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Everything posted by RalphWilson'sNewWar

  1. Starting Allen is a good sign by McDermott that the focus is ion the proper things. Starting to like this Head Coach.
  2. “The Process” is a beautiful, fail safe, Get Out of Jail Free Card to be played at any time for any situation. It’s brilliant. - You win by 30. “Winning Big is part of the process. - You lose by 30 at home against inferior opponent. “Learning not to be over confident is part of the process.” its all true...but at all time creates a rigged game to deflect any responsibility and just keep moving forward. i think it’s brilliant.
  3. Nick Foles won the Super Bowl and MVP Award and he returned to the bench. that says it all.
  4. I just don’t know how you build around a defense anymore. It’s just so hard to get 11-16 guys to play consistently at a high level for 48-64 games. Along with injuries, fatigue, familiarity and free agency. there have been some stellar defenses in the last 5-6 seasons but most them came and went in a blink of eye it seems like. 49ers Defense had a 2 season window Legion of Boom? What? 3 season window? Jaguars? 1 season? Broncos? 1-2 Seasons? defense is just not reliable IMO to be built upon for a long haul.
  5. I agree, but it’s also the choices different Head coaches would make based on their own expertise and preference. lets say Pegulas hired a Sean McDermott in 2017...with ONLY ONE DIFFERENCE, that guy was a Offensive Coordiantor from Carolina. 2017 - Does a Offensive Minded Head Coach trade away from P. Mahomes and/or D. Watson in favor of a CB? Say we had a 1st Year Offensive Minded Head Coach for 2018 then... 2018 - If we still Draft Josh Allen does a Offensive Minded Head Coach keep the 2nd 1st Round pick and draft a Linebacker? Or does he draft WR Calvin Ridley to give his Rookie QB a viable target to grow with over the next 4-5 seasons? these decisions were all bred from McDermott’s defensive preference.
  6. He said he didn’t think buffalo was missing anything philosophically aabout Offense. Then I stopped listening as I started to think about all the Defensive Minded Head coaches we have had and how it has outnumbered the offensive minded head coaches 2-1
  7. Crap forgot about Mularkey. I guess that blows up my point a little. but I still say the focus on defense Minded Head coaches at 6 vs. 2-3 on Offensive is still a strong case for putting too much focus on the wrong side of the ball.
  8. Going to read some names Wade Phillips Greg Williams Dick Jauron Rex Ryan Sean McDermott Defense, Defense, Defense. ALL Defensive Minded/Philosophical coaches whose approach permeates from the top bottom. now the other two Head Coaches? Doug Marrone, a Offensive Sided Coach, but who is almost just as conservative and Defensive Minded as any Defensive Coordiantor in the league. I mean...Coach Marrone was quoted as saying he NEVER WANTED TO THROW. That only leaves Chan Gailey as being the only true Offensive Minded Head Coach to have control in Buffalo. And while Chan did have some things he was far from progressive or innovative and really was Used Goods. and Mike Mularkey who frankly i just recalled because another poster pointed it out. If I try all I recall was McGahee running the bills to the 9-7 record. 1 of 2 things will happen. 1.) Allen will be good and his abilities will mask all of McDermott’s conversativeness. 2.) Allen wont be good and he and McDermott will be removed. IF that happens, we need to hope/plead that the Pegulas will finally identify a YOUNG, PROGRESSIVE, INOVATING OFFENSIVE MINDED HEAD COACH.
  9. We actually won a game this season 13-12. ?. But who wants to watch that nonsense?
  10. Defense is boring. Don’t want to play it, watch it or see it executed. It kills any excitement of any game. The NFL would never survive if it was a Outside Linebacker Driven League. Offense, Offense, Offense. it will soon be 2019. Offense, Offense, Offense. so disgusted with how inept this entire franchise has become on the only side of the ball tjay truely matters. or to put it another way... lose 37-34 instead of winning 13-12. garbage.
  11. Should we be looking for an offensive minded Head Coach? I say yes.
  12. Arizona needs to be scouting the young offensive minded coaches in the league right now and be prepared to make a move this off season and bring in a whole new Coaching Regime that focuses on what’s important. wilks and McCoy are goIng to sabatoge Rosen with their antiquated philosophies.
  13. Add Steve Wilks to the group after tonight! Cardinals, Jets, Buffalo, Browns. All teams need to seriously consider bringing in the Youngest, Brightest, Offensive Minded Cosches in the NFL to protect each teams MAJOR QB Investment and start to play ball in the Modern NFL.
  14. I wouldn’t have called Marrone a ‘Young, Offensive’ Wizard. i mean this is a guy who put on the record, “For me, I like to run the ball every play” So definitely not him.
  15. No offense taken! but I do wonder you say both Chicago and LA overhauled on Offense. But wasn’t that mostly AFTER they hired Offensive Head Coaches? so it was those Offensive Head Coaches who were possibly the driving factors in getting those organizations to focus on Offense in the Off Season? And because they were offensive minded...they might have a better idea on scouting the potential offensive talent over a defensive coach? also you question Trubisky is thriving in your 2.) point. But at the end of it you admit he has more TD passes in 4 games in 2018 then he did in 12 games of 2017. I would call that thriving.
  16. True the Bears did bring in Allen Robinson. How much they use him is debatable. (I know being hai frustrated fantasy owner) but Los Angeles...totally. Woods, Cooks. They loaded up
  17. Would you say Allen is more important to the franchise then McDermott? if there is a pyramid (not counting owners) how does it start at the top and then work it’s wY down? 1.) Allen 2.) McDermott 3.) Bean 4.) White 5.) Edmunds and if you agree with Allen being hire up than McDermott than anything to help Allen is greater than any loyalty to McDermott?
  18. Kyle Shanahan? Was that closest we got to a young Offensive mind? That was what before Gailey or Marrone was hired?
  19. Eagles invested heavily in Trading up for Carson Wentz. Spent that off season building and Offensive Coaching Room...Wentz now thriving. Los Angeles Rams invested 1st Overall Pick in Jared Goff. Shortly after fired their Defensive Minded Head Coach (Jeff Fisher). Brought in young Offensive guy in Sean McVay...Goff now thriving. Chicago Bears invested heavily in trading up for Mitch Trubisky. Shortly after fired their Defensive Minded Head Coach (John Fox). Brought in Offensive Guy in Matt Nagy...Trubisky now thriving. Buffalo Bills and New York Jets invested heavily in trading up for Josh Allen and Sam Darnold. And they will do what with their DEFENSIVE MINDED HEAD COACHES after their Young QBs struggle in 2018???
  20. I keep thinking back to the quotes I believe Mara and Khan gave indicating it was the Pegulas understanding that a new stadium would be needed was a key contributing factor in the other NFL Owners selecting the Pegulas bid for the team. it Almost appeared then, the the promise of a new stadium by the Pegulas was good enough for the other owners NOT to push for the team in Toronto. This would seemingly appear to be going back on that understanding between the Pegulas and the other Owners. who I assume will still want and get their new stadium. If not in Buffalo, then to put pressure on elsewhere.
  21. Thats the part that worries the most. Giving him too much time and asking him to be the surgeon. when it’s run and chuck...that’s the easy part.
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