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Everything posted by teef

  1. happy belated birfday! happy birfday too!
  2. last year tweets from you surfaced early in the year how the bills were dead in the water and wouldn't make the playoffs. when posted, you claimed that i saw the tweets, created a twitter handle with your name, and was posting them myself. oddly enough, the tweets were also posted on here, but always on twitter first, making it impossible for me to post them. none of you predictions have ever been on point. i'm not someone who cares if predictions are right or wrong...they're for fun, but i think you really need to stop banging the drum for miami. i get you're a fan, but you stating they're going to win the division won't make it happen. i think you've played this game enough over the years to know that.
  3. i've said this many times already this year, and i'll say it again...never, and i mean never has any of filthy's predictions ever been accurate. nothing was better when @Jauronimo found filthy's twitter feed last year, and he denied it was him.
  4. so did i hear it wasn't a tear of any type?
  5. I’m in the 11-12 win group, leaning towards 11. I just want this team to actually gain some momentum going into the preseason.
  6. Yeah…this guy is trying to ***** with our heads.
  7. the godfather! bummer. he was awesome.
  8. i honestly feel better about the season after seeing this post. no prediction you've made has ever come true...ever.
  9. Some people get trapped in small spaces like windows. They make pornography about it now.
  10. i hated boogie as a draft pick first!!!!!
  11. oh yeah. if he was going to be cut than so be it. i just didn't assume his was going to be cut after a somewhat productive camp.
  12. i'm of the group that doesn't see how it was worth it.
  13. that's fair. i wasn't calling you out specifically. i've seen a number of post about how this year is the year everything is going to fall apart, we're totally out matched, etc. this is still a very good team. i get the bengals game left a bad taste in everyone's mouth, but that was last season. time to start over. for this game, it's going to be an over reaction either way. if the bills win, it doesn't mean the jets will be the same team at the end of the season after playing games together and gelling. if the jets win, we'll have to hear the noise, but maybe this was their super bowl, and things with an old qb break down as the season goes on. the first game doesn't move the meter much for me, but the win would sure be more pleasant. you saw this place after a bad preseason game. on the inverse, the board was as quiet it could be after a solid showing last week. it's how this place rolls. for the jets...they're not without their warts either. as mentioned, maybe it takes time for them to get their act straight, and maybe the bills in the first matchup is too much too early. also, i thought i heard their starting LT is a 38 year old with an injury history. the only way i'll feel defeated after the first game is if they come out completely unprepared. i'd be surprised if that happens, but that to me would be strictly on coaching.
  14. yes, but not one of the soft ones who is predicting doom for the sake of protecting my fragile feelings.
  15. It really did. The posting will get more manic as the year goes on, and the season will end by him being completely wrong again. edit: there will also be more Miami hype at some point.
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