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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. I think this sums up where we've been and hopefully where we aren't going.
  2. Big Yankee hater here But I agree, it's strategy. And if you think the guy on second (or the guy with the Apple watch) is stealing signs, show him the curve sign and bring it high and tight to the batter. Problem solved.
  3. You can't make this stuff up. In their first home game following the hurricane, the opposing pitcher is Matt Harvey.
  4. Saw this late this afternoon and thought it was worth sharing. Hopefully links aren't behind a fee wall. "Hundreds attend East Northport funeral for veteran they didn't know" http://www.newsday.com/long-island/suffolk/hundreds-attend-east-northport-funeral-for-veteran-they-didn-t-know-1.14105110 http://longisland.news12.com/story/36272528/hundreds-turn-out-for-korean-war-vets-funeral-in-east-northport
  5. I wouldn't qualify this as mundane, but maybe unexpected and poignant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11cKI6KZFFU
  6. I'm not dialed in like most, but are there Panthers on the bubble of interest? Pretty common for coaches/GMs to bring in guys they know.
  7. I always thought this was pretty crazy. Rebuilt their house after Rita and it survived Ike: http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/09/18/ike.last.house.standing/
  8. Hey hey hey! Did anyone mention What's Happening? Not even close to one of the best (I'm sticking with Barney Miller) but worth mentioning for the opening notes:
  9. Where's my mule? Where's my 40 acre?
  10. I was in a room full of Giants fans. As I recall there was a commercial break before the kick that was sheer torture....little did I know that would be fleeting compared to what lied ahead.
  11. Sweet. Not so much....give me the SNL parody instead.
  12. Thanks for posting. Hard to fully grasp the scope of what's going on, but that added a stark and depressing perspective. Looking forward to word that conditions start improving.
  13. Not a movie, but how about an honorable mention to the Family Guy Star Wars episodes.
  14. I agree it's in our best interest for the Pats to beat the Chiefs. That's all well and good before, during and after the game....as long as I'm not watching. If I turn the game on I will be rooting hard against the Pats and hoping to see Brady get knocked around like a rag doll.
  15. I read about the tick bite red meat allergy for the first time a few weeks ago and had the same reaction as you. This might be behind a fee wall: http://www.newsday.com/news/health/hundreds-on-east-end-get-meat-allergy-from-lone-star-tick-s-bite-1.13866631
  16. My personal opinion is that the quality of vodka is less important for drinks like the bloody mary. Not going rotgut. but I reserve the quality vodka for drinks that are closer to (or right at) straight up.
  17. You don't agree with my example of a good poster. Disagree, but no probs. Any comments on the substance of my post: that a good poster is well-reasoned and opinionated and welcomes debate?
  18. Oops A1, the steak sauce. It gives it a heartier flavor. Not too much or it overpowers. I usually make enough mix for a few drinks and then pour it over the vodka and ice. Gives me a chance to tweak the mix if I don't like it.
  19. Tomato juice Worcester and/or Ai sauce Horseradish Tabasco Lemon Ground black peppercorns Vodka Ice
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