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Everything posted by GoBills808

  1. This Get the best WR in the game and Bills are a contender
  2. Nothin I love more than some batted balls
  3. That's a pretty generous legend lineup if we're being completely honest
  4. My big one is special teams. They cost games last year and this year zero issues thus far.
  5. Keep in mind Allen is doing this with what any objective observer would call at BEST an average WR corps Then think back to last season when he (as a rookie) was working with wideouts and an offensive line that were both suspect Next year give him a legit WR1 and he's going to DOMINATE the league
  6. He missed a very obvious blocking assignment on either a Bell screen or similar that cost them a TD last night iirc
  7. Have a feeling Ford will end up being the right choice
  8. I disagree. I think you need to keep some productive pieces in place. Otherwise unless you win a Super Bowl within your QB's rookie deal you can't afford a competitive team...you need to overpay in FA and hit on an unrealistic amount of draft picks. Looking at the Colts here as the most obvious example
  9. It's like the sounds coming from these commentator's mouths...they're almost speaking but there's something missing
  10. Booger thinks the 2-0 Ravens should be on top of the AFCN rn
  11. Right because tanking for a ton of picks has worked out so well for the Browns
  12. Exactly like Favre pushing the ball downfield...on an 11 yard slant
  13. Shhh some guy named Booger said he's having a night
  14. You have Chubb Landry OBJ Fake hard count and 2 punts on 4th and short from midfield Ladies and gentlemen your 2019 Cleveland Browns
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