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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. If I'm truly going all in on anyone it's Jimmy G. 2 1st round picks be damned. Suit him up and enjoy the trip to Foxboro for the next decade.
  2. I'd never met my wife. I was still an undergraduate. I had no kids. I still technically lived with my parents. My grandfather was still alive. I drove a maroon 1989 Pontiac Grand Am. My sister was still in high school. NONE of the students I've taught in the last 5 years had been born yet. Jack Eichel was 3 years old. You could still send a telegram. Nobody knew what a hanging chad was. Nobody knew who Osama bin Laden was. Renting videos was still a thing. HDTV was brand new.
  3. Let me rephrase, this has never happened anywhere on Earth in the history of man. Realize the game is rigged to keep the top at the top. It resets every now and again when someone sets the game board on fire but it eventually resorts itself with a different group at the top for awhile. Nobody gives a **** what "the people" say until the people start showing up with guillotines.
  4. This doesn't happen anywhere on Earth. Why should football be different?
  5. Obvi Bills need to win. Also need either Cincinnati to win OR Jacksonville and Oakland both to win. All of those games are now on simultaneously at 4:25. Something Billsy will happen, don't worry.
  6. Until the league and the network wants you to be marketable you aren't doing squat.
  7. Anybody else see the commercial for the NFL playoffs last night? The one that was done like a theatrical trailer and listed "the Seattle Seahawks" as one of the stars? Seahawks haven't made the playoffs yet. Not only do they need to win next week, they need Carolina to also win. Anybody wanna bet they will?
  8. I was using the idea of easy access to Toronto AND Rochester as the binding factors. Meaning it can't be too far from the 90 and not too far from either the Peace Bidge or the Lewiston-Queenston bridge. A place like Batavia while east of Buffalo is certainly too far from the border to be considered easy access for Toronto. UB is technically "east" of Buffalo as is Cheektowaga, as is Orchard Park if you are creative enough. To have the retail he was discussing almost necessitates that it be near SOME center of population. Putting it at (or adjacent to) UB also makes sense in reference to the discussed light rail extension to UB which would then effectively link the Pegula empire together. UB is also the sort of place that can absorb a big parking lot without it looking out of place when it's not a football day. Beaver Stadium, for example, is on the edge of campus and has acres of parking which are just used for other purposes the rest of the non-football year. The current Boulevard Mall (whose parent company is struggling mightily I might add) also might offer a large enough footprint of land in an already commerical area that is on the planned light rail extension, in between 2 exits of the 290, bracketed on all sides by existing 4 lane roads and essentially at the end of the 990. I'm hoping they don't park it way out in the boonies where there will only be 1 primary access road. If they put it much further out than Transit Rd. then the 90 becomes the main road for almost everyone. Obviously there are other routes, just like there are other routes to NEF but NEF has 2 highways in immediate proximity and a 4 lane and largely empty rt 5 to serve it. Of course they will be coy with exact locations for awhile so as not to bid up of the price of the real estate they want to buy.
  9. Yeah, I'm sorry I was distracted by the part where the receiver caught it to notice that part.
  10. While that is true you also need to understand that it's only relevant if the QBs in question make decisions at the same pace. Often a stronger armed QB will hold the ball longer or throw the ball into a smaller place because they grew up being able to do so while the player with the lesser arm had to learn to anticipate the throw because they couldn't just stick it in there. When you have a player with a strong arm AND a quick mind you have a HoF player. With just the strong arm you have JaMarcus Russell or Jay Cutler. With just the decision making you have Ty Detmer. You need an alchemist's combination of both. I don't know whether Peterman has that or not. I'm pretty sure I know that Taylor doesn't. At least not given the offense he was asked to run this season. Taylor is an amazing athlete but anticipatory throws have never been his forte and he has said as much himself. His propensity to protect the ball (good) and his reticence to throw a ball unless he can physically see the player open (bad) makes your passing game limited. Also, not to quibble about small parts of time, but aerodynamic drag is not a constant. The football traveling at 60MPH experiences more frictional drag than a ball traveling at 50MPH
  11. The defenseless receiver rule has completely changed the game and made it nearly impossible to defend the middle of the field against big players. In the past, you couldn't run someone like Rob Gronkowski down the seam in the middle and lob a high pass for him to outreach the DB for because he would get killed by someone like Steve Atwater or Dennis Smith or Ronnie Lott or Leonard Smith or Chuck Cecil, etc etc etc. You just wouldn't throw the ball there out of respect for your own player. Now, you can't hit the receiver high and you can't hit the receiver low, so all you can do is defend the ball but you better not touch the receiver at all when you're doing that or it's DPI. It changes the way you call a game as an offense because you have no fear of getting your star players murdered by throwing a ball into a place you shouldn't be throwing a ball. When's the last time you saw a receiver "alligator arm" a ball over the middle? There's no reason to be afraid because nobody is going to hit you for being there anymore. Is there still contact in football? Yeah. Is the game wildly different because if the rules? Yeah. I've said this before. Go watch a Bills game from 90-94 and count how many penalties there would be if that same game were played today. It's an absolutely massive number.
  12. Think there's a correlation between the increase of boxing and MMA fans and the decrease of hitting and violent contact in professional and college football?
  13. Righting one of the greater wrongs in Bills history. Not only was Ralph cheap, he was spiteful. Cookie and Lou are both up now.
  14. That's the most torturous thing about this team/site/group of morons?
  15. Go back and reread the thread except put a snarky, sarcastic, tone on all the posts praising Moore, Gase and the Dolphins. It's a fun read. Dilly dilly!
  16. He's still under contract even though he's not being paid game checks. The only thing he can do to force the Bills to release him is to show up for work. Then if the Bills don't want him there they have to release him. So long as he is "retired" he stays on the reserve/retired list right alongside Dri Archer. As of right now Boldin is only retired verbally. If he's looking for a trade that means he didn't file any paperwork with the league.
  17. It's still very early people. Let's not start patting ourselves on the back yet.
  18. Most players, all the announcers, half the officials, James Brown, the Energizer Bunny....
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