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Everything posted by Rockpile233

  1. I didn’t think we’d look like the worst team in the league so yes, I’m dissapointed. This was another blowout at half time as well. Games aren’t even fun to watch.
  2. I wouldn’t say I’m worried about Edmunds yet, but I have to question why a team devoid of talent would trade multiple picks for one player. Some lineman would be looking good right now...
  3. The Pegulas have done so much for the region, and yes I appreciate that I still have two teams to complain about, but they have to be among the worst operating owners in professional sports. Knowing what you don’t know is important.
  4. As others have said, there have been several blowouts in McDermott’s short tenure. I’m having a hard time thinking this is a fluke. It can’t get much worse than that, but I guess I was way in the wrong to enter this season with optimism. They seem every bit as bad as the most pessimistic fans told me they’d be.
  5. A lot of people wanted to write up last season as a loss before it happened. I’ll wait for the real games to start.
  6. Completely agree. Very tough to tell if he was ready with basically no pass protection. That better wake them up because they stand little chance of winning with that type of line play. Have to give Peterman the nod, and there’s a strong argument that he earned it anyway.
  7. I bet $100 on the Bills OVER 6 wins. Still not buying the assured regression narrative.
  8. Overthinking it. Yes, the drought is over, but I agree nobody should be satisfied. I certainly don’t see McBeane as people happy with a single playoff appearance, so I’m confident they’ll continue to strive for a championship.
  9. The fact an all pro corner needed to go that hard after Josh Allen, A ROOKIE IN HIS FIRST CAMP, already is a bad look for Ramsey. Sounds like a pretty insecure dude.
  10. I have zero respect for going at people that way. Not the kind of player I root for.
  11. The Challenge. I’ve been a fan for 32 seasons and run a fantasy league for it.
  12. I was pleased with what we saw last night. The talent is clear, but I don’t see any reason to rush his development. Saw him miss some throws and then he’d turn around and have a wow moment. I admit I’d like to see him get some preseason action with talent around him, but they also have to prepare whoever gets the starting nod.
  13. I’m as confused as ever about the QB situation, but not in the way I was expecting.
  14. It seems he’s been having the better week so far, but they’ve all been inconsistent.
  15. The “embarrassing” antics of Bills fans is the most overblown narrative on the boards the past few years. Yes, I would be embarrassed if I were on camera breaking tables or falling head first into an RV, but for the most part this isolated to a few groups of college kids. I did stupid things in college too, which also isn’t isolated to Buffalo. I always feel the need to mention the same thing when one of these threads pops up. Compared to soccer hooligans in most of the world, drunk football fans are nothing. I have never read of a stabbing during a Bills tailgate or destructive riots. Put that in perspective.
  16. I wanted to excel because to excel was to give great service, which in turn led to bigger tips. It was completely personally motivated to make some money as you say. People with **** attitudes usually maintain those **** attitudes in the professional world as well. I’ve grown with enough of them. But yes, I was very cynical towards management when I was serving/bartending. Always was in a rush to get out of the industry. I see know they were just trying to work their careers as best as possible. I was in fact the !@#$ in that equation.
  17. Having worked in several restaurants when I was younger, I can typically make correct assumptions where a breakdown is occurring when I’m experiencing bad service. I have never left zero for a tip, but I have certainly docked the tip when I could say with certainty server laziness or rudeness was causing whatever problem. I typically empathize with people who seem over their head busy, but if you’re just texting on your phone at the station and my drink is empty you suck at your job. What people often do, which I always hated, was penalize a server or bartender for an obvious kitchen issue. Happens all the time though.
  18. Thanks for sharing. Plenty of reasons we should all collectively roll our eyes when the league, or any individual franchise, attempts to present itself as a moral compass on anything.
  19. I was just talking to someone about how I’m usually anxious and impatient for real games to start this time of the year, but this year strangely looking forward to the preseason. There a lot of questions to answer. I’m of the mindset that the defense will be very good this year and I’m cautiously optimistic that one of these guys can separate himself and be a serviceable starter.
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