic that Peterman would be our franchise QB than Allen based off completion percentage in the pre-season. I wasn't a huge Allen fan at the time but my god that was horrible analysis. I actually felt better about this team when he said there was a zero percent chance we win out after the Eagles game.
  5. Plus, he gave away arguably two games when all we needed was a game manager (@Jets, Broncos). An MVP can't do that.
  6. Or…..there’s no way in hell he’s taking a pay cut.
  7. Was it the twitter proposed trade to the Panthers where we get two 2023 first round picks?
  8. Yeah. Let's reelect that guy. WTF is wrong with this country? America: I'd vote for a wet mop over Biden. Republicans: How about Donald Trump instead? America: Pass the cyanide.
  9. Agreed. It was sad watching a HOF talent look like a practice squad player rushing the passer this year. I think he's done and will likely be a liability next year. I think Beane/McDermott believe this too but believe they're basically pot committed at this point in poker terms with his contract. It's really hard to fold once you're in that mindset and freeing up six million post free agency/draft won't be enough to rip the band aid off and cut him.
  10. Out of habit they're giving the Super Bowl MVP this year to Lamar too.
  11. I went to the one in Detroit in 2006. Steelers and Seahawks was a boring game but The Rolling Stones were great at halftime. I won't go to another one unless the Bills make it. My guess is the NFL will have moved it to Siberia or something by then.
  12. In all seriousness though. This would be hilarious.
  13. Beane already converted it to a signing bonus.
  14. They both pry would've been hired elsewhere. I'm more confident that Babich would've landed the GB, Miami, or Giants gig. Between his previous time with the Browns and his father there were a lot of connections. Brady maybe in Atlanta (HC interview there), Seattle, Oakland, or even Washington as offensive coordinator. Seeing all those possible openings on the horizon may have sped up the process.
  15. True but the easiest defense Brady faced was the Eagles I believe. Putting up 32 on the Jets, 31 on the Cowboys, 31 on the Steelers, and even 24 on the Chiefs was impressive.
  16. I'd rather talk football than worry about grammar.
  17. The second biggest move Beane made was trading a 1st and a 4th for Diggs and I believe he's been the second most productive WR in the NFL since he got here. Allen didn't become elite until that trade. I do admire your commitment to painting Beane as a terrible GM though.
  18. They're more ready now than in the past as college offenses have caught up to the pros a bit. Josh Allen or Dalton Kincaid?
  19. Would love to have him as he had a pretty good year considering how poor the Titans o-line was. We won't be able to afford him though. I'm guessing he gets six to eight million on a one year deal.
  20. Even worse it was due to a Russian boxer and a dead alligator's head.
  21. Again, you don't need to surround Josh with as much talent as you do Tua to have a highly productive offense. It's why you should only pay elite QB's top of the market deals.
  22. No but if he signs a top of the market long term deal it will hurt them long term. You won't be able to keep a few of these good young players (Waddle, Eichenberg, Hunt, Jackson, Phillips, Wilkins, Hollands).
  23. It's a system where it only works if you can draft and keep premier talent on offense. You can't do that with paying a good but not elite qb top of the market QB money. You saw what happened to Purdy had to play without McCaffrey, Deebo, and Trent Williams this season. Tua's numbers went down when they started losing offensive line starters, Hill was hobbled, and Waddle was dealing with that high ankle sprain. They averaged 13.3 ppg against the Ravens, us, and the Chiefs to finish out their season.
  24. Davis and Shakir overperformed from where they were drafted. He just hasn't taken enough swings the first two days. It's pry a combination of the capital given up for the Diggs trade, getting Josh veteran WR free agents early on to help him develop (Beasley, Brown), the draft board just not falling right the last few years, and prioritizing getting younger at other positions (D-line, TE, LB, CB). Striking out on Elam (most likely) and Basham are on him though when he could've invested at WR.
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