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Everything posted by foreboding

  1. How is a troll, is the name still there? Did we have an internet back then? Does each year make it any less shameful or more? Look at this lovely piece: https://innerloopblog.com/2019/05/04/oj-simpson-to-be-removed-from-bills-wall-of-fame-replaced-with-arthur-shawcross/
  2. I shall not F myself. You are right though, I re-read the thread and I escalated on you because it (he) pisses me off, I apologize for that. I have friends down here who see this POS out on the course, in the bar etc-- You did offer an explanation, not a defense. Sorry about that.
  3. Your argument in favor of leaving him there, is that a HOF career is more important than the weight of a double murder. What is misrepresented here? The trial? C'mon it was a farce and the world knows this. PS: You are right, we will never agree so let's not snipe. You want it left alone- I got it.
  4. You argument in favor is about stats. Field performance, I am saying that the Wall should be more. Please, what about that is asinine? Sorry you got your feelings hurt, not my intention. But come on man, defending this POS is silly--wake up.
  5. I think it is worth mentioning until it is gone. Get that POS off the WOF.
  6. No one in the whole world thinks he was innocent. Because he "got away with it" doesn't mean he has to get away with it on the WOF.
  7. I stated the reasons, and if you think stats are more important than a double homicide, we are not in the same realm of understanding. Is the wall about stats? I think it is whatever the owners make it to be. Good people who rep the city and team. OJ was no hero to our city, he hated it here and we won nothing with him. Big deal, he held the rushing record. HOF, no, but I get it if he was. HOF is a criteria based qualification. Our wall is whatever we want it to be. What our owners want it to be about. Even if in the past is was about stats, how about we also make it about people who love and represent the team well?
  8. On the occasion a camera gets a glimpse of his name on the wall, I cringe.
  9. Why should this be locked? The forum is called STADIUM WALL ...and this is a legit issue. I also think this forum is a place where it is possible the management of the team could see how the fans really feel about him being on the wall. Please, pipe in and don't lock this.
  10. I have been a Bills fan my entire life. As a little kid I remember watching the Electric Company and OJ. Like the rest of us, I was appalled when he was accused of a double murder. Disbelief and heartbroken first, later outraged. We have since learned that Johnny Cochran manipulated evidence, the scene of the crime and, masterfully, got him acquitted. There is almost no one who thinks that this POS is innocent. What I still fail to understand is why is this guy still on the wall? There is nothing about the man that brings any Bills fan any joy. He is an embarrassment, and more importantly, a horrible pariah. He is out enjoying life in Florida, posting on Twitter, golfing: this man who murdered his kid's mother in cold blood. He ripped her open with a knife and almost took her poor friend's head off, a man in the wrong place at the wrong time. The wounds on Goldman suggest he tried to fight back. Who gives a crap if he broke records, he does not represent my team or my home city. He is the antithesis to all that is good. We won nothing with the man, he is no hero to anyone's kids. I'm actually shocked Kim Pegula has allowed him to remain on the Wall of Fame. That wall should have people who also represent the city well? Is it just about stats?? I mean we are talking about a cold blooded killer, a big strong man who executed his own wife! He took his kids mother. He robbed them of her. I see no reason why he should be on that wall. Please Bills, let's expunge this dirtbag murderer from any public recognition. Please.
  11. Me too. the guy probably paid 3-4k for the seat. 1500, a joke. He needed to cough up 5-10k
  12. Good career Derek. Now stay as a coach. Class act.
  13. Fan Culture = Rabid, loyal, die-hard New Team Culture = Growth Mindset, grinders work ethic, humility
  14. Good leaders surround themselves with smart people and lead with humility, that seems to be the DNA over at OBD these days.
  15. hahaha, how many hours does it take to play that long or do you simulate most games?
  16. I guess that is where the faith in McDermott and his ability to actually coach the best talent and scheme out of his players comes into play. 6 wins out of that squad last year was something.
  17. We are nothing if not optimists every damn year. When is the last time you truly think we had a team that you think seemed to have this level of talent? And also, why do only a few media pundits see it? Are we all wearing the proverbial red, white and blue glasses? https://billswire.usatoday.com/2019/05/01/mmqb-buffalo-bills-have-their-best-roster-in-years/
  18. I know he is a great receiver, what do you know about his blocking?
  19. Back to the OP. This is a great pick, guy has a huge motor and he's twitchy fast and if he was as strong as he seems, he is going to be a beast to stop. I think Star will also help as he will be clogging the lane allowing Oliver to penetrate. Plus I love the guy's attitude, he is so likable and honest and was so grateful and happy to be playing in Buffalo.
  20. Sorry, I have teenage daughters, I just don't find anything about R Kelly assaulting kids funny.
  21. A data analyst at the University of Buffalo found that the data shows that the average human has one ball and one testicle.
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