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Everything posted by Rockpile233

  1. I still see her as the only one who makes sense to finish on the throne. Does anyone really see Jon taking on the role?
  2. I think Bran’s role is done. When he said he mostly lives in the past, just seems that he is fading into the background. Doubt he has any large role in the Kings Landing events. I’m worried about Arya surviving now that she’s left the north for good.
  3. I’m hoping they figure out, can’t stand the personalities on this Philly team. Want to see them flame out. Bizarre how Lowry completely chockes in the playoffs. There is no other way to describe it. All mental.
  4. The talk about limiting liability is just proving my point that this was a FINANCIAL decision. How can we reduce exposure while also turning the solution into a revenue driver? Tailgate village. Sound business decision? Yes. I am pushing back on those of you applauding the Bills for their strong stance on combating over intoxication and table breaking culture. If that was actually the goal the solution would look different. They don’t get their backs patted for fan experience. That take is too homerish to me.
  5. I bring grills, coolers, several courses to cook, coffee, etc. That is just inconvenient enough to huff from the lot across to this village and back before the game. People will buy more catering. I can’t believe this is even debatable. Once again, sounds like a great service if it wasn’t forced.
  6. No, I’ve been in the seats for 12 years embarrassed with what is on the field. You can can cry all you want about it. If they want to crack down on parking lot behavior it is their right, but I have stated my bigger issue is how this has turned into a forced service to prop up their sponsored tailgates. Stop making this an image decision. This was strictly a financial decision. That is fine as they are a business, but I’m certainly not applauding them for saving us from ourselves!
  7. Worse examples with European soccer. Examples throughout all of American sports. Buffalo does not have the market cornered on stupid fan actions.
  8. What is there to say? I think people who jump drunkenly through tables are stupid too, but I also am not trying to engineer the behavior of 70,000 people. “Forcing” people to grow up is a fools errand. Also who decides what that looks like? The Bills? HA
  9. There are dozens of private lots that will accommodate idiocy. This will have zero impact on reducing viral table videos. It only takes one every week. I see this as more pushing the idiots to private lots while soaking the responsibile groups. Hopefully people take advantage of bringing their own items, but it’s just enough of an inconvienience for them to push the catering. I love these offered services, but not when you’re forcing large groups into it. Should stand on its’ own merits. I try to patronize the private lots anyway.
  10. Per google search: Walder Frey and Meryn Trant certainly had brown eyes, and the Waif looked to have blue eyes. Arya has killed dozens of people, including every male member of House Frey in season 7, so it's certainly possible she has already murdered someone with green eyes. But fans are still hopeful that Arya will complete her list.
  11. Has Arya completed the green eyes? Cersei was on the list. I always thought it would be Arya, but seems too much after killing the night king. Maybe not. I could also see Cersei not allowing herself to be taken and ending it herself when she’s inevitably against the wall.
  12. IT: Chapter 2 I’m a huge fan of IT and was very skeptical when this new version was released. I was so pleased with how well it was done that I’ve been eagerly awaiting this ever since. Now if only someone could do The Stand justice.
  13. It’s not about what is included, it’s about not being able to bring your own food to cook and own drinks. That’s where it is a cash grab. Cooking, for me, has always been a critical feature of the tailgating experience. The rules were already being enforced at the lots. Your statement is too general. People will go to the private lots. This is all money. edit: if you can bring your own food and drink it’s not bad, but still can’t do the cooking I’m sure.
  14. I mean, once you are in this village. How many drink and food vouchers does that come with. I assume you aren’t letting grills in there. This would be a serious deterrent to taking a bus.
  15. I’d be interested to see what is included with that fee. I’m sure it’s a bad deal.
  16. I understand it’s their business to police their lots, but the damage is all done with how quickly one single video can circulate online. People will find other places to go who are set on this. Yes, you’ll curb some drunkenness, but I’ve been a season ticket holder for 12 years and honestly think it has been improving over time. My issue is with this lame tailgating village, which will basically be a cash grab. Why would anyone want to take a bus anymore?
  17. I don’t really see the dire need to get rid of him. He’s on his final year and the return will be basically nothing. I believe it’s more valuable to see if he’s got anything left behind what should be an improved line.
  18. I love wgr. I can see not liking it if you’re a table pounding homer or want long segments on x’s and o’s. Howard and Jeremy picked 10-6 and playoffs for the Bills this morning. Not sure why everyone parrots that they are ultra negative.
  19. If you introduce a secret crossbow it’s definitely going to be used. He’d have to miss for one of them to survive and Bronn is usually synonymous with not missing.
  20. I don’t necessarily think Jamie sees Cersei again. I expect Bronn goes through with it and kills one of Jamie or Tyrion. I see Jamie as making more sense here.
  21. Further development of the NK seems unlikely at this point apart from what could be a very fun spinoff series if they do it well. I’m dissapointed with how they chose to leave it, but it was a fun ride.
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