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Everything posted by Ridgewaycynic2013

  1. Nobody puts Brandon Beane in a corner about a corner. 🀨
  2. Sokath...his eyes uncovered. Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra.
  3. Bears equal the new Chicago sports team of futility. πŸ€”
  4. Isn't there some NFL Double Secret Probation that mandates both Denver and Chicago are awarded an 'L' for today's game? πŸ€”
  5. No apologies necessary. The more this board resembles anarchy, the more fun it is.
  6. Interesting trades considered... * I am reminded of Kramer trying to get Seinfeld's van in exchange for a sweaty T-shirt alleged to have been owned by Anthony Quinn. πŸ€”
  7. From the crowd rises a chant..."we want Elam...WE WANT ELAM...WE WANT ELAM!" * Coach McDermott turns, yells "Elam...come here!" * Elam throws off his coat, and hastens to McDermott's side: "Yes, Coach?" * McDermott: "Go see what they want..."
  8. Dredging this back to the top, it wasn't too many years ago that the radio 'Pregame Roundtable' was a good mix of print and broadcast journalists discussing the upcoming game. I recall Carucci, Felser, and a few other local notables having a place at that hour. Today I tune in for the first time in years, and it now consists of just Greg Brown and Sal Capaccio?! Audacy that broke they couldn't field a couple extra scribes? Or did Sullivan's rant over the hospitality table cause a mass exodus? πŸ€”
  9. Does Kincaid wear gloves? No? There's your problem * He does? OK, there's your problem. πŸ€”
  10. The 'Sports Metaphor Police' can be an even more rabid subcategory of the 'Grammar Police'. Infringe on their territory at your own peril. 😳
  11. 'Once before I die'. Not sure if it's a Lombardi, or an estimate on a player's return. (Or whether Elam will be active...)
  12. The OCD guy in me wants to applaud. The Sgt. Hulka in me wants to say "Lighten up, Francis." πŸ€”
  13. I have been disappointed with the 'extra hot' jars I have tried. Going back a few years, a coworker claimed that damp growing seasons lessened the strength. There were a few Canadian brands that were once 'fire in a jar', but lost their strength, whether by root strength or preparation, I do not know. This jar of Miller's might need EPA approval. πŸ€”πŸ˜
  14. If anyone is having beef on weck, I recommend Miller's Homestyle horseradish, from Lockport N.Y. I recently had a relative from the States bring a jar to a family gathering. I have not had a horseradish as powerful as that since the 1980s. I am surprised the Miller's is not regulated by the Bureau of ATF. 😳 (It might be a shameless plug, but sweet fancy Moses, it's potent!)
  15. Sometimes I would be so excited, I wouldn't get my socks off! πŸ˜•
  16. I think the writers for that show followed me around for ideas.
  17. The Dolphins charter took a leisurely tour around the area before landing. Flight GTI8086, if you're using a tracking app.
  18. There was a time this team's 'special teams' players didn't know enough to stay in their lanes. 🀨
  19. Nor is there this: I don't care that it's not Monday night. Marquee game equals that theme.
  20. 'A Night at the Opera' Groucho: "Got any stewed prunes?" Ship's steward: "Yes, sir!" Groucho: "Well give them some black coffee. That ought to sober them up."
  21. >> How's he not important?! <<Howie's not important? But he is! >>Buddy's not important? As for the coaching issue, just remember: They're tanned, rested, and ready. And one had dental work done.πŸ‘‡πŸ½
  22. Could you at least once let your 'big head' do the thinking for you? πŸ€”πŸ€¨ There is.
  23. I blame this on 'The McLaughlin Group'. When political discourse met WWF, western society began to crumble. * πŸ˜‰πŸ˜
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