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Everything posted by GoBills808

  1. Guess Hollywood didn’t exactly come screaming for a guy who can’t read a coloring book let alone memorize lines lmao hell w this maggot
  2. Dude was already on the way down when he left, he’ll be worse than useless coming back without a proper offseason imo.
  3. I want to see Browns implode personally.
  4. I understand the reasoning and it's totally fine and informative for discussions like this one where you can dig into what a particular grouping means in terms of down/distance in context...I just think on TV it's unnecessary.
  5. Pretty sure he outscored half the league in FF, and w/out some of the sack fumbles or fluke INTs he's pushing top10 territory...
  6. Not really. Over broadcast announcers used to refer to 'two tight-end sets' or 'coming out w/3 wideouts' or whathaveyou all the time...it only bugs me to the extent that I prefer plain language over technicalities.
  7. Only thing I know is identifying offensive personnel groupings numerically is already my least favorite 2019 NFL trope
  8. Edmunds/Engram will be a great matchup, two physical freaks
  9. That's 100% dirty. Football equivalent of Pachoulia stepping under Leonard's shot two years ago.
  10. He’s a great back and Phillips is only a decent DT. Bell wins that battle almost every time.
  11. As I never even so much as considered we were EVER losing that game I have nothing to apologize for.
  12. It’s ‘true’ that they should have taken their first round 2nd year QB out of the game after a rough first half? LOL
  13. Pretty sure in that situation he’s just instructed to get the kick off ASAP priority one
  14. The important thing was to prevent the block...he was getting it out quick.
  15. You read that SI piece in the Raiders? Mayock shouldn’t be allowed to skate on AB, he was right along for the ride.
  16. If this was true he wouldn’t have accepted the job from Gruden. He’s equally culpable imo.
  17. No worse than yesterday imo. Letting a client play on a week to week non guaranteed contract would have been malpractice.
  18. Blue tops white pants blue socks best kit in league Then all whites color rush white tops blue pants
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