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Everything posted by RalphWilson'sNewWar

  1. I’m sure Tom will oblige and give Tremaine an autograph post game.
  2. I’m mostly kidding. although I wouldn’t rule out that they have to feel a personality connection. You have to want to go to work with these players everyday. Not saying it was a religious decision entirely though. But fun fact one of McDermott’s first decisions as Head Coach was to fire the Team Chaplain last season.
  3. I mean look... You want you Head Coach And Starting Quarterback to be on the same page. Rosen and McDermott wouldn’t even be able to agree on God’s specific influence in the outcome of the game. McDermott would give all the credit to God. Rosen would give all the credit to himself and teammates and coaches. and imagine when McDermott dropped to his knees after the Dalton Touchdown! Rosen would probably say, “lose a contact coach? What you doing down there?”
  4. This isn’t our first Rodeo. As Bills fans we have seen it before. As NFL fans we have seen it before. Work on your mechanics all you like in Pro Days and Practice. But The NFL is many times a single possession game. Now when it’s late in the 4th QT and your body has been beat up. On 3rd and 9 and the defense schemes a complex package...what are you going to do? Is your brain going to fry and all your old habits return? Or are you going to make the play. immediately think of Fitz and Tebow for players who would revert to their old muscle memory of throwing when the fatigue or stress or pressure set it. Allen is going to need to overcome his own natural flawed instincts. For which he will need time. Lots of time. And trial and error. we shouldn’t pull back the curtain too soon, but we also shouldn’t pull the cord on him either once he is in. It wouldn’t be like his struggles are wasting a good Buffalo team. Allen needs to learn how to play Chess now. Not checkers.
  5. I was hoping the team would be realistic about what is going on these next 1-2 seasons.
  6. If he wins it that would be amazing. but I’m content with him going slow and no real need to see him until 2020. Two seasons on the bench with some games. two seasons as starter. buffalo picks up the 5th Season option. And then decide in 2022 whether to give him the $$$$.
  7. Cousins is the man. Always recall when he sat down with Gruden he was the only QB who asked so quick follow up questions that seemed to make Gruden have to stop talking and actually think and respond. As for Allen...there is a lot to like. I’m interested. just time and patience and attention. no rush to see him as starter until 2020 if need be.
  8. No idea if this is really Buffalo. but we do have... - Beane saying he doesn’t think he will have to give up as much as some think to get their guy. - Cleveland/Denver/Indianapolis All Open for trades - many mocks putting Allen and Buffalo together. it wouldn’t Shock me if Buffalo wanted to make sure Allen got through teh Top 3
  9. I was going to make a thread long ago, half jokingly, suggesting if Buffalo should plant a story to get their “guy” to drop. I’m not sure if I would say a team “stooped”. Just what are you prepared to do.
  10. Don’t sell yourself so short. its the quotes that sports figures make, which get used against them when things get bad. That is why so many in sports say so little. they only create more rope from which to hang themselves later. Brandon Beane tells the world “getting a franchise QB is the GM #1 Job.” So if he doesn’t do it...he has basically hung himself. and should the team be bad in 2018...Brandon Beane will have failed to get a franchise QB, built one of the worst teams in the NFL and he will have admitted he failed as a GM. these are the type of quotes fans and media use to bury a ownership under so much public pressure that they then feel compelled to make a personnel change.
  11. I do not feel Brandon Beane has done a good job of calming the fan base when it comes to QBs. With quotes like, “QB LEAGUE” or “Finding Franchise QB is GM #1 Job.” If anything he is purposely not calmed it due to confidence that they will get a QB. or he has inadvertently not calmed it due to ignorance.
  12. I dunno. jags GM told 1 person in the org. He was taking Bortles the night before now Beane tells Rapaport a week before?
  13. But the gaping holes don’t matter. Operating your football team simply on a season to season basis seems faulty.
  14. Never really felt the drought during the season to be honest. Its not like Buffalo in all that time (maybe once) was ever a Top 6 Team in the AFC. I think if they had been a good team but were missing it would have been difficult. for me the hardest part of the drougght was the offseason moves, drafts, contracts and personnel hires. All those moves were crushing and none provided any real relief that the drought would end.
  15. Because seasonal holes don’t matter in the grand scheme.
  16. With each of these QBs the justification to sell the farm could be made and lived with. But each one has something that would make you take a breath (some deeper than others) when you send that Farm to New York. Accept for possibly Darnold.
  17. Is it Mason Rudolph time to be the target? 4 Visits with Buffalo right? (Senior Bowl, Combine, Pro Day, Private Workout) i never we understood the 4 visit thing for Mayfield. Wouldn’t any QB who was at the senior bowl max out with 4 visits with a team that was interested in QBs? shouldnt Allen, Mayfield, Rudolph and maybe a few others all end up with 4 visits with QB needy teams?
  18. Based on history this is what I see. 2019 - we lose players to free Agency, retirement and some draft picks bust, hence we have holes. But we are middling record between 6-10 and 9-7. Then everyone says we need to fill holes so let’s just draft to fill holes and we will do it next season. Besides none of the QBS are guarantees. 2020 - we lose players to free Agency, retirement and some draft picks bust, h nice we have holes. But we are middling record between 6-10 and 9-7. Then everyone says we need to fill holes so let’s just draft to fill holes and we will do it next season. Besides none of the QBS are guarantees. 2021 - we lose players to free Agency, retirement and some draft picks bust, h nice we have holes. But we are middling record between 6-10 and 9-7. Then everyone says we need to fill holes so let’s just draft to fill holes and we will do it next season. Besides none of the QBS are guarantees. 2022 - we lose players to free Agency, retirement and some draft picks bust, h nice we have holes. But we are middling record between 6-10 and 9-7. Then everyone says we need to fill holes so let’s just draft to fill holes and we will do it next season. Besides none of the QBS are guarantees.
  19. Did we look to Palmer for that insight? I want award he hosted a 3 Hour golf show. Please don’t associted my posts with your epic cluelessness.
  20. Great... Two old white guys who have no insight into the minds of or locker rooms of the modern players. i guess Murph gets what he wants. That is not having Donald shatter Murphy’s idealistic view of the sport and players doIng everything for “the love of the game and their fellow brothers”. Plus anytime any union issues come up Murph won’t have to listen to a relatively young former player throwing shade all over his buddy Rodger.
  21. You seem to be confusing pointitng out Dabolls and Buffalos League wide standing when it comes to offense as discrediting him. to say they aren’t considered that highly in offense is not a slight. As of today. April 2, 2018. It is the truth. No one considers the Bills anything on the offensive side of the ball. Except for maybe an occasional run by McCoy. as for Daboll to New England...no. Daboll turned down working under McDaniels in Indy to accept the Buffalo job. Why Buffalo over Indy? 1.) More Money 2.) he’s from buffalo. No other reason. New England was not the equation.
  22. The best part for me...is the analyst who is completely wrong about prospects...but who continues to speak with such bravado, shout down people that don’t agree and show zero humbleness the following years after being wrong.
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